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研究生: 林敏慧
論文名稱: 學習層次和教學策略對國小輕度智障兒童學習不同類型加法應用題成效之影響
指導教授: 陳榮華
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 學習層次教學策略輕度智障兒童加法應用題
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:247下載:22
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  • 本研究之目的有三:1.初探加法應用題之學習層次。2.探討學習層次對輕度智障兒童學習加法應用題解題成績之影響。3.探討教學策略對輕度智障兒童學習加法應用題解題成績之影響。針對上述三項研究問題,依序進行下列三項研究子題。
    研究子題一「加法應用題學習層次之建立」,以二百名國小三、六年級的普通學童為研究對象,採用測驗法,測試每位受試者在「基本加算和解題能力測驗」上的作業成績,由於此套研究者自編的測驗卷上,包含七類加法應用題,每類題均有九題,總共六十三題,故根據全體樣本的施測結果,可以分別求出各類型題的通過百分比,與其間的相互依賴關係。資料採用通過百分比和Novillis模式加以處理。研究結果發現:通過百分比計算各類型題的答對比率來界定各類型題的難易度,Novillis模式則是計算每位受試者的平均答對題數來確認兩種類型題之間的難度階層。經過本研究的探討,三位數加三位數之內加法應用題的學習層次,初步建構如下:「合併類」或「改變類1」→「改變類2」→「比較類1」 →「平衡類1」→「平衡類2」→「比較類2」。

    Min-Huey Lin
    The purposes of this study were as follows : 1) to study the learning hierarchies of the addition word problems, 2)to study the influence of the learning hierarchies
    on the abilities in solving the addition word problems from mildly retarded students’ , 3) to study the influence of the problem-solving strategies from the same group.
    This study comprised three researches. The research 1. was designed to find out the learning hierarchies of addition word problems. The subjects of the study were 200 students from third and sixth grades students in elementary schools. The students had to answer the addition word problems in different context of language knowledge. The word problems used in this study included the patterns of change, combine, compare, and equalicy problems. The percentage and rate of correct responses in addition word problems were used as the indexes of learning hierarchies. The main finding of this research was that the patterns of the addition word problems were
    in difficult order. The learning hierarchies of the addition word problems were
    “combine“ or “change 1”, “change 2”, “compare 1”, “equalicy 1”, “equalicy 1”, and “compare 2”.
    The research 2, based on the results of the research 1, was designed to explore the influence of the learning hierarchies on 32 mildly retarded students’ abilities in problem-solving. There were two experimental groups in these 32 students . In training stage, the group1 received the instruction of the lower learning hierarchies
    in problem-solving, and the group2 received the instruction of the higher learning hierarchies in problem-solving. In pre-test and post-test stages, both groups answered on both different levels of the difficulty in problem-solving. The scores of correct responses in problem-solving were used as the index of the improvement of the students. They were found that the instruction of the learning hierarchies could improve problem-solving performance of the students, and the improvement was not significant between the two groups.
    The research 3, based on the results of the research 2, was designed to investigate
    the effect of three problem-solving strategies for two of the mildly retarded students with serious problem-solving difficulties. These Strategies included the object
    strategy, the diagram strategy, and the cognitive strategy. An alternating treatment design was used. The percentage and rate of correct responses in problem-solving were used as the indexes of the improvement of the students. The clinical interviews and the protocol analysis were used to understand the error of the students’ problem-solving process . The main findings of this study were as follows: 1)during the instruction period , the correct percentage of the specific type of the problem was increased. But individual improved scores and problem-solving strategies were different. 2)after the instruction period, the percentage of correct responses of two
    students increased obviously, whether the rate of correct responses was increased during instruction stage and maintain stage. 3)during the transfer period, the performances of the students in both groups was not superior to that of the pre-test period.
