研究生: |
劉遠文 Liu, Yuan-Wen |
論文名稱: |
話語標記「就是」在獨白中的信息處理功能及其語法化 The Functions of Information Management of the Discourse Marker“jiùshì”and its Grammaticalization |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Fang-Yen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 118 |
中文關鍵詞: | 就是 、話語標記 、獨白 、信息處理功能 、語法化 |
英文關鍵詞: | jiùshì, discourse marker, monologue, information management, grammaticalization |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900838 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:407 下載:1 |
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過去文獻對於話語標記(discourse marker)「就是」多著重在書面語體的研究 (張誼生,2002;劉燦群,2007),然而書面語體實詞較多、句法篇章等架構清 楚;而口語語體則反之,口語語體虛詞和子句較多,架構相對來說零散(Halliday, 1997),故更仰賴話語標記,使說話者的訊息得以傳遞,話語標記的篇章功能更 得以顯現。
本研究以 Brinton(1996)對話語標記的功能分析作為研究架構,將話語標記 分成語用層面和篇章層面,並將其中的篇章層面功能再分為表層的銜接功能和深 層的信息處理功能,後者根據信息處理和標記理論再分為自然焦點標記(新信息)、 對比焦點標記(新信息)和話題標記(舊信息)。文內先回顧過去學者對話語標 記的定義,「就是」在不同語體中的篇章銜接和信息處理功能;其後定義「就」、 「是」和「就是」的基式語義和回顧「就是」的語法化歷程相關研究;最後以自 然焦點標記、對比焦點標記和話題標記來分析「就是」在口語獨白語體中的信息 處理功能及其語法化歷程。
研究發現「就是」在口語獨白語體中除了自然焦點標記、話題標記和對比焦 點標記這三種信息標記以外,還有一個標記新信息的次焦點標記功能,而使用頻 率由高至低分別為:自然焦點標記、話題標記、次焦點標記、對比焦點標記。本研究也認為各話語標記「就是」的各信息處理功能分別來自於不同的語法化歷程。
The previous research on the Chinese discourse marker “jiùshì” is mostly based on the written corpus (張誼生, 2002;劉燦群, 2007). However, written language has more content words, and the structure is well constructed. The spoken language, in contrast, has more function words, subordinate clauses, and the structure is hence more unorganized (Halliday, 1997). For this reason, discourse markers play an important role in the spoken language in terms of connecting well-spread information units so as to further transmit the message to the hearers; especially in monologues, where the turn- taking barely takes place, since the speakers own the turn most of the time.
This study was based on the framework of Brinton ́s (1996) dichotomy of discourse markers ́ functions, namely interpersonal functions and textual functions. The textual function is then divided into the cohesion functions and information management functions. Based on the theory of information management, the latter is further divided into three discourse markers: end focus marker (new information), contrastive focus marker (new information), and topic marker (given information). We first reviewed the past research on discourse markers, and “jiùshì” cohesion functions and information management functions in written and spoken languages; then defined the semantic meanings of the adverb “jiù”, the copular verb “shì”, and following the lexicalization, the phrasal verb “jiùshì”.. Last, adoptingvarious monologues transcribed from Youtube, we analyzed how “jiùshì” manages given and new information so as to mark which information units in a discourse are topics and which is the focus, and how the phrasal verb ̈jiùshì ̈ grammaticalized into the discourse marker.
This study found out that besides the three information management functions mentioned above, “jiùshì” also can function as sub-focus marker. “jiùshì” as end focus marker is most frequently used in monologues, then as topic marker, sub-focus marker and the contrastive marker is less used. Each information management of “jiùshì” comes from different paths of grammaticalization.
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