研究生: |
歐陽儀 O Yang Yi |
論文名稱: |
父母自我分化,親子三角關係,青少年子女自我分化對青少年子女身心健康影響之研究 The Effect of Parent’s Self-Differentiation, the Family Triangulation, and Adolescent’s Self-Differentiation on Adolescent’s General Health |
指導教授: |
Wu, Li-Chuan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 274 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我分化 、親子三角關係 |
英文關鍵詞: | Self-Differentiation, Family Triangulation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:593 下載:0 |
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本研究以Bowen家族系統理論為基礎,考驗父母各自的自我分化對青少年子女身心健康的影響。本研究分為二個部分: 第一個部分是根據Bowen理論,編製「親子三角關係量表」。第二個部分是探討父母各自的自我分化對青少年子女身心健康影響結構方程式之研究,這部分分為兩個研究進行:研究一是提出以親子三角關係為調節變項、青少年子女自我分化為中介變項之父母各自的自我分化對青少年子女身心健康影響之模式並加以考驗。研究二是提出以青少年子女自我分化為中介變項之父母各自的自我分化對青少年子女身心健康影響之模式並加以考驗。
(二) 以青少年子女自我分化為中介變項在父母各自的自我分化對青少年子女身心健康影響之結構方程模式部分:
The Effect of Parent’s Self-Differentiation, the Family Triangulation, and Adolescent’s Self-Differentiation on Adolescent’s General Health
The purpose of this research was to develop two models which can describe the effect of each parent’s self-differentiation on adolescent’s general health by using Bowen’s theory. This research was divided into two parts. Firstly, the Family Triangulation Inventory was developed according to Bowen’s theory. Secondly, the two structural equation models were developed to explore the effect of each parent’s self-differentiation on adolescent’s general health. The first model was developed to explore the effect of parent’s self-differentiation on adolescent’s general health by using the family triangulation as a moderator, and the adolescent’s self-differentiation as a mediator. Whereas the second model was developed to explore the effect of parent’s self-differentiation on adolescent’s general health by using the adolescent’s self-differentiation as a mediator.
In The Family Triangulation Inventory nearly 488 students from two junior high schools were investigated in order to test the reliability and validity of the inventory. The data were analyzed by critical ratio, corrected item-total correlation, Cronbach α, second-order confirmatory analysis.
The findings as follows: The Family Triangulation Inventory was divided into five factors such as: stable parent-child coalition, unstable parent-child coalition, family projection-overprotect child, family projection-scapegoat and parentification. The 40-items were used in formal inventory which showed good internal consistency. The second–order model confirmatory factor analysis was reasonably fitted to formal inventory and showed good construct validity.
In second step, nearly 1010 father-mother-child teams were investigated. The each participants (father, mother and student) were evaluated by using The Differentiation of Self Inventory, The Family Triangulation Inventory and The General Health Questionnaire. The data were analyzed by multiple group SEM and SEM.
In model 1, according to the scores of the family triangulation it was divided into three teams- high, middle and low score teams. In this model each parent‘s self-differentiation influences adolescent general health through adolescent self-differentiation which was manifested by multi-group SEM. High score team and low score teams were compared by measurement invariance and structural invariance.
The findings as follows: In high score team the adolescent involved in the family triangulation affect in same way as the low score team by which each parent’s self-differentiation influences adolescent self-differentiation. Thus the moderator effect of the family triangulation was not supported.
In model 2 the influence of each parent’s self-differentiation on adolescent’s general health was observed by using the adolescent’s self-differentiation as a mediator.
The findings as follows: Each parent’s self-differentiation may positively affect the adolescent’s self-differentiation which may also affect the adolescent general health. The effect of father’s and mother’s self-differentiation on adolescent general health was observed to be similar.
This study can be implemented in future for providing the guidance for adolescence, parenting education, marital and family therapy and suggestion.
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