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研究生: 邵柏潤
論文名稱: 以肢體動作分析為基礎之新生兒意外監控系統
An Infant Monitoring System Based on Behavior Analysis
指導教授: 方瓊瑤
Fang, Chiung-Yao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 新生兒嬰兒意外系統
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:292下載:7
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  • 科技日益更新,近年來基於人身的安全需求,自動化即時監控系統的相關研究正在快速的成長,一套監視系統可以幫助我們監控戶外與室內的環境狀況,甚至於面對現在少子化社會的到來,新生兒居家安全的監控與追蹤更顯得重要。
    本研究主要應用在分析新生兒的動作,在視覺式監控系統的監控下避免新生兒發生意外。監控攝影機架設於嬰兒床的正上方,系統讀入連續時間的新生兒動作影像,偵測新生兒肢體部位並與前一個時間的偵測結果追蹤比對,並利用新生兒肢體動作示意圖(posture map)來表示追蹤比對的結果。

    This paper presents a vision-based infant-monitoring system based on infant behavior analysis approach to avoid the occurrence of the infant’s accidents. In this study the video camera is set above the crib to capture the video sequence of the infants. The system first preprocesses the input sequence to remove the noises and reduce the influence of lights and shadows. Second, the infant-monitoring system detects the infant’s limbs and matching them to the pre-defined posture maps. These posture maps can be regard as a node and be linked to construct a motion graph. The motion graph describes the current infant’s motion. All the motion graphs can be merged into a behavior graph to describe the infant’s behaviors ever occurring before.
    If some unusual situations happen, for example, an input limb map does not exist in the behavior graph or be matched to a danger node then the system then alerts the baby-sitter to take care of the infant immediately. Since the infants grow very fast and their growing processes are various, the behavior graph should be updated to fit the current behaviors of infants. The experimental results show that the method has the ability to work robustly in real-time.

    圖目錄...........................................0-5 第一章 緒論......................................1-1 1.1研究背景與目的............................1-1 1.2文獻探討..................................1-2 1.3 論文架構.................................1-4 第二章 新生兒意外監控系統........................2-1 2.1系統目的..................................2-1 2.2系統流程..................................2-2 2.2.1影像前處理..........................2-6 第三章 新生兒的肢體動作示意圖....................3-1 3.1肢體動作示意圖............................3-1 3.2新生兒肢體動作示意圖比對..................3-5 3.2.1新生兒肢體部位特徵擷取..............3-5 3.2.2肢體部位對應........................3-9 第四章 新生兒動作分析............................4-1 4.1分析系統流程..............................4-1 4.2動作關係圖的建構與分析....................4-3 第五章 實驗結果..................................5-1 第六章 結論與未來工作............................6-1 6.1 結論.....................................6-1 6.2未來工作..................................6-2 參考文獻.........................................A-1 附錄.............................................A-5

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