簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 邵曼琦
Shau, Man-Chi
論文名稱: 靈動虛幻與現實意境融合-邵曼琦水墨繪畫創作論述
The Fusion of Dynamic Illusory and Realistic Artistic Conception-a Discussion By Shau Man-Chi Ink Painting
指導教授: 李振明
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 靈動虛幻超現實主義魔幻寫實科技木皮漢畫墨流
英文關鍵詞: smart, illusory, surrealism, magic realism, technology veneer, Han painting, ink flow
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900902
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:311下載:6
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  • 本論文研究之目的,乃藉由東西方神話幻想、超現實主義畫風、魔幻寫實風格之探索,輔助筆者之思想脈絡與創作方向,期能較完備地建立自我的創作風格與理論體系。在進入師大研究所的學習歷程,在追求能創作出具有個人風格的畫作。選擇以女性人物為主,以畫人的內心思想情緒為主要的表現方式。





    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the ideological context and creative direction of the author through the exploration of the mythical fantasy of the East and the West, the surrealistic style of painting, and the magical realistic style. It is possible to establish a self-created style and theoretical system more completely. In the course of learning at the National Taiwan Normal University, I was able to create a painting with a personal style. The main choice is female characters, with the inner thoughts and emotions of painting people as the main expressions.
    First, the author constructs a feminine form of beauty and an illusory time and space with his own illusions about the multiple perspectives of contemporary women.
    Second, analyze the expression techniques of fantasy art and imaginative painting in China and the West, and use the symbolic meaning of images to explore the creation
    The relationship between content and creative form, looks for the theme and direction of future creation.
    Third, try to use different materials, such as technology veneer and other materials used by people, with different painting techniques,for example:using ink flow. using collage, or rubbing to make the picture look dreamy, confusing, fresh and refined.
    Fourth, the creation of Chinese and Western painting theories, so that the content of the creation is richer and deeper, and gives the meaning of the times and individual unique views.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 創作動機與目的 1 第二節 創作方法與內容 4 第三節 研究方法與限制 7 第四節 名詞釋義 11 第二章 現實與虛幻與藝術創作的關係 12 第一節 創作靈感的觸發-找尋真實與虛幻 12 第二節 東西方超現實畫風的精神意涵 20 第三節 創作的表現-虛實並存之想像與情感的意象融合 29 第三章 美術理論與創作實踐 31 第一節 相關美術理論的研究 31 第二節 當代繪畫風格的觀察 41 第三節 創作研究與實踐心得 58 第四章 創作進行的方法與歷程 60 第一節 個人創作理念之詮釋 60 第二節 創作的技法 63 第三節 形式的選定與畫面規劃 69 第四節 創作進行的轉折 74 第五章 作品風格形式與解析 81 第六章 結論 118 參考文獻 120

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