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研究生: 許憲銓
論文名稱: Tb1-xEuxMnO3多鐵電及結構相性研究
The magnetic and dielectric phase diagram of Tb1-xEuxMnO3
指導教授: 徐永源
Hsu, Yung-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 順電及傾斜反鐵磁螺旋式磁鐵電有序Rietveld方法多鐵電
英文關鍵詞: canted-antiferromagnetic paraelectric state, spiral-ordered magnetic, ferroelectric state, Rietveld method, multiferroic
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:241下載:1
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  • 在Tb1-xEuxMnO3的物理特性和磁電相圖中,我們反映了兼具順電及傾斜反鐵磁(Eu)到包含螺旋式磁鐵電有序的多鐵電(Tb)之間在低溫的相變。
    在本文中,Tb1-xEuxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1, Eu-Tb) 的相圖和之前所報導的Eu1-xYxMnO3 (Eu-Y)和Tb1-xGdxMnO3 (Gd-Tb)的系統皆有鐵電性是經由Dzyalosinski-Moriya (DM) 交互作用發生在複雜電性轉換的極化方向邊界。而Tb1-xEuxMnO3的優勢是近似平均離子半徑<rR>包含(Gd-Tb)系統且避免GdMnO3的不確定相;另一方面,穩定且充分研究的TbMnO3在Eu-Tb的系統相較於YMnO3在不穩定的Eu-Y的系統更可提供確切的系統訊息。
    Rietveld方法分析說明了求得Mn-O2-Mn鍵角在ab平面隨著x的增加而變大。已觀察到反鐵磁磁有序的Neél溫度大約在44到52 K。介電係數在28 K左右的波峰也說明此溫度以下進入了鐵電相。此外,Tb1-xEuxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5)的等溫磁滯曲線在所有多鐵電材料中顯示存有似迴圈的異常磁性。此外,為了研究聲子模式隨著不同的Eu濃度在正交多晶晶格Tb1-xEuxMnO3的變化,我們也做了有關拉曼方面的測量。

    The physical properties and electromagnetic phase diagram of Tb1-xEuxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) system is reported, which undergoes transitions from canted-antiferromagnetic paraelectric state (Eu-side) to spiral-ordered magnetic, ferroelectric state (Tb-side), also known as multiferroic state, at low temperature.
    The phase diagrams of Tb1-xEuxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1, Eu-Tb) is similar to those reported for , Eu1-xYxMnO3 (Eu-Y) and Tb1-xGdxMnO3 (Gd-Tb) systems in the literatures, whose ferroelectricities are due to Dzyalosinski-Moriya (DM) interaction with complicated polarization re-orientation near the ferroelectric phase boundary. The advantage of the Tb1-xEuxMnO3 system is that the average <rR> can cover the Gd-Tb system and avoid the uncertain state of GdMnO3; on the other hand, the stable and well-studied end member TbMnO3 of Eu-Tb system can provide more reliable systematic information than the unstable orthorhombic YMnO3 in Eu-Y system.
    The Rietveld refinement analysis indicates that the ab-plain Mn-O2-Mn bond angle increases smoothly as x increases. The observed antiferromagnetic ordering temperature, TN, varies from 44 to 52 K. The dielectric constant ε’(x,T) having peaks around 28 K indicates system enters ferroelectric phase below these temperatures. In addition, the isothermal magnetic hysteresis of Tb1-xEuxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) showed anomalous meta-magnetism like loops in all multiferroic samples. In order to investigate the Eu content x dependence of the phonon modes we also employ room temperature Raman scattering on orthorhombic polycrystalline Tb1-xEuxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1).

    中文摘要 I Abstract II Content III List of Figures IV List of Tables IX 致謝 X 1 Introduction to multiferroics 1 1.1 Electronic-magneto materials 1 1.2 The colossal magnetoresistive oxides (CMR) materials and multiferroics 3 1.3 The Dzyalosinski-Moriya interactions (DM) 4 2 Experimental Details 8 2.1 Bulk samples preparation 8 2.2 Powder x-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement 11 2.3 Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurement 13 2.4 Impendence and dielectric measurement 16 2.5 Raman scattering 18 3 The Physical properties of Tb1-xEuxMnO3 19 3.1 Structural properties 19 3.2 Magnetic properties 32 3.3 Electric properties 48 3.4 Raman scattering spectra analysis 55 4 Conclusion 67 Reference 70 Appendix 73

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