研究生: |
陳淑如 |
論文名稱: |
兩岸動畫產業合作模式之初探研究 The preliminary research on the cross-strait modality of co-operation in Animation |
指導教授: |
Liu, Li-Hsing |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 263 |
中文關鍵詞: | 動畫 、合作模式 、微笑理論 、競合理論 |
英文關鍵詞: | Animation, Modality of co-operation, Smiling Curve, Co-opetition |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:240 下載:15 |
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本研究主體是以合作模式為研究架構,以微笑曲線理論及賽局理論之競合策略為理論基礎,將理論之核心理念帶入動畫產業作研究分析。並蒐集兩岸動畫相關文獻法令及產業資料之次級資料,來分析兩岸動畫產業的政策扶植產業、市場、優勢、及合作模式,分析各構面來發展研究調查; 再以深度訪談法來訪談兩岸動畫產業之產、官、學三方代表,藉由專業觀點及論述來驗證研究問題,以達成研究目的。結合了次級資料、訪談資料,對兩岸動畫產業之合作模式,作描述、探討及分析。
According to writer’s observation, the Taiwan Straits has been collaborating in animation industry for many years. Recently the Straits communicate much more, along with the looser governmental guidance regulation. Thus, writer would like to explore the potential competitiveness within the complementary advantages Cross-Strait, in order to get into the international market. Further, to take the reference of business information, governmental policies and the analyses of working professionals, writer attempts to investigate that how to combine the Straits’ strength, analyze the existing cooperation and conceive the future possibilities on trend.
In the first instance, researcher use literature review to analyze how the cross-strait policy favored the industry and market of 3D animation, and gains the complementary advantages. Mainly uses the International Co-production to be the research structure, following by the Smiling Curve Theory and the Co-opetition of the Game theory as theoretical basement. This paper investigates many aspects according to the related regulations and industrial information in Greater China area. Furthermore, by using in-depth interviewed with representatives from industry, official and academics to understand the animation industry across Strait. By way of professional views and demonstrates, writer could verifies the research issue, and to achieve goals of this research. In brief, this paper indicates the modality of cooperation in 3D animated films in cross strait area by the combination of secondary data and interview contents.
This paper probes into the animation industry both theoretically and practically, and get the conclusion below. The animation industry both in the Taiwan-straits has its own advantages, thus it can create higher add-value if the cooperation were boosted. Now the domestic cooperation has been growing gradually. After summarized the Cross-Straits industrial professional comments, the complementary of each advantages could be expected, also the variety of cooperation mode can be extended. Nevertheless, both government are working on industrial improvement hardly, there are still many practical problems need to be conquer. The legal policy, take for instance, should be negotiated according to professional academics’ understanding, and to stipulate the further fair details. This will smoother the domestic collaboration much more. The future cooperation mode across straits need to be deepen and strengthen, obtain the higher additional value, and build the greater platform for teamwork. This is for the purpose of create Chinese branding and to enter the global markets.
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