研究生: |
林志遠 Chih-Yuan Lin |
論文名稱: |
不同運動強度對白血球自由基及脂質過氧化的影響 The effect of different-intensity exercise on leucocyte to generate free radical and lipid peroxidation |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Shen-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 56 |
中文關鍵詞: | 氧化壓力 、嗜中性白血球 、脂質過氧化 、丙二醛 |
英文關鍵詞: | oxidative stress, neutrophil, lipid peroxidation, malondialdehyde |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:348 下載:17 |
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本研究的目的在探討不同運動強度對嗜中性白血球活化產生自由基及對脂質過氧化的影響的影響。本研究以10名健康之男性為受試對象,每人分別重複接受20分鐘之55 ﹪最大保留心跳數(maximal heart rate reserve,HRRmax)之中強度運動及85 ﹪HRRmax高強度運動。並於運動前、運動後即時及運動後24小時,採取非慣用手肘靜脈血液分析嗜中性白血球數目及其他生化指標。發現嗜中性白血球數目在55 ﹪HRRmax強度運動在運動前、運動後即時及運動後24小時嗜中性球數目的改變(運動前:3375.5 ± 1240.3;運動後即時3593.9 ± 1502.7;運動後24小時: 3273.7 ± 822.3;單位:cell/μl)並沒有達到統計上的顯著性。而85 ﹪HRRmax強度運動在運動前、運動後即時及運動後24小時嗜中性球數目變化(前:3189.2 ± 704.6;後:3635.4 ± 873.9;後24小時:2874 ± 369.6;單位:cells/μl)達顯著差異。利用流式細胞分析(Flow cytometric)對顆性球(PMN)產生超氧自由基(O2-)與過氧化氫(H2O2)螢光值百分比(﹪fluorescence)檢測發現,在55 HRRmax與85 ﹪HRRmax高強度運動後超氧自由基(55 ﹪HRRmax:前44.7 ± 4.5 ,後49.5 ± 5 ,後24小時43.2 ± 3.9 ; 85 ﹪HRRmax:前45.6 ± 4.9 , 後53.1 ± 5.1 ,後24小時46 ± 4.8;單位:﹪fluorescence)與過氧化氫(H2O2)(55 ﹪HRRmax:前-42.9 ± 4.9 , 後-49.36 ± 7.8 , 後24小時41.5 ± 5.2;85 ﹪HRRmax:前42.5 ± 3.1;後:54.2 ± 4.;後24小時:42.7 ± 3.3;單位:﹪fluorescence)均顯著增加。血漿中丙二醛(MDA)的濃度在85 ﹪HRRmax強度運動後達顯著差異(運動前:0.99 ± 0.3;運動後:1.18 ± 0.4;運動後24小時:1.19 ± 0.3 單位:nmol/ml),但在55 ﹪HRRmax運動後並沒有顯著差異。研究的結果顯示,55 ﹪HRRmax與85 ﹪HRRmax強度運動會增加顆粒性白血球氧化驟增現象及嗜中性球數目,增加活性氧(ROS)的產生,這種氧化驟增現象,應是運動後增加活性氧(ROS)的主要來源之一。另外85 ﹪HRRmax高強度運動,增加血液中丙二醛(MDA)的濃度,產生脂質過氧化的情形。故平時運動應避免突然選擇如此高之運動強度。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different-intensity exercises on leucocyte generated free radicals and lipid peroxidation in human . Ten untrained subject ( aged 18-23 yrs) performed two intensities of treadmill running for 20 min at 55 ﹪of maximal heart rate reserve ( 55 ﹪HRRmax ) and 85 ﹪HRRmax . Blood samples were collected at rest , immediately after exercise and 24 hours after exercise . The neutrophil mobilization , estimated by neutrophil counts , increased significantly at immediately after 85 ﹪HRRmax execcise but not after 55 ﹪HRRmax exercise . Leucocyte generated free radicals ( superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide ) measured by fluorescence intensity detect by flow cytometric , increased significantly immediately after 85 ﹪and 55 ﹪HRRmax execcise,but decreased significantly 24 hours after exercise. The plasma levels of malondialdehyde ( MDA ) , indices of lipid peroxidation , also increased significantly at immediately after and 24 hours after 85 ﹪HRRmax execcise but not after 55 ﹪HRRmax exercise . These results indicate that neutrophil was an important source of oxygen radicals during high-intensity exercise ( 85 ﹪HRR ) , which contribute to the oxidative stress as indicated by plasma MDA levels immediately after exercise . Despite the decline of the oxygen radicals by neutrophil during rest, the oxidative stress in the blood did not decrease in all subject after 85 ﹪ HRRmax exercise.
Key words : oxidative stress , neutrophil, lipid-
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