研究生: |
柯愷瑄 Kai-Hsuan Ko |
論文名稱: |
女性雙胞胎生涯自我認同發展之敘說研究 The Narrative Research of Career self-identity development of female twins |
指導教授: |
Jin, Shuh-Ren |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 248 |
中文關鍵詞: | 生涯自我認同 、女性雙胞胎 、生涯發展歷程 |
英文關鍵詞: | career self-identity, female identical twins, career developmental process |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:698 下載:112 |
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1. 雙胞胎「連體我」的認同受到「雙胞胎為前世緣份」之詮釋而強化
4. 「雙胞胎能力應該相當」的期望引起自我標籤化之效應
The purpose of this study is to understand the development context of career self–identity of female twins, and the specific issue. Otherwise, researcher want to understand the female twins’ career self-identity how to effect their career development in advanced.
This study invited two dyad identical female twins to narrate their life story. The Methodology of the thesis are narrative research and the analysis of holistic content.
Several findings according to the data analysis are as follows:
1. Career self identity developmental context of female twins are:
a. To value the positive regard from significant others in the early memories is throughout the whole career self-identity development.
b. Career self identity development of twins begins from the share and competition of significant others’ regard with her twin.
c. Different relationship pattern influence the different career self identity development of twins
(1) Close and competent relationship impact self identity which based on the 「Winner-Loser」、「Superior -Inferior」thoughts
(2) Close and harmonic relationship induce the identity of coincidence between themselves
d. The attitude of parents influence the twins how to view the difference between them.
e. Twins are often together and their alikeness,seems to develop the twins’ 「we-self」identity.
(1)The interpretation to be a twins - twins should come from the intimate relationship of pre-existence, enforce the twins 「we-self」identity .
(2)To be the twins could easily become the focus and have double strength seems amplify the twins「we-self」identity .
(3)As twins are used to be together-just like a couple,would influence the twins develop different and specific roles, and effect the development of self-identity in advanced.
(4)Others assume that twins are the same individual and possessing the equal ability, would cause the labeling effect.
f. Independent self identity evolvement is associated with physical space separation、independent sense in adolescence, and the chase of love and privacy.
g. As with intimate and competitive relationship, separation may attribute to independent development for the twin themselves.
2. The special issues in the career self-identity development are:
a. Separation of physical space induce the adaptation issues of psychological separation
b. Twins regard each-other as the most important attachment object and unique position that can’t be replaced.
c. Twins assume each other as expansion of themselves, their self-identity contain the identity of twins “we-self”.
d. During the second separation-individualization process, the twins may encounter the pressure to differentiate from their parents and their twins.
3. The career self-identity of the 2 dyad female identical twins influence the
a. The career self–identity development of the twins is associated with the twin-ship, and it may influence career exploration, career commitment and career choice making. As with intimate and competitive twin-ship, the career self-identity and career developmental process of the twins are fused and formed by three forces as “self”、”twinship”, and ”parents` expectation”. The career self- identity and career developmental process of the harmonic twin-ship are career choice making process organized by “we”, ”us”, and “parents` expectation”.
b. The complexity of the twin`s career self-identity and the career development:
(1) differentiation between “ I am” and “ we are”
(2) fusion of “alike” and “unique”
c. The career roles of the four research anticipants were highlighted as being daughterly offspring and cooperative partners.
Lastly, according to the research result and discussion, the limitation and recommendation of this research could be future references of related researches, psychological counseling and career counseling.
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