研究生: |
廖炳煌 Liao, Ping-Huang |
論文名稱: |
冒險方案計畫發展與實施之研究—以H機關團隊領導力訓練課程為例 Study of the Development and Implementation of Adventure Programming –An Example of H Agency's Team Leadership Training Course |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Ju-Tse |
口試委員: | 謝智謀 吳崇旗 王俊杰 王伯宇 蔡居澤 |
口試日期: | 2021/06/30 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 411 |
中文關鍵詞: | 冒險方案計畫 、檢核要件 、影響因素 、動態歷程 、重要內涵 |
英文關鍵詞: | Adventure Programming, Inspection Requirements, Influencing Factors, Dynamic Process, Important Connotations |
研究方法: | 行動研究法 、 參與觀察法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101462 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:211 下載:25 |
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This research aims to establish a dynamic process of the development and implementation of adventure programming. Using the four echelons of team leadership training involving a total of 138 middle level managers of the H institution as the content, design scales, and observation records, sort out and summarize the inspection requirements and influencing factors, and verify the dynamic process and important connotations of the adventure programming. To improve the quality of the development and implementation of adventure programming.
The purpose of this research is to construct a dynamic processing of the development and implementation of the adventure programming, and use the inspection requirements and related influencing factors that have been analyzed and confirmed during the implementation process to provide the instructor to adjust or modify the operating items, the guiding questions, the activity rules or debriefing. In order to maintain the consistency and stability before and after the development and implementation of the adventure programming, improve the quality of the adventure programming implementation, and ensure that the practitioners use this dynamic processing model to effectively achieve the training results expected by the customer.
This research aims to analyze and confirm the inspection requirements and influencing factors of the development and implementation of the adventure programming and establish the dynamic process and important connotations of the adventure programming. Therefore, this research will focus on the four research tools of "team leadership questionnaire", "activities match opinion survey", "team observation record", and "lead reflection record" to check the two inspection requirements of learning effectiveness, activities match opinions and the four influencing factors of individual behavior, the interaction between individual, subgroup formation and team development status, sort out, analyze, and compare, adjusting the adventure programming, and repeat this spiral. The steps are looped until the adventure programming shows a stable pattern. And adopt the action research method, Questionnaire research, Observation Research Method and related theories to discuss and respond to the research purpose and research questions to be discussed in this research.
The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.There are two inspection requirements for developing and implementing adventure programming: (1)Learning effectiveness; (2)activities match opinions. 2.There are four influencing factors for the development and implementation of the adventure programming: (1)Individual behavior; (2)Interpersonal interaction; (3)Sub-group formation; (4)Team development status.
After the completion of each echelon of the adventure programming in this study, the pre-test and post-test results of the learning effectiveness, the average value, t-test and regression analysis of the activities match opinions survey, and “team observation record” of the co-researcher and the “lead reflection record” of the project leader, are four research tools to confirm the inspection requirements: learning effectiveness, activities match opinions and four influencing factors: individual behavior, the interaction between individual, subgroup formation and team development status. After discussing with the co-researchers, the project leader decided to adjust the content of the next echelon in adventure programming, and proceed in a spiraling cycle. It has the effect of improving the quality of the content of the adventure programming and should be used for reference and implementation by practitioners and academic researchers.
Based on the theories of this development and implementation and the common points of this research, the important significance of the development and implementation of adventure programming is 1.Assessment, 2.Design, 3. Development, 4.Implementation, 5.Evaluation. This research puts evaluation at the center. From the beginning of assessment, design, development, and implementation, the comparison and judgment of formative assessment and summative assessment can be carried out. Find out where the adventure programming needs to be corrected. Also because of such 6.Understanding, 7.Deliberate, 8.Dialogue 9.Criticism, the whole adventure programming is getting closer to the training goal and the purpose of the organizer, and it is more able to ensure the implementation of the adventure programming quality.
This research proposes a combination of the dynamic process and important connotations of the development and implementation of the adventure programming so that practitioners can more accurately understand the training needs of corporate customers, through more evidence-based development and implementation of adventure programming, it helps individuals and teams have the possibility of change. The combination of the development and implementation of the adventure programming, the dynamic process, and important connotations, is consistent with the combination of "action" and "research". It is also because the company's internal driving factors (enhancement, reward, encouragement, and monitoring) and other systems are established after the implementation of the adventure programming, and the behavior of participants will be completely changed. For the development and implementation of the adventure programming, the dynamic process and important connotation of the adventure programming are coordinated with the company to establish internal driving factors, and then the three are combined to make the entire adventure programming stabilized at the final stage.
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