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研究生: 陳明印
Chen ming-ying
論文名稱: 國民小學社會科教科書評鑑規準及權重之建構
The Construction of Evaluation Criteria and Weights for Social Study Textbook in Elementary Schools
指導教授: 方炎明
Fang, Yan-Ming
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 466
中文關鍵詞: 評鑑規準層級分析程序法(分析層級程序法)權重
英文關鍵詞: Evaluation Criteria, AHP, DHP, Weight
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:1360下載:57
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  • 國民小學社會科教科書評鑑規準及權重之建構
    一、 教科書評鑑的性質可分從強調的重點、參照對象、辦理的主體、內容的屬性、實施的歷程、指引的依據、架構的性質、分析的資料、適用範圍、重要程度、進行方式與內外效度等面向來加以區分。
    二、 教科書的評鑑規準係建立在基本研究成果之上,至其建立的依據,可分從教科書內容所涉範圍,或教育本身層面,或學生學習立場來探討。
    三、 建立教科書評鑑規準時,應注意結構、內容與運作三個層面,並按發展規準目標、依據目標建立規準、界定規準內涵、修正評鑑規準四個步驟來進行。
    四、 完整的教科書評鑑系統,應包括計分量尺、計分符號、權重比例及解釋處理等四個層面;並按評鑑者所強調的不同重點進行評鑑。
    五、 分析層級程序法(AHP)在多準則權重中,是對決策使用者使用信心較高,並具易行性的一種方法。尤其其可結合Delphi、Fuzzy成為DHP、FAHP 的研究方法;或修正比較次數成為SAHP;修正評分問題成為 MAHP的研究方法,修正其九等第成對比較成為五等第的成對比較方式,在教科書評鑑準權重的建立方面,是非常重要的研究方法之一。
    六、 國民小學社會科教科書,可分從五個一級規準,二十一個二級規準,六十四個三級規準進行評鑑。
    七、 在國民小學社會科五個一級評鑑規準中,以教科書的內容(佔33.7﹪)最為重要,其次為教科書教學設計(佔26.9﹪),再次為教科書的社會考量(佔16.1﹪),再其次為教科書的可讀性(佔14.8﹪),最後則為圖文設計及印刷(佔9.0﹪)。
    八、 在內容層面評鑑規準中,以『目標』最為重要,其次為『選材』,再其次為『組織』,最後為『呈現』,分別為『目標』佔38.3﹪;『選材』佔22.5﹪;『組織』佔20.7﹪;『呈現』佔18.5﹪。
    九、 在教學設計層面評鑑規準中,其相對權重分配,分別為『使用者適合度』佔36.0﹪;『教學設計』佔30.9﹪;『學習評量』佔19.5﹪;『學習資源』佔13.6﹪。
    十、 在圖文設計及印刷層面評鑑規準中,其相對權重分配,分別為『舉例插圖』佔46.1﹪;『版面』佔28.9﹪;『紙張及印刷』佔15.4﹪;『裝訂』佔9.6
    十一、 在可讀性層面評鑑規準中,其相對權重分配,分別為『表達』佔44.1﹪;『字彙』佔28.2﹪;『文句』佔27.6﹪。
    十二、 在社會考量層面評鑑規準中,其相對權重分配,分別為『文化角度』佔25.1﹪;『爭議事件處理』佔16.0﹪;『弱勢團體關懷』佔15.6﹪;『信念價值參照』佔15.6﹪;『社經參照』佔14.3﹪;『性別角色』佔13.5﹪。

    The Construction of Evaluation Criteria and Weights for Social Study Textbook in Elementary Schools
    Textbook liberation in elementary schools is involved in edition, audit, evaluation, selection, prices setting and regulations while evaluation is the first crucial consideration. Among businesses related to the textbook audit, the construction of evaluation criteria is the most important one. The research aims at exploring and constructing a complete set of evaluation criteria and weights for social study textbook in elementary schools and providing suggestions for the reference of related authorities and personnel to improve the evaluation of textbook audit.
    To reach the purposes of the research, the research are designed as follows:
    1. adopting literature exploration to approach the textbook compilation system of other countries and the properties, meanings and origins of textbook evaluation
    2. exploring the construction principles, procedures, strategies, content analysis, scoring, weights and classification of textbook evaluation criteria by using theory analysis
    3. employing Delphi to establish practicable evaluation criteria by consulting experts about the evaluation criteria for social study textbook
    4. using AHP to explore the weights of evaluation criteria for social study textbook in elementary school
    The consulting experts consist of 30 members from university educators of related domains, R&D editors of various versions for social study textbook in elementary schools, representatives from fields of audit & evaluation, selection education and educational administration for social study textbook in elementary schools. The outcomes of questionnaires are analyzed by average, multitude, frequency, CHISQ test and AHP respectively. The conclusion manifests as follows:
    1. The properties of textbook evaluation can be classified as emphasis points, reference object, subject matter, content attribution, implementation process, guiding basis, skeleton quality, analysis material, range of application, degree of significance, proceeding manner, internal and external validity.
    2. The textbook evaluation criteria are constructed upon the outcome of fundamental research, while their basis of establishment can be examined from the scope of textbook content, education domain and learning state of students.
    3. The construction of textbook evaluation criteria should contain three aspects: the structure, content and implementation and proceed with four steps: developing criteria object, constructing criteria, defining criteria, revising criteria.
    4. A complete textbook evaluation system should include scoring measure, scoring symbol, weight proportion and outcome explanation. Besides, the evaluation is exercised according to the key issues emphasized by evaluators.
    5. Among multi-principle decisions, AHP is a better choice for it enhances the confidence of decision-makers and it can be executed easily. Above all, it can combine Delphi and Fuzzy into research methods of DHP and FAHP. It can modify comparison frequency into SAHP, revise scoring questions into MAHP or correct nine-ranking pair comparison into five-ranking pair comparison. It is one of the important research methods in constructing weight of textbook evaluation criteria.
    6. The social study textbook in elementary schools can be evaluated by 5 first- grade criteria, 21 second-grade criteria and 64 third-grade criteria.
    7. Among the 5 first-grade evaluation criteria of social study textbook in elementary school, the weight for each item is: content (33.7%), teaching design (26.9%), social consideration (16.1%), readability (14.8%) and graphic & arts and printing (9.0%).
    8. The indicators of “content” evaluation criteria weight as: object (38.3%), material selection (22.5%), organization (20.7%) and format (18.5%).
    9. The indicators of “teaching design” evaluation criteria weight as: application of users (36.0%), teaching design (30.9%), learning evaluation (19.5%) and learning resource (13.6%).
    10. The indicators of “graphic & arts and printing” evaluation criteria weight
    as: illustration (46.1%), layout (28.9%), paper and printing (15.4%) and
    binding (9.6%).
    11. The indicators of “readability” evaluation criteria weight as: expression (44.1%), vocabulary (28.2%) and sentence (27.6%).
    12. The indicators of “social consideration” evaluation criteria weight as: culture aspect (25.1%), debate issue (16.0%), minority group caring (15.6%), faith and value reference (15.6%), social and economic reference (14.3%) and sex role (13.5%)
    In addition, the research makes up one set of evaluation checking lists for social study textbook in elementary schools according to research findings. Also, the research provides administration authorities and personnel in related fields with seven items of suggestions for the reference of practical application and direction of further research.

    第一章緒論 第二章文獻探討 第三章研究途徑 第四章研究結果與討論 第五章研究結論與建議

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