研究生: |
劉建廷 Jan-ting Liu |
論文名稱: |
青少年身體活動參與和身體自我概念之關聯 Correlation between Physical Activity Participation and Physical Self-concept in Adolescence |
指導教授: |
Jwo, Jun-Ling |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 56 |
中文關鍵詞: | 身體活動 、身體自我概念 、青少年 |
英文關鍵詞: | physical activity, physical self-concept, adolescence |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:384 下載:47 |
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日期: 2007年6月 研 究 生:劉建廷
摘 要
身體活動參與可以提升身體知覺及身體自我概念,在身體活動參與時對自己產生信心,便會持續參與身體活動,並為身體活動所吸引。研究以台中縣 277 名國中學生(平均年齡14.42 ± 0.40歲)為研究參與者,探討青少年身體活動參與和身體自我概念的關聯及兩者間之差異情形。使用「身體活動參與量表」及「身體自我概念量表」為研究工具。所得資料以描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關及獨立樣本t考驗等統計方法進行分析,發現:(一)身體活動參與程度有顯著的性別差異,男性相較於女性有較高的身體活動參與程度。(二)身體自我概念、外表/狀況的身體自我概念及體能的身體自我概念,有顯著的性別差異存在,男性擁有比女性高的身體自我概念。(三)身體活動參與和身體自我概念、外表/狀況的身體自我概念及體能的身體自我概念的相關性呈顯著正向關係。(四)不同身體活動參與程度青少年的身體自我概念、外表/狀況身體自我概念及體能身體自我概念,有顯著的性別差異存在,高身體活動參與者有較高的身體自我概念。根據結果,本研究的結論是(一)身體活動參與程度有性別差異。(二)身體自我概念有性別差異。(三)身體活動參與程度和身體自我概念有正向關聯性。(四)不同身體活動參與程度青少年的身體自我概念有差異。
Correlation between Physical Activity Participation and Physical Self-concept in Adolescence
Master’s Thesis, 2007 Jan-ting Liu
Advisor: Hank Junling Jwo, Ph.D.
Physical activity participation promotes physical perception and physical self-concept. Once having confidence in physical activity, people will keep participating in physical activity and be attracted by it. Participants were 277 junior high school students (mean age 14.42±0.40) in Taichung county. The study was designed to examine the correlation and gender differences between physical activity and physical self-concept in adolescence. Physical Activity Questionnaire and Physical Self-concept Questionnaire were completed by all participants. The collected data, which were analyzed by Pearson Product Moment correlation and t-tests revealed that: (1) There were gender differences in physical activity participation. The male had higher physical activity participation than the female. (2) There were gender differences in physical self-concept, appearance/condition, and physical ability physical self-concept. The male had higher physical self-concept than the female. (3) Physical activity participation was positively correlated with physical self-concept, appearance/condition and physical ability self-concept. (4) There were differences among physical self-concept in different physical activity participation levels. Higher physical activity participants had higher physical self-concept. According to the results, it can be concluded that: (1) There were gender differences in physical activity participation. (2) There were gender differences in physical self-concept, appearance/ condition and physical ability self-concept. (3) Physical activity participation was positively correlated with physical self-concept. (4) There were differences among physical self-concept in different physical activity participation levels.
Key words: physical activity, physical self-concept, adolescence
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