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研究生: 杜馬克
Marko Durasic
論文名稱: 幾何路由網路中有能源效率的調變式Beaconing機制
An Adaptive-efficient Beaconing Mechanism for Geographic Rouing
指導教授: 蔡榮宗
Tsai, Jung-Tsung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: geographic routingposition updatebeaconing mechanismGPSRperiodic beaconingbeaconing intervalMANET
英文關鍵詞: geographic routing, position update, beaconing mechanism, GPSR, periodic beaconing, beaconing interval, MANET
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:206下載:0
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  • In geographic routing, not much effort has been given to improving position update mechanism used by nodes in wireless Ad-Hoc networks which is an important issue in order to precisely maintain the geographic position of nodes. Nodes are periodically broadcasting beacon updates that contain geographic location coordinates to the nodes in their vicinity. This is an accepted scheme for maintaining neighbor’s positions. We are solving the problem of high beacon overhead caused by generation of beacons while considering mobility and traffic load of the network. For example, if the beacon interval is too short for nodes that move very slow, i.e. not rapidly changing position, periodic beaconing will create unnecessary amount of beacon updates. In the same way, nodes which are broadcasting lot of data packets will generate the same amount of beacons as the nodes that have fewer data packet to transmit which leads to needless waste of energy. To make progress on these problems, we propose Adaptive Energy-Efficient (AEE) mechanism for geographic routing. Based on mobility and traffic load of the network, AEE adapts the beaconing interval to the value that corresponds to the network’s demands. We have embedded AEE into well know Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing protocol (GPSR), and compared it with regular GPSR. We ran extensive simulations in Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) for both networks with high and low initial energy level. Results have shown that AEE reduces beacon overhead up to 90 percent, AEE also reduces energy consumption and the number of packet collision up to 83 percent, without worsening packet delivery fraction of the network. This adaptive method that reduces the number of collision and prolongs the battery usage of each node in the network can be very useful for MANET or VANET where system is completely ad-hoc and no infrastructure is used and nodes are relying on their own power sources.

    In geographic routing, not much effort has been given to improving position update mechanism used by nodes in wireless Ad-Hoc networks which is an important issue in order to precisely maintain the geographic position of nodes. Nodes are periodically broadcasting beacon updates that contain geographic location coordinates to the nodes in their vicinity. This is an accepted scheme for maintaining neighbor’s positions. We are solving the problem of high beacon overhead caused by generation of beacons while considering mobility and traffic load of the network. For example, if the beacon interval is too short for nodes that move very slow, i.e. not rapidly changing position, periodic beaconing will create unnecessary amount of beacon updates. In the same way, nodes which are broadcasting lot of data packets will generate the same amount of beacons as the nodes that have fewer data packet to transmit which leads to needless waste of energy. To make progress on these problems, we propose Adaptive Energy-Efficient (AEE) mechanism for geographic routing. Based on mobility and traffic load of the network, AEE adapts the beaconing interval to the value that corresponds to the network’s demands. We have embedded AEE into well know Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing protocol (GPSR), and compared it with regular GPSR. We ran extensive simulations in Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) for both networks with high and low initial energy level. Results have shown that AEE reduces beacon overhead up to 90 percent, AEE also reduces energy consumption and the number of packet collision up to 83 percent, without worsening packet delivery fraction of the network. This adaptive method that reduces the number of collision and prolongs the battery usage of each node in the network can be very useful for MANET or VANET where system is completely ad-hoc and no infrastructure is used and nodes are relying on their own power sources.

    Abstract............................................i List of Figures.....................................iii List of Tables......................................iv 1.Introduction......................................1 2.Related work......................................5 3.Adaptive Energy-efficient Beaconing Mechanism for Geographic Routing (AEE)............................7 3.1 AEE.............................................7 4.Performance evaluation............................14 4.1 Results showing the impact of AEE on various node speed and various numbers of data flows with high initial energy..............................................17 4.2 Results showing the impact of AEE on various node speed and various numbers of data flows with low initial energy..............................................28 5.Conclusion........................................43 References..........................................44

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