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研究生: 廖庭卉
Liao, Ting-Hui
論文名稱: 台灣組織內口譯員的知覺組織支持
Perceived Organizational Support of In-house Interpreters in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
口試委員: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
Ju, Ming-Li
Albert L. Chang
口試日期: 2025/01/24
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 組織內口譯員知覺組織支持
英文關鍵詞: in-house interpreter, perceived organizational support
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法問卷法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500295
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:73下載:0
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  • 組織內口譯員作為組織的一員,現有研究卻少有探討組織內口譯員與組織間的關係,因此本研究以組織支持理論為基礎,探討台灣組織內口譯員(in-house interpreter)的知覺組織支持(perceived organizational support, POS)。本研究結合量性研究的問卷法與質性研究的半結構式訪談法,以Eisenberger et al. (1986) 的知覺組織支持問卷(Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, SPOS)為基礎,調查了13位任職於台灣的組織內口譯員的POS,發現受訪者的POS均為正向,可見受訪之組織內口譯員均能感受到組織的支持。除此之外,本研究也發現組織規模與制度、口譯員的支援性質、以及口譯服務對象對口譯員的依賴程度三項因素對組織內口譯員的知覺組織支持影響甚鉅,且這三項因素均可收斂至一個核心原因,即為對口譯員的尊重、認可與肯定等社會情緒需求:若組織內口譯員的社會情緒需求獲得滿足,亦將隨之產生正向POS。此項發現也與組織支持理論中,員工的社會情緒需求需要獲得滿足一項結論相符。除了了解組織內口譯員的知覺組織支持現況,本研究也期望在協助組織內口譯員與組織共好方面做出貢獻,因此也歸納出了組織內口譯員對組織、對組織內口譯員同行的建議:組織內口譯員應做到概念形同教育客戶的「教育組織」,以正式或非正式的方式,使組織管理者和組織成員更加了解口譯員的需求與工作限制,而組織應該尊重口譯員的專業,盡最大努力達成口譯員口譯工作的所需,並確保口譯員的社會情緒需求獲得滿足,即可促進組織與組織內口譯員的共榮共好。

    In-house interpreters are members of organizations; however, existing research rarely explores the relationship between in-house interpreters and their organizations. Therefore, this study, based on Perceived Organizational Support (POS) Theory, investigates the perceived organizational support of in-house interpreters in Taiwan. This research adopts a mixed-method approach based on the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS), proposed by Eisenberger et al. in 1986, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative semi-structured interviews to examine the POS of 13 in-house interpreters working in Taiwan. The findings reveal that all participants reported positive POS, indicating that the in-house interpreters investigated feel supported by their organizations. Furthermore, the study identifies three key factors that significantly impact in-house interpreters' POS: (1) organizational size and structure, (2) the supporting role of interpreters, and (3) the degree of reliance on interpreters by service recipients. These factors converge on a core underlying cause—the fulfillment of interpreters' social-emotional needs, such as respect, recognition, and affirmation. When these needs are met, interpreters experience higher POS, aligning with POS Theory's assertion that employees' social-emotional needs must be fulfilled to foster perceived organizational support. Beyond examining the current state of POS among in-house interpreters in Taiwan, this study aims to contribute to the mutual well-being of both interpreters and organizations. The findings suggest that in-house interpreters should take on the role of "educating the organization," akin to freelance interpreters’ obligation of client education, by formally or informally raising awareness among managers and colleagues about interpreters' needs and work constraints. Organizations, in turn, should respect interpreters' professional expertise, make every effort to support their work requirements, and ensure their social-emotional needs are met. By doing so, organizations can foster a collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship with in-house interpreters.

    壹、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 組織內口譯員的POS 3 1.3 研究問題與價值 4 1.4 論文架構 4 貳、文獻探討 6 2.1 口譯分類與形式 6 2.1.1 口譯工作模式 6 逐步口譯 6 同步口譯 6 視譯 7 2.1.2 口譯工作型態 7 導覽口譯 8 企業內口譯 8 法庭口譯 9 會議口譯 10 電視口譯 10 社區口譯 10 遠距口譯 11 小結 11 2.2 組織內口譯員與組織的口譯需求 12 2.2.1 組織內口譯員 (In-house interpreter / staff interpreter) 與自由口譯員 (Freelance interpreter) 12 2.2.2 組織的口譯需求 14 2.2.3 組織內口譯員的相關研究 15 組織內口譯員的角色 15 組織內口譯員的工作內容 16 組織內口譯員的工作壓力 16 客戶對口譯員的期待 17 組織內口譯員的工作保障 17 2.3 組織支持理論 18 2.3.1 知覺組織支持18 POS的作用方式 19 2.3.2 POS的前因(antecedent)與影響 20 2.3.3. POS的應用 21 2.3.4. POS的量測 22 參、研究方法 24 3.1研究對象 24 3.2 研究方法 24 3.2.1 問卷 24 問卷給分機制 27 3.2.2 人口變項調查 28 3.3 半結構式訪談 28 3.4 問卷與訪談預試 29 3.5 問卷與訪談資料處理 29 肆、研究發現與討論 30 4.1 背景變項分析 30 4.2 問卷結果分析 35 4.3 訪談結果分析 38 4.3.1 訪談結果逐題分析 38 The organization values my contribution to its well-being. 38 The organization feels that anyone could perform my job as well as I do. 40 The organization fails to appreciate any extra effort from me. 42 The organization strongly considers my goals and values. 44 The organization would ignore any complaint from me. 45 The organization disregards my best interests when it makes decisions that affect me. 48 Help is available from the organization when I have a problem. 50 The organization really cares about my well-being. 52 Even if I did the best job possible, the organization would fail to notice. 53 The organization is willing to help me when I need a special favor. 54 The organization cares about my general satisfaction at work. 55 If given the opportunity, the organization would take advantage of me. 57 The organization shows very little concern for me. 59 The organization cares about my opinions. 60 The organization takes pride in my accomplishments at work. 61 My supervisors are proud that I am a part of this organization. 62 對於您任職的組織目前的情形,您認為組織可以如何更進步,以提高您的知覺組織支持? 65 作為組織內口譯員,您認為組織內口譯員能夠做些什麼,以協助公司更進步,提高您的知覺組織支持? 67 4.4 研究發現與討論 70 4.4.1 組織規模與制度對POS的影響 70 4.4.2 口譯員的支援性質對POS的影響 70 4.4.3 口譯服務對象對口譯員的仰賴程度對POS的影響 71 4.4.4 POS的來源 71 4.4.5 小結 72 伍、結論與建議 73 5.1 研究發現 73 5.2 研究貢獻 75 5.3 研究限制 76 5.3.1 樣本數量小 76 5.3.2 個體差異大 76 5.4 未來發展與建議 76 5.4.1 非受過專業口譯訓練之組織內口譯員的POS 76 5.4.2 主管對於組織內口譯員POS的影響 77 5.4.3 相同組織、不同年資的組織內口譯員POS差異 77 陸、參考文獻 78 附錄一、訪談知情同意書 83 附錄二、問卷暨訪談大綱 84 附錄三、原版SPOS(36題版) 86 附錄四、短版SPOS(16題版) 88 附錄五、短版SPOS(8題版) 89 附錄六、短版SPOS(3題版) 90

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