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研究生: 陳怡如
Chen, I-JU
論文名稱: 夜之凝想–陳怡如彩墨創作研究
Contemplation of the Night: I-Ju Chen's Chinese Colorful Ink Creation Research
指導教授: 莊連東
Chuang, Lien-Tung
口試委員: 李宗仁 吳宥鋅
口試日期: 2021/06/24
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 空間並置時間錯置夜景符號象徵
英文關鍵詞: Space Juxtaposition, time Mixed Position, Night Scenes, Symbolic Symbols
研究方法: 文獻分析法圖像分析法創作實踐(含風格造形)法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101329
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:181下載:14
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  • 本文以「夜之凝想」為主題,探討夜景運用留白、暈黃、染黑、深藍之層次及對比,使用常見符號象徵意涵來呈現夜晚景物之時空意象。如何將城市之夜、穿梭時空與璀璨之夜的神祕感動轉化為具象、意象、抽象與想像。藉由空間並置與時間錯置的「理想美世界」及時空線性與塊面交疊技法,以階梯與街道時間節奏、建築空間結構為基礎,表達作者內心對夜景的情感,分別為: 一、「城之夜」;二、「穿梭時空」;三、「夜之璀璨」三大創作主軸。不論現代或古代,也許是城市或鄉間,都是筆者真實情感的時空美感對話。
    筆者依據相關史料與本身對「夜」之凝想感受,以時空主題模擬剖析,作為本文研究之內容與主軸。本研究醞釀藝術養成背景之學理可分五個方向探討,分別為: 第一章、緒論,內容包含研究動機、目的與方法;第二章、夜之凝想,闡述說明夜之社會、文學、藝術美感探索及相關學理分析探討;第三章、創作理念與實踐,透過個人創作理念、媒材表現與形塑夜晚時空氛圍之創作過程;第四章、作品創作分析與說明作品理念脈絡與整體性;第五章、結論,研究與創作總結。從而建立個人實驗與創作,期許激盪出不同的藝術嘗試語彙與意念。

    With the theme of "Contemplations of the Night", this article explores the use of levels and contrasts with white space, and shades of yellow, black, and dark blue, as well as the use of common symbolic meanings to present the space-time images of night scenes. How to transform the mysterious moving inspirational city nights, time-space travel, and bright nights into expressing concrete, images, abstractions, and imaginations. Through the "Ideal Beauty World" of space juxtaposition and time mixed positions, the overlapping techniques of time-space-line and block-surface, and the base of the time rhythm of stairs and streets, and the spatial structure of buildings, to express the author's inner feelings for the night scenes. There are three major art creations: 1. "Nights in the City"; 2. "Time-Space Travel"; 3. "Bright Nights". Whether it’s modern or ancient, maybe it’s a city or a country, these are inner aesthetic dialogues of the author's true emotions in time and space.
    The researcher has based on the relevant historical information, and her own contemplations and feelings about “Night”, simulating and analyzing with the theme of time and space as the content and main axis for this article. The theoretical background of developing and incubating the art of this research can be divided into the following five chapters. Chapter One: An introduction, the content includes research motivation, purpose, and methods; Chapter Two: Contemplations of the Night, expounds and explains the society of the night, literature, artistic aesthetic exploration, and related theoretical analysis and discussions; Chapter Three: Creativity Concepts and Practices, through the creating process of the author’s personal creative ideas, media expressions, and shaping the night’s time and space atmosphere; Chapter Four: Art works creation analysis and explanations of the conceptual context and integrity of the art works; Chapter Five: Conclusion, Summary of Research and Creativity. To establish personal experiments and creativity, the author desires to stimulate different distinctions and ideas of artistic experimentations.

    謝誌 i 摘要 iii Abstract iv 表目錄 v 圖目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究內容與方法 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 第四節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 夜之凝想 8 第一節 夜的探索緣由與啟示 9 第二節 夜之美 13 第三節 創作形式符號象徵與想像意涵 20 第三章 創作理念與實踐 36 第一節 創作理念 36 第二節 創作模式與媒材 38 第三節 創作過程 40 第四章 作品創作分析與說明 43 第一節 整體作品分析 43 第二節 個別創作系列作品解析 46 第五章 結論 72 第一節 回顧 72 第二節 反思與展望 73 參考書目 75

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