簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 簡明芳
論文名稱: 碳黑前處理對PtRu/C催化表現的影響
Effects of pretreatment of carbon black on PtRu/C catalysts performance
指導教授: 洪偉修
Hung, Wei-Hsiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 碳黑修飾鉑釕催化劑直接甲醇燃料電池
英文關鍵詞: carbon black, PtRu catalyst, DMFC
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:316下載:0
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  • 在本研究,對直接甲醇燃料電池之陽極催化劑支持物(碳黑)進行化學處理,並測試其對甲醇電氧化的催化活性。碳黑經由過錳酸鉀、過錳酸鉀加硝酸、硝酸以及過氧化氫處理而官能基化。利用FT-IR和XPS來測定碳黑上表面含氧官能基。從結果發現,碳黑經由這些氧化處理可以讓表面含氧官能基增加。

    The chemical treatment of the carbon black support on the performance for methanol electrooxidation was studied. The carbon black was functionalized with KMnO4, KMnO4+HNO3, HNO3 and H2O2. The surface oxygen complexes of the carbon black were determined with FT-IR and XPS. The results showed that the surface oxygen complexes of the carbon black increase after the oxidation treatments.
    The PtRu catalysts were deposited on the carbon black with two different methods: reduction and adsorption. PtRu catalysts supported on the untreated and treated carbon blacks were characterized with XPS, ICP-AES, XRD, and TEM. The loading of the PtRu by reduction was related to the amount of surface oxygen complexes on the carbon black. The presence of surface oxygen complexes improves the wettability of the carbon black and, hence make the reduction of the precursors easier. The electrocatalytic activities of PtRu on the pretreated carbon black were investigated with the CV and EIS measurements in the oxidation of methanol. The pretreatment of carbon black, especially with H2O2, significantly improves the electrocatalytic performance.

    謝誌 ----------------------------------------------------- I 中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- II 英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------ III 第一章 序論 ----------------------------------------------- 1 1-1 前言 --------------------------------------------- 1 1-2 催化金屬對甲醇氧化的機制 ---------------------------- 2 1-3 Pt與Ru原子比例對催化效果的影響 ---------------------- 5 1-4 作為催化劑支持物的碳材修飾 -------------------------- 6 1-5 催化劑製備法 -------------------------------------- 8 1-5-1 含浸法(impregnation method) ---------------- 8 1-5-2 微乳化法(microemulsion method) ------------- 8 1-5-3 膠體法(colloidal method) ------------------- 9 1-5-4 多醇法(polyol method) ---------------------- 9 1-5-5 葡萄醣還原法(glucose reducetion processs) --- 9 第二章 原理 ---------------------------------------------- 10 2-1 金屬前驅物的還原劑-乙二醇 -------------------------- 10 2-2 分析儀器應用理論 ---------------------------------- 10 2-2-1 傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(FT-IR) ----------------- 10 2-2-2 誘導耦合電漿原子發射光譜(ICP-AES) ------------ 11 2-2-3 粉末X光繞射儀(XRD) ------------------------- 12 2-2-4 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM) ----------------------- 13 2-2-5 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) ----------------------- 14 2-2-6 X-光光電子光譜分析儀(XPS) ------------------ 15 2-2-7 循環伏安法(CV) ----------------------------- 17 2-2-8 電化學阻抗譜(EIS) -------------------------- 19 第三章 實驗 ---------------------------------------------- 21 3-1 實驗藥品 ----------------------------------------- 21 3-2 碳黑前處理 --------------------------------------- 23 3-3-1 將PtRu還原於碳黑上 ------------------------- 24 3-3-2 將PtRu吸附於碳黑上 ------------------------- 25 3-4 工作電極的製備 ----------------------------------- 25 3-5 電性測試 ----------------------------------------- 26 第四章 結果與討論 ----------------------------------------- 27 4-1 經過前處理之碳黑 ---------------------------------- 27 4-1-1 經過前處理之碳黑的FT-IR鑑定 ----------------- 27 4-1-2 經過前處理之碳黑的XPS鑑定 ------------------- 28 4-2 將PtRu座落於碳黑上 ------------------------------- 32 第一部份:將PtRu還原於碳黑上 ------------------------- 32 4-2-1-1 PtRu@C之XRD鑑定 ------------------------- 32 4-2-1-2 PtRu@C之TEM鑑定 ------------------------- 34 4-2-1-3 PtRu@C之ICP-AES鑑定 --------------------- 37 4-2-1-4 PtRu@C之XPS鑑定 ------------------------- 38 4-2-1-6 PtRu@C之催化效果測量 --------------------- 42 第二部分:將PtRu吸附於碳黑上 ------------------------- 46 4-2-2-1 PtRu@C之XRD鑑定 ------------------------- 46 4-2-2-2 PtRu@C之SEM鑑定 ------------------------- 47 4-2-2-3 PtRu@C之TEM鑑定 ------------------------- 49 4-2-2-4 PtRu@C之ICP-AES鑑定 --------------------- 49 4-2-2-5 PtRu@C之XPS鑑定 ------------------------- 51 4-2-2-6 PtRu@C之催化效果測量 --------------------- 53 4-3 結論 -------------------------------------------- 58 第五章 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------- 60

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