研究生: |
黃俊程 |
論文名稱: |
合作學習對國中七年級學生的數學學習成就與數學焦慮的影響 |
指導教授: |
Lee, Tien-Ying 譚克平 Tam, Hak-Ping |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 167 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學生小組成就區分法 、數學學習成就 、數學焦慮 、函數 、一元一次不等 |
英文關鍵詞: | STAD, mathematics achievement, mathematics anxiety, Function, Linear Inequality |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1099 下載:96 |
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本研究探討不同教學法對學生數學的學習成效。研究對象是北部某國中的七年級兩個班級的學生,共 68人,採準實驗研究設計,以班為單位隨機分成實驗組和對照組,實驗組以5~6人的異質小組方式進行學生小組成就區分教學法,教學流程有五步驟:一、全班授課;二、分組學習;三、小考與進步分數;四、小組(個人)獎勵;五、團體歷程,分組學習輔以「同儕教導」與融入「小組解題競賽」促進討論動力並增進合作學習效果。對照組以傳統講述教學講述法為主,教學流程有五步驟:一、全班授課;二、個別學習;三、小考與進步分數;四、個人獎勵;五、教師檢討,個別學習輔以個人上台解題,以檢驗各人學習成效。研究工具包括:數學學習成就測驗與數學焦慮量表,其中數學學習成就測驗共25題,內容與函數單元與不等式單元相關,實測信度(α)為 .92,效度採用專家效度;數學焦慮量表採用魏麗敏(1988)所發展的量表,有四向度,分別為測驗焦慮、厭惡、擔憂、壓力知覺,總共30題,信度(α)為 .91。資料以SPSS17.0套裝軟體分析描述性統計、變數相關、獨立樣本 t 檢定、多因子多變量分析與 Hotelling T 平方。研究發現為一、實驗組學生數學學習成就顯著高於對照組;二、實驗組學生對理解層次的試題顯著高於對照組;三、實驗組學生在函數圖形概念顯著高於對照組;四、實驗組學生在延宕成績顯著高於對照組;五、實驗組的數學焦慮呈現下降(13.5分降至12.6分),對照組數學焦慮呈現上升(11.3分上升至12.5分),但未呈顯著差異;六、只要有數學課程或數學測驗,學生就會開始焦慮不安;七、學生厭惡學習數學。依據研究結果,提出建議如下:(一)在函數與不等式單元,教師使用STAD教學法能提升學生的數學學習成就,教師可應用此STAD教學策略於教學上;(二)持續探究STAD教學法在不同單元的學習成就與數學焦慮;(三)本研究只探究六星期,在數學焦慮有差異但未達顯著,建議未來研究以較長時間的使用STAD教學法,探討其對數學焦慮的影響。
This study investigated students learning effectiveness by using different teaching methods. The sample of this study was 68 seventh grade students of two classes from a high school in the northern Taiwan The study was a using quasi-experimental research design, and randomly divided two class into experimental and control groups.The experimental group with 5 to 6 students in a group. Research tools include Mathematics Achievement Test and the Mathematics Anxiety Scale. The Mathematics achievement test had 25 questions, content and function of linear and linear inequalities, Experimental validity was adapted test reliability α value was .92. The Mathematics Anxiety Scale compiled by Dr. Wei, Lee-Min (1988), which has four dimensions: test anxiety, disgust, fear, perceived stress. Removing the low correlation questions, there are 30 questions, and reliability (α) was .91. The data was analyzed by SPSS17.0 package about descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, multi-factor analysis and multivariate Hotelling T square. Findings are: (1) the experimental group achieved significant higher mathematics scores over the control group; (2) the experimental group had significant higher levels of understanding over the control group; (3) the experimental group had significantly higher graphics unit to function over the control group; (4) the experimental group had a significant higher effect on the delay over the control group; (5) the experimental group on average math anxiety was decreased (13.5 down to 12.6 points), the control group is increased on average of math anxiety (11.3 rise to 12.5 points), but no significant difference.; (6) as long as there was mathematics lesson or math test, students will begin to feel anxious; (7) students dislike learning mathematics. Based on the findings, recommendations were as follows: (1) in the functions and inequalities unit, teachers can enhance students’ mathematics achievement by using STAD teaching strategies; (2) continues to explore STAD method in different units of learning achievement and mathematics anxiety;(3) this study explored only six weeks. There are differences in math anxiety, but less significant, suggest that future research use of STAD teaching a long time to investigate the effects of math anxiety.
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