研究生: |
王俊硯 Wang, Chun-Yen |
論文名稱: |
臺灣地區運動舞蹈選手知覺教練領導行為與團隊凝聚力對成績表現影響之研究 A study on relationship of DanceSport players perceived coaches’ leadership behavior, team cohesion, and grade performance in Taiwan |
指導教授: | 鄭志富 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 運動舞蹈 、教練領導行為 、團隊凝聚力 |
英文關鍵詞: | DanceSport, coaches’ leadership behavior, team cohesion |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:347 下載:4 |
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一、 教練的訓練與指導行為對臺灣地區運動舞蹈選手最具影響力,團隊凝聚力則以團隊合作最能凝聚選手對此項運動的熱情與向心力。
二、 臺灣地區運動舞蹈選手在性別、年齡、接受訓練時間、最高參賽層級、最佳成績等知覺教練領導行為有影響力。
三、 臺灣地區運動舞蹈選手在性別、年齡、接受訓練時間、最高參賽層級、最佳成績等知覺團隊凝聚力有影響力。
四、 教練領導行為的「關懷行為」、「專制行為」及團隊凝聚力的「團隊合作」、「人際吸引」、「人際親合」對成績表現具有預測力。
This study aimed to explore the relationship of DanceSport players perceived coaches’ leadership, team cohesion, and grade performance in Taiwan. The participants are national DanceSport players in 2015 Taiwan Stars, which held on March, 14, 2014 to May, 10, 2014. Through 296 questionnaires survey to examine of relationship between DanceSport coaches’ leadership behavior, team cohesive, and grade performance in Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and hierarchical regression analysis were used to address research questions in data analysis. The major findings were as followed:
1. The DanceSport players in Taiwan were influenced by coaches’ training and tutoring. Team cohesion is the most effective motivation to maintain players’ passion and cohesive force.
2. The DanceSport players in Taiwan were more influenced by coaches’ leadership behavior on the highest level competition and the best grade. Furthermore, different gender, ages, and participant years were also affected.
3. The DanceSport players in Taiwan were more affected to team cohesion on the highest level of competition and the best grade. Moreover, different gender, ages, and participant years ere also affected.
4. “Behavior of care” and “Strict behavior” of coaches’ leadership behavior and “team working”, “interpersonal attractive” and “interpersonal compatibility” of team cohesion were positively associated with grade performance.
The findings of this study could be a reference to the domestic DanceSport coaches to lead players as well as players’ future training plan. Furthermore, this study can improve level of DanceSport in Taiwan, and makes Taiwan DanceSport’s grades more extraordinary.
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