    According to the aforementioned findings, application of the mathematical word problem instruction and further research were recommended.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的.………………………………………1 第二節 待答問題與研究假設………………………………….5 第三節 研究架構……………………………………………….7 第四節 名詞釋義……………………………………………….9 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 學習層次的意義與發展模式.…………………..…….10 第二節 加法應用題的組織與系統化…………………………..24 第三節 智障兒童的數學能力……………………………………28 第四節 教學策略對於加法應用題學習成效之探討…………..33 第三章 研究子題一:加法應用題學習層次的建立 第一節 研究方法…..……………………………………………37 第二節 研究結果與討論..………………………………………46 第四章 研究子題二:學習層次對輕度智障兒童學習加法應用題 成績的影響 第一節 研究方法…..……………………………………………65 第二節 研究結果與討論..………………………………………74 第五章 研究子題三:教學策略對輕度智障兒童學習加法應用題 成績的影響 第一節 研究方法…..……………………………………………81 第二節 究結果與討論……..……………………………………91 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論………………………..…………………………..107 第二節 研究限制…………..……………………………………110 第三節 建議……………………………………....…………..112 參考文獻………………….…………………………………………115 附錄一 基本加算及解題能力測驗..…………………………….125 附錄二 基本加算及解題能力測驗施測說明..………………….129 附錄三 前後測作業..…………………………………………….130 附錄四 教學作業(研究子題二)………………………………….136 附錄五 研究子題二教學作業實施規定..……………………….150 附錄六 數學解題晤談記錄表..………………………………….158 附錄七 教學作業(研究子題三)…..…………………………….169 附錄八 維持作業..……………………………………………….173 附錄九 遷移作業..……………………………………………….181 附錄十 實物教學指導手冊……………………………………….185 附錄十一 圖示教學指導手冊……..…………………………….187 附錄十二 認知教學指導手冊…………………………………….189 附 圖 目 次 圖1-1 本研究之架構圖……..………………………………………..8 圖2-1 數目運作的學習層次…………………………………………..14 圖2-2 數學入門課程之基本單元層次圖……………………………..15 圖2-3 單元7c之行為目標分析………………………………………..16 圖2-4 分數概念的學習層次…………………………………………..17 圖2-5 各分數分概念的平均答對題數及相互間的依賴關係………..19 圖2-6 加法運算題的類型與題數分析………………………………..22 圖2-7 加法運算難易層次圖…………………………………………..23 圖3-1 全體樣本在加法應用題之學習層次…………………………..49 圖3-2 六年級樣本在加法應用題之學習層次………………………..51 圖3-3 三年級樣本在加法應用題之學習層次………………………..53 圖3-4 全體樣本解答加法應用題的平均答對題數及其依賴關係…..58 圖3-5 六年級樣本解答加法應用題的平均答對題數及其依賴關係…60 圖3-6 三年級樣本解答加法應用題的平均答對題數及其依賴關係…63 圖5-1 甲生在各實驗階段之得分百分比之變化情形……………..…101 圖5-2 乙生在各實驗階段之得分百分比之變化情形……………..…103 附 表 目 次 表3-1 基本加算及解題能力測驗預試之通過人次及百分比………..42 表3-2 基本加算及解題能力測驗的雙向細目表……………..……..43 表3-3 基本加算及解題能力測驗之施測順序分配表………………..44 表3-4 全體樣本的各類型加法應用題通過人次、通過百分比 及差異考驗……………………………………………..……..47 表3-5 全體樣本在七種加法應用題通過百分比之差異比較………..49 表3-6 六年級樣本在七種加法應用題通過百分比之差異比較……..51 表3-7 三年級樣本在七種加法應用題通過百分比之差異比較……..53 表3-8 全體樣本解答加法應用題類型之依賴關係………..………..56 表3-9 本研究樣本在七種加法應用題的平均答對題數……………..57 表3-10 六年級樣本解答加法應用題類型之依賴關係……………...59 表3-11 三年級樣本解答加法應用題類型之依賴關係……………….62 表4-1 全體樣本之基本變項的分配情形…………………..………..66 表4-2 全體樣本基本變項之組間差異考驗結果……………..………67 表4-3 本研究之單因子實驗設計模式………..……………..………67 表4-4 全體樣本加法類型題之前後測得分的分配情形……..………75 表4-5 本研究樣本前後測得分之平均數與標準差…………..………76 表4-6 本研究樣本在加法類型題組內差異之相依樣本單因子變異數 分析摘要表…………………………………………………..…76 表4-7 本研究樣本在加法類型題組間差異之相依樣本單因子變異數 分析摘要表…………………………………………………..…77 表5-1 實物教學流程……………………..…………………..………86 表5-2 圖示教學流程……………………..…………………..………86 表5-3 認知教學流程……………………..…………………..………87 表5-4 每節課教學流程…………………..…………………..………88 表5-5 兩位受試者所接受的實驗教材和教學策略…………..………89 表5-6 甲生在加法應用題解題錯誤之分析…………………..………93 表5-7 乙生在加法應用題解題錯誤之分析…………………..………95 表5-8 加法類型題的句型分析…………..…………………..………96 表5-9 甲生在各實驗階段之得分百分比資料的分析………..………101 表5-10 乙生在各實驗階段之得分百分比資料的分析……….………103 表5-11 甲乙兩生在各實驗階段之得分百分比的變化情形….………105

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