研究生: |
張賢榮 |
論文名稱: |
影響技專校院電機科系推動產學合作研究發展之相關因素研究 |
指導教授: |
Tien, Chen-Jung 林炎旦 Lin, Yen-Tan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 250 |
中文關鍵詞: | 產學合作 、研究發展 、技專校院 、電機科系 |
英文關鍵詞: | Industy and Education Partnership, Research and Development(R&D), Institute and University of Technology, Electronic Engineering Departments |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:440 下載:36 |
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(一) 在影響產學合作研究發展相關因素共有政策法令(3細項)、行政管理(12細項)、經費獎勵(4細項)、專業知能(7細項)、資訊蒐取(6細項)與交流互動(9細項)等六構面因素。
(二) 就學校教師對影響相關因素看法
1、 學校教師對影響相關因素看呈現高影響程度,且在經費獎勵、專業知能構面認為影響程度較高,而資訊蒐取及交流互動兩構面認為影響程度則偏低;2、有合作研發經驗教師對影響相關因素看法在行政管理與經費獎勵構面高於無合作研發經驗者;3、不同合作研發經驗教師對於影響相關因素看法在資訊蒐取與交流互動構面有差異存在;4、產學雙方的權利與抵稅辦法的研議是推動技專校院電機科系產學合作研究發展重要考量因素;5、學校相關人員對產學合作研究發展的重視程度、各項設備的支援以及將研發成果納入學校評比項目為推動技專校院電機科系產學合作研究發展重要考量因素;6、學校應將研究成果作為參與研究教師的升等誘因,充足的經費亦是學校推動技專校院電機科系產學合作研究發展的必要條件;7、學校研發教師的能力與對研發主題的熟悉程度、研發教師的責任感是推動產學合作研究發展的重要考量因素;8、優秀產學合作研究發展教師的網羅與學校能適時提供最新的技術情報以及對於產學合作資源的建立是推動技專校院電機科系產學合作研究發展的重要考量因素;9、企業必須提供教師在職進修與訓練的機會、產學合作研究發展網路的建置並透過此網路的交流與互動是推動技專校院電機科系產學合作研究發展的重要考量因素
(三) 就企業研發人員對影響相關因素看法
(四) 就學校教師與企業研發人員及有合作研發經驗者對影響因素
In hope of raising referential method for the activation of industy and education partnership, this study purpose to explore the internal and external factors of the industy and education partnership , and take into account the opinions of electronic engineering department teachers and business research development personal on this subject.
To carry out the study, The methodology researched relating literature as the foundation of the project theory; furthermore, gathered effective information by distributing questionnaire that edited about the relating factors.
Research objects included teachers of electronic engineering departments of vocational colleges and relating corporations. Total effective samples sum up to be 343 copies. The collected information was processed by descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, means and standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as students' t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Scheffe's posterior comparisons. With the statistics analysis, follow results with attained:
1. The significant factors that affects industy and education partnership categories: government policies (3 articles), management (12 articles), financial rewards (4 articles), professional knowledge (7 articles), and data obtaining (6articles).
2. Among the samples of the school teachers, the level of significance was scarce when it came to different school types, years of teaching experience, teaching subjects, bureaucratic positions, and educational levels; whereas the difference in the levels were apparent concerning the aspect of experience in cooperative development, and numbers of years in cooperative development experience.
3. Among the samples of the industries, the level of significance was not obvious considering industrial capital sum, educational level, numbers ofyears in cooperative development experience and working positions; however, the significance rises considering owership, industrial structure , owership and experience in cooperative development.
4. Comparing school teachers and business research and development people, there was a significant difference in the aspects of total presentation and government policies, management, financial rewards, professional knowledge and active communication, meanwhile data obtaining demonstrates no apparent difference.
5. Comparing experienced school teachers and business research and development workers, significant differences were apparent in the categories of total presentation, government policies, management, and financial rewards. Meanwhile, professional knowledge and data obtaining and active communication shew no significant difference. This research hopes to provide constructive advice to the government, academic institutions and business corporations concerning the improvement of the cooperation between the academy, business and industry.
Keywords:Industy and Education Partnership , Research and Development(R&D) , Institute and University of Technology , Electronic Engineering Departments
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