簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 游子瑤
Yu, Tzu-Yao
論文名稱: John Stuart Mill 的女性主義思想及其教育意涵
John Stuart Mill's feminist thought and its implications on education
指導教授: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
Fang, Yong-Quan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 彌爾女性主義女權
英文關鍵詞: John Stuart Mill, feminism, women's right
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:33
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  • 本研究旨在探討John Stuart Mill的女性主義思想及其在教育上之蘊義,首先,由Mill的思想背景探究起,包含十九世紀的英國現況、Mill特殊的受教方式、豐富的生活經驗及其思想中深刻的經驗主義、效益主義與自由主義基礎。其次,先藉由自由主義政治哲學與自由主義女性主義兩大脈絡,定位出Mill自由主義女性主義思想的脈絡性、特殊性與重要性;再回到Mill女性主義思想中,深探其主要的基本內涵與權利主張,並帶出Mill女性主義思想中,以經驗主義人性觀為預設,以效益與自由主義為準則的論述方式,同時闡述Mill具有穩固思想基礎的女性工作權、女性投票權以及婚姻與家庭相關權利的主張。復次,針對Mill的女性主義思想進行反思,並探討Mill女性主義思想中所蘊含的教育意涵,可由兩方面分別論述:其一為Mill觀念中女性受教權與其他權利間的關係,其二在探討Mill女性主義思想對今日性別平等觀念推廣與教育實踐之啟示。最後,依據上述的研究結果做出結論,以及對未來研究之建議。


    一、 在英國十九世紀經濟自由、政治民主、社會主義興起但女性仍嚴重受壓迫的時代背景下,Mill深富學術思辯性的生命經驗醞釀出其女性主義思想與行動。
    二、 Mill是自由主義思想中的女性主義者,亦是女性主義思想中關注公領域中法定權利的自由主義者。
    三、 Mill的女性主義思想係以經驗主義、效益主義與自由主義為骨幹,力倡各項女性權利之落實。
    四、 Mill認為讓女性擁有各項基本權利即為一種廣義的教育,並且主張女性接受與男性一樣高水準和有系統的教育,乃是女性擁有前述各項基本權利之前提。
    五、 Mill女性主義思想可充實兩性平等教育之理論基礎與課程內容。

    The main purpose of this research is to explore J. S. Mill's thoughts about feminism and its implications on education. Firstly, it investigates the background of Mill’s thought about feminism, including the context in England of nineteen century, the special educative form Mill had, various and abounding experiences in his life, and the firm thought bases of experimentalism, utilitarianism and liberalism. Secondly, it deals with the context, distinctness and essentiality of Mill’s liberal feminism in respect of liberal political philosophy and liberal feminism; then back to the text of Mill’s thoughts about feminism, it inquires the fundamental content and argument for women’s right, bringing the assumption of human nature of experimentalism, and the discourse which is on the base of utilitarianism and liberalism out, and explicates the advocate of women’s rights. Thirdly, it makes some comments or reflections on Mill’s feminist thoughts, and researches two educational implications in Mill’s feminism: one is the relationship of women’s educational right and other rights, and the other is the educational implement of sexual equality aspired by Mill’s feminism. Finally, based on the results above, this essay will present the conclusion and give some advises to the future researches.

    In conclusion, there are not only lofty expression of liberty and morality, but the strong conviction in the theoretic basis of Mill’s feminism, henceforth it is expected that Mill’s feminism will enhance the theoretic basis of discourse and education of sexual equality nowadays under my initiative research. The conclusions of this essay are:

    1.Under the era of economics liberalizing, politics democratizing, socialism rising, but women which are still heavily oppressed, Mill’s feminist thoughts and actions are incubated from his academic and thinking life experiences.
    2.Mill is a feminist in liberal thinking, so is the liberalist in feminist thinking centering on legal right in public.
    3.Mill’s feminist thoughts are based on experimentalism, utilitarianism and liberalism, advocating the implement of women’s rights.
    4.The advocate of women’s rights is namely a broad education in Mill’s point of view, and the advocate of women’s educational rights just like men is premise of other rights.
    5.Mill’s feminist thoughts can make the education of sexual equality nowadays more solid.

    目次 第一章緒論 第一節研究動機與目的…………………………………………1 第二節研究方法與步驟…………………………………………7 第三節研究範圍………………………………………………….9 第二章 Mill的背景生平與女性主義思想淵源 第一節Mill的時代背景與生活經驗……………………………11 第二節Mill的女性主義思想淵源………………………………22 第三章 Mill女性主義思想的定位、論述方式與權利主張 第一節 Mill女性主義思想的定位………………………………35 第二節 Mill女性主義思想的論述方式…………………………46 第三節 Mill女性主義思想的權利主張…………………………58 第四章 Mill女性主義思想的教育意涵與反思 第一節 Mill女性主義思想的反思………………………………71 第二節 Mill女性主義思想的教育意涵…………………………82 第五章 結論與建議 第一節結論………………………………………………………99 第二節建議……………………………………………………105 參考文獻 中文部份……………………………………………………………109 英文部份……………………………………………………………113 圖次 圖4-1 女性受教權與其他權利的關係 …………..…………………98

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