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研究生: 黃雅雯
論文名稱: 統治菁英與臺灣全民運動政策變遷─以馬英九執政時期之改善國民運動環境與打造運動島計畫為例
指導教授: 湯添進
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 政策變遷全民運動馬英九改善國民運動環境與打造運動島計畫菁英理論
英文關鍵詞: policy change, sport-for-all, Ying-Jeou Ma, Public Sports Environment Improvement and Molding Taiwan into a Sports Island Plan, elite theories
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:27
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  • 2008年5月20日,在其政治生涯中頗富運動政績的馬英九總統上任後,其幕僚便推出「改善國民運動環境與打造運動島計畫」。究竟這項計畫與總統有何關係?又是誰在主導?此外,此計畫能否改變臺灣全民運動政策?本研究以菁英理論與政策變遷五項指標 (組織、法規、預算、人事、媒體) 及四大類型 (政策創新、政策接續、政策維持、政策終止) 為理論基礎,並採用引導式內容分析法及半結構式的訪談為研究方法,深入探究高階行政人員、民意代表、利益團體、與學者專家等四類統治菁英在該計畫中所扮演的角色,並探討其對臺灣全民運動政策所帶來的變遷。研究結果發現,在本研究案例中,中央高階行政人員與學者專家組成了封閉的政策決策圈,決定計畫目標與內容;相對的,民意代表並未發揮積極的影響;至於利益團體則由學者專家所帶領。該計畫中,由統治菁英的價值觀主導計畫的現象,符合菁英論者的主張。而在政策變遷指標方面,就組織而言,中央僅成立打造運動島執行中心;另一方面,民間運動社團數量的提升則是本次計畫的重點之一,也有許多鄉鎮市區體育會都因計畫而成立或重新開始運作。在法規方面,雖然體委會在計畫中預訂通過之16條行政規則都尚未形成,但目前另有5條新公告的行政規則經確認與本計畫有關。至於預算,本計畫為歷年來預算最高的全民運動計畫,全民處經費比例與設施處內部全民運動經費比例皆因此大幅增加。人事方面則受限於公務人員之員額限制,僅聘請臨時約聘僱員。媒體方面則因全民運動本身較不具報導價值,且體委會宣傳計畫之成效有限,所以較無明顯改變。綜合前述五項指標,本計畫與「政策接續」中的「附帶政策接續」較為相似,在政策變遷程度光譜中較偏向變遷端。

    Since May 20th, 2008, the Inauguration Day of President Ying-Jeou Ma, who boasts quite a few sports achievements in his official career, the Sports Affairs Council (SAC) has launched the “Public Sports Environment Improvement and Molding Taiwan into a Sports Island Plan”. Does the President have anything to do with this plan? If yes, who dominates its making process? Besides, would this plan change Taiwan’s sport-for-all policy? This study aims at analyzing the roles “governing elites” play in the “Public Sports Environment Improvement and Molding Taiwan into a Sports Island Plan”, and also exploring the plan’s initial influence on Taiwan’s sport-for-all policy. Research data are collected by semi-structured interview, and analyzed through directed content analysis. To fulfil the aims of research, the researcher applies elite theory to examine the roles “governing elites” (government officials, legislators, non-governmental organizations, and scholars) play in the plan. Also, the five indicators (including organization, statutes, budget, personnel, and media) and four types (policy innovation, succession, maintenance, and termination) of policy change are adopted to measure the extent of policy change. The main findings are as follows: 1) In the case of this study, government officials and scholars have formed a rather closed policy-making group, deciding the goal and content of the plan. In contrast, legislators haven’t had active influence on the plan. As for the non-governmental organizations, in this research, they are actually led by scholars. 2) The fact that governing elites’ values decide what the plan should be like is in accordance with elite theories. 3) Focusing on the indicators of policy change, in the central government, only the “Executive Center for Molding
    Taiwan into a Sports Island Plan” was established. On the other hand, the increase in the number of sports clubs in the community is one of the foci of the plan. Also, many athletics federations in townships have been set up or revived due to the plan. 4) For the indicator of statutes, though the original 16 regulations have not been passed, there have been 5 other newly launched Administrative Regulations relating to this sport-for-all plan. 5) Of budget, this plan is also known for the highest budget ever in the history of sport-for-all policy of the SAC. The budget distributions to the Department of Sports For All and to the sport-for-all part under the Department of Sports Facilities have been increased substantially. 6) As for personnel, confined to the limited number of public servants, only contractors have been hired in the plan. 7) Finally, there’s no distinct change in the indicator of media because sport-for-all issue seldom attracts media’s attention. Also, the propaganda made by SAC hasn’t received sound benefits. 8) Concluding the results of the five indicators above, the change brought by the case of this study better fits in “incidental policy succession” of “policy succession”. And on the spectrum of policy change, we can place this plan on the right, closer to policy change.

    口試委員與所長簽字證書..................................... i 中文摘要............................................... ii 英文摘要.............................................. iii 謝 誌................................................. v 目 次................................................ vii 表 次.................................................. x 圖 次................................................. xi 第壹章 緒論............................................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機............................ 1 第二節 研究目的..................................4 第三節 研究問題..................................4 第四節 研究範圍..................................4 第五節 研究限制..................................4 第六節 研究重要性................................5 第七節 名詞釋義..................................5 第貳章 文獻回顧與理論探討................................. 8 第一節 菁英理論................................. 8 第二節 政策變遷文獻回顧.......................... 21 第三節 政策變遷指標及類型......................... 24 第四節 臺灣全民運動政策發展現況.................... 32 第參章 研究方法........................................ 35 第一節 研究架構................................. 36 第二節 研究流程................................. 36 第三節 研究對象................................. 39 第四節 研究工具................................. 40 第五節 資料處理程序.............................. 42 第肆章 打造運動島計畫中統治菁英的互動情形................... 43 第一節 計畫構思階段.............................. 43 第二節 計畫草擬階段.............................. 47 第三節 計畫執行階段.............................. 49 第伍章 改善國民運動環境與打造運動島計畫與政策變遷指標......... 55 第一節 組織結構的改變............................ 55 第二節 法規的增修............................... 58 第三節 預算的調整............................... 60 第四節 人事數量的異動............................ 61 第五節 媒體的宣傳與報導.......................... 62 第陸章 分析與討論....................................... 64 第一節 改善國民運動環境與打造運動島計畫中的統治菁英與其互動關係.................................................... 64 第二節 改善國民運動環境與打造運動島計畫與全民運動政策變遷.................................................... 72 第三節 綜合討論................................. 83 第柒章 結論與建議....................................... 91 第一節 統治菁英的角色............................ 91 第二節 臺灣全民運動政策變遷程度.................... 92 第三節 建議.................................... 93 參考文獻 ........................................... 96

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