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研究生: 曹學仁
Tsao, Hsueh-Jen
論文名稱: 高級中學校長權力運用之研究
A STudy of Power Used by Senior High Schools' Principals
指導教授: 謝文全
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 85
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 287
中文關鍵詞: 中學校長權力運用
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:259下載:0
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  • 本研究之主要目的,在於探討校長權力基礎、權力運用策略、權力運用原則之使用情形及效果,並探討學校背景是否影響校長的權力基礎、權力運用策略、權力運用原則,最後根據研究結果,歸納縣體建議,供教育行政機關、校長及教師、研究者參考,以提高領導效能。
    為達成上述目的,本研究採文獻分析與問卷調查的方法。文獻方面,首先透過理論分析,探討權力、權威、影響力、控制等相關概念與內涵,並分析校長的權力基礎及權力來源,再整理文獻上有關權力運用策略的類型,最後歸納權力運用的相關研究與原則;其次,問卷調查方面,根據文獻探討的結果,編製「校長權力運用調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解目前校長運用權力基礎與權力策略的現況,以及教師對校長的運用權力基礎與權力策略的知覺和意見;最後根據研究結論,提出具體建議。本研究調查對象為台灣省立高級中學的校長、主任、組長、教師,共普查六十六所學校,發出790份問卷,實得有效樣本493份,問卷處理則採用SPSS for windows 6.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。
    8. 不同背景(含職務、性別、年資、學歷)的填答者對象校長使用權力策略、基礎與原則知覺大同小異,四種變項中除職務因素對其知覺影響較大外,其餘因素造成的影響不大。
    6. 加強專業訓練及培養高尚情操,以提高專家權及參照的效果。
    7. 善用權變領導、因時因地採取不同的策略與基礎。

    The main purpose of this study is to explore not only the principals how to use power bases, power tactics, power principles but also the effect of them. Besides, it will explore whether the schools' backgrounds will influence those of them or not. Then synthesize the findings and offer proposals for improving the general sitution of using power in senior high schools.
    In order to accomplish the purposes, this study has adopted the methods of historical document analysis as well as questionnaire. Firstly, with theory analysis, to explore the concepts concerned among power, authority, influence, control, then to analysis principals' power bases and power sources. Next, to reconstruct the power tactics presented in literature. Lastly, to summarize power use of relevant researches and principles. As for questionnaire, according to the result of exploring the historical document for survey and study, the reseaicher compile"Questionnaire for power use by principals" so as to understand the current situation of power bases and power tactics used by principals and the opinions from the school staff for this topic. Finally, the researcher offers substantial suggestions based upon the conclusions of this study. The objects of this study are principals and teachers of provincial high schools in Taiwan Province. 66 schools have been sampled and 790 copies of the questionnaire have been dispatched. The effective sampies actually acquired are 493 copies.The data of questionnaire have been proceeded for statistical with the SPSS for Windows 6.0 statistics packaging software.
    Sythesizing the findings of exploring historical document and of questionnaire, the conclusions have been reached as follows:
    1.There are many tactics which principals can use, but senior high schools' principals use some positive tactics like reasoning more often.
    2.There are seven power bases that senior high schools' principals can use , but they use connection power, expert power, referent power in order of frequency.
    3.Different power tactics will lead to different effects, but both "Personality" and "Self-Presentation" posses the best effects.
    4.Different power bases will result in different effects, but the effects of connection power, expert power and referent power are better than those of other power tactics.
    5.The effective power tactics suit different kinds of school affairs. In other words, the effective power tactics will not change with different school affairs.
    6.The leader in senior high school should use power in multiple ways.
    7.Opinions on power tactics, power bases, power principles gathered form different senior high schools principals with different backgrounds make slight difference.
    8.Opinions on power tactics, power bases, power principles gathered from staff and principals with different background make slight difference.
    According to the result of this study, the following proposals are to be offered:
    1.Although principals should use power tactics and power bases in multiple ways, they also should use them based on expert power and referent power.
    2.Although principals can use many power tactics, they should use positive tactics firstly.
    3.To use coercive power as much less as possible.
    4.Principals should obey power principies as more often as possible when they use powers.
    5.To put emphasis on the function of communication to shorten the cognitive distance between principals and staff.
    6.Enforcing professional training and cultivate morality to promote the effect of expert power and referent power.
    7.To make the best use of contingent leadership, use different power tactics and power bases according to different contexts.
    8.To improve public relationship and win the identifications of the members of community.
    9.To encourage teachers participate administrative decisions and enhance understanding for each other.
    10.To arrange power use curriculum in the process of principals and teachers cultivation or in-service training.
    11.To combine with the ideas of school-based when principals use power.
