研究生: |
蔡金枝 Chai, Jin Zhi |
論文名稱: |
幼兒自主神經系統的激發與奮力控制的關聯探討 Relation between Autonomic Nervous System Arousal and Effortful Control in Preschoolers |
指導教授: |
Jong, Jyh-Tsorng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 幼兒 、自主神經系統 、激發 、奮力控制 |
英文關鍵詞: | arousal, autonomic nervous system, effortful control, preschoolers |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900514 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:333 下載:2 |
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本研究旨在瞭解幼兒自主神經系統的激發與奮力控制的關聯,也探討 幼兒性別、年齡、家庭社經地位不同,幼兒的自主神經系統激發與奮力控制的差異。本研究以304位滿 3 歲及滿4歲的幼兒為研究對象, 這些受試幼兒來自臺北市、新北市及桃園市的 11所幼兒園。研究工具選用 Heart Math 發展的「emWave Pro HRV」心率回饋儀測量幼兒的心率變異、「ROSSMAX CF-155」手臂式電子血壓計測量幼兒的血壓(舒張壓、收縮壓及脈搏)收集幼兒在賽門說(Simon Says)情境的自主神經系統激發生理參數;再由父母填寫的「兒童行為量表—極簡短版」(CBQ-VSF)及幼兒的賽門說(Simon Says)任務遊戲得分評估幼兒的奮力控制表現。調查所得資料以SPSS23.0統計軟體之描述統計、相依樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸等方式進行資料分析。本研究主要發現如下:
The purposes of this study were to understand the relation between autonomic nervous system arousal and effortful control in preschools, and explore the differences of gender, age, and socio-economic status (SES) in autonomic nervous system arousal and effortful control respectively. 304 preschoolers aged 3 and 4 from 11 preschools in Taipei, New Taipei City and Taoyuan participated in this study. By using the ⸢HeartMath's ‘emWave Pro HRV’ heart rate feedback device⸥ to measure the heart rate variability of ,and the ⸢ ‘ROSSMAX CF-155’ arm-type electronic sphygmomanometer⸥ to measure the blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure and pulse), the preschoolers’ autonomic nervous system arousal data was collected. In addition, ⸢Children’s Behavior Questionnaire – Very Short Form⸥ completed by parents and ⸢Simon Says Task⸥ was to assess the preschoolers’ effortful control. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired sample t test, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression. The main findings were summarized as follows:
1.The systolic pressure of the preschoolers was higher after the Simon Says Task, but the heart rate variability did not differ significantly before and after the Task.
2.In CBQ-VSF, the preschoolers’ perception sensitivity was better, while the inhibition control was weaker. In addition, the inhibition response in Simon Says Task was performed weaker. Also, ‘attention focusing’ in CBQ-VSF was significant related to Simon Says Task.
3.The differences among the age, gender, and SES as below:
(1)Three-year-olds have higher heart rate variability (VLF) and higher pulse rate than those four-year-olds.
(2)Four-year-olds were better than three-year-olds at the scores of ‘attention focusing’ in CBQ-VSF and the scores in Simon Says Task.
(3)The pulse rate of the girls was higher than the boys’, but the systolic blood pressure of the boys was higher than the girls’.
(4)The total CBQ-VSF scores of the girls were higher than the boys’, but there was no significant difference in Simon Says between the boys and the girls.
(5)SES didn’t associate with preschoolers’ autonomic nervous system arousal. Preschoolers in lower SES performed well at ‘perceptual sensitivity’ in CHA-VSF than those in middle SES.
4.The relationship between the autonomic nervous system arousal and effortful control in preschoolers:
(1)The lower VLF index, the better ‘inhibition control’ in CBQ-VSF.
(2)Before arousal, the higher systolic blood pressure, the better ‘low intensity pleasure’ in CBQ-VSF; after arousal, the higher systolic blood pressure, the poorer ‘low intensity pleasure’ in CBQ-VSF.
(3)Simon Says Task had no significant correlation and no prediction on preschoolers’ autonomic nervous system.
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