研究生: |
林麗娟 Lin, Li-Chuan |
論文名稱: |
臺灣南部某高中學生減重產品數位行銷素養教育介入效果研究 The Intervention Effects of Digital Marketing Literacy Education on Weight-Loss Products for Students from A High School in Southern Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Chang, Fong-Ching |
口試委員: |
Chang, Fong-Ching 李景美 Lee, Ching-Mei 陳政友 Chen, Cheng-Yu 邱瓊慧 Chiu, Chiung-Hui 陳炳宏 Chen, Ping-Hung |
口試日期: | 2025/01/16 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2025 |
畢業學年度: | 113 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 111 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高中生 、數位行銷素養 、減重產品 、教育介入 |
英文關鍵詞: | high school students, digital marketing literacy, weight-loss products, education intervention |
研究方法: | 準實驗設計法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500333 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:104 下載:0 |
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本研究目的是評價減重產品數位行銷素養教育介入對高中生數位行銷素養、體重感知、抵抗說服行為、抵抗說服行為意圖與購買意圖之影響。本研究係採類實驗設計。以高雄市一所市立高中11年級學生為研究對象,參與者共有326 名學生,實驗組189名學生,對照組137名學生。本研究於民國112年3月至6月進行,實驗組學生進行前、後測及4次50分鐘的減重產品數位行銷素養介入課程,而對照組則接受前、後測與一般教學。結果顯示減重產品數位行銷素養教育介入能顯著提升高中學生的數位行銷素養與抵抗說服意圖,然對學生體重感知、抵抗說服行為與購買意圖無顯著影響。建議將減重產品數位行銷素養教育融入高中課程,以提升學生網路上數位行銷識別能力與抵抗數位行銷因應能力,及預防當前青少年日益嚴重不健康飲食行為及健康體位等問題。
This study examined the impact of a digital marketing literacy education intervention targeting weight-loss products on high school students' digital marketing literacy, weight perception, persuasion resistance intentions, persuasion resistance behaviors, and purchase intentions. A quasi-experimental design was employed, involving 11th-grade students from a municipal high school in Kaohsiung City. A total of 326 students participated, with 189 in the intervention group and 137 in the comparison group. The results showed that the intervention significantly improved students' digital marketing literacy and their intentions to resist persuasion. However, no significant effects were observed on weight perception, persuasion resistance behaviors, or purchase intentions. The study highlights the importance of integrating digital marketing literacy education on weight-loss products into high school curricula to enhance students' ability to critically analyze and respond to digital marketing, particularly on social media. Incorporating this education into school-based health promotion programs may help reduce unhealthy dietary behaviors and address weight-related health issues among adolescents.
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