研究生: |
陳婉㚬 |
論文名稱: |
由概念改變探討科學史建模教學對學生熱傳播概念與建模能力之影響 Effects of Science History Modeling Teaching on Students’ Concept of Heat Transfer and Modeling Ability via Concept Change |
指導教授: | 邱美虹 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 240 |
中文關鍵詞: | 概念改變 、模型 、科學史建模 、熱傳播 |
英文關鍵詞: | concept change, model, science history modeling, heat transfer |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:330 下載:62 |
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In the research, the concept of heat transfer in textbooks was adopted as a guideline for curriculum content and instructional design.To explore the effects of different instructional methods on students’ learning of the concept of heat transfer, control group, modeling teaching and science history modeling teaching were used.Moreover, according to Modeling Ability Analytic Index(Chang & Chiu, 2009), the author of the thesis examined the influences of different instructional methods on students’ modeling ability.Then, the author made a further exploration of the influence of the interactions between students’ modeling ability and concept change.In the end, the author delved into the impact of different instructional methods on students’ understanding of the nature of science models.
The research subjects were 84 5th graders.The research tools included the pretest, posttest and retention test of two-tier multiple choice instrument of heat transfer and those of heat transfer modeling ability test and the pretest and posttest of nature of science model text.
The objective of this thesis was to inquire into the feasibility of the use of modeling teaching and science history modeling teaching in elementary schools so as to serve as a reference for the future construction of correlated curricula in other areas or schools.The research results were as follows.
1. Science history modeling teaching and modeling teaching were obviously better than the control group in terms of the overall teaching effects and the science concept retention after three weeks.After the enquiry of the learning effect of each heat transfer concept, the author discovered that science history modeling teaching was better than modeling teaching in the micro behavior dimension of retention tests.
2. The science models of heat transfer were comprised of the ones of conduction, convection and radiation.The ideas in the domain and composition dimensions of the science model of conduction were the easiest to learn.Those in the structure dimension were the second easiest to learn.The ideas in the macro behavior dimension of the science model of conduction were the hardest to learn. In terms of the science model of convection, the ideas in the composition and macro behavior dimensions were the easiest to learn. Those in the structure dimension were the second easiest to learn. The hardest to learn was those in the domain dimension.As for the science model of radiation, the easiest to learn was those in the macro behavior dimension; the second easiest, the composition dimension; the hardest, the domain dimension.Of the three sub-concepts, the hardest one to understand was the ideas about the micro behavior dimension, in which it was hard for the students to change their false beliefs and the phenomenon of conceptual regression was common is this dimension.
3. Science history modeling teaching and modeling teaching were clearly better than the control group in terms of the heat transfer modeling ability and the modeling ability retention after three weeks.After the inquiry of the modeling ability of each modeling process, the author discovered that science history modeling was far better than modeling teaching in the model validation and model application.
4. There was a significant and positive correlation between the concepts of heat transfer and heat transfer modeling ability in the posttests and retention tests of the science history modeling teaching and modeling teaching.However, in the control group, only in posttests was there a significant and positive correlation between the concepts of heat transfer and heat transfer modeling ability.After making a further study, the author found that there was a significant and positive correlation between the modeling ability of model construction and the concept of heat transfer in posttests and retention tests.
5. In terms of the effects of the nature of science models, the science history modeling teaching and modeling teaching were considerably better than the control group. After a further examination of the three dimensions of the nature of science models, the author discovered that the science history modeling was only significantly better than modeling teaching in the topic of context in science model epistemology.
According the abovementioned findings, modeling teaching helps students comprehend science concepts, construct science models, improve modeling ability and better understand the nature of science models.If the materials of science history can be added to modeling teaching, students will better comprehend the concepts in micro behavior dimension, increase the abilities of model validation and model application and understand the topic of context in science model epistemology.
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