研究生: |
金敏玲 Chin Min Ling |
論文名稱: |
休閒與遊憩專業課程範圍與定位之研究 A Study on the Course Design for Leisure and Recreation Professional |
指導教授: |
Wang, Chun-Chi |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 法文 |
論文頁數: | 610 |
中文關鍵詞: | 休閒與遊憩課程 、休閒與遊憩專業 、休閒與遊憩專業人員證照 |
英文關鍵詞: | Courses for Leisure and Recreation, Leisure and Recreation Professional, Certified Leisure and Recreation Professional |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:303 下載:37 |
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一、 休閒與遊憩專業課程的「理念」是以培育休閒與遊憩專業技術與管理人才為主,並配合各地區的發展特色,提倡產業界與學術界的建教合作,結合理論與實務的教學方式,以提昇社會整體的生活品質。
二、 大專、研究所及證照專業訓練各階段課程目標及重點有所不同,因此產官學界對各階段中的休閒與遊憩專業課程「範圍」與「定位」均有不同的看法。產官學界在各階段課程中均比較重視休閒與遊憩專業基礎能力課程,並以休閒與遊憩心理與行為課程、實習課程及語文課程更為明顯。而專業領域課程則著重在休閒與遊憩環境管理及休閒與遊憩行政管理課程上。課程學分數比重則以證照專業訓練階段的課程比較重,其次為研究所階段,最後為大專階段。
三、 休閒與遊憩專業課程範圍包含休閒與遊憩專業基礎能力五大類包括「休閒與遊憩基礎概念類」、「休閒與遊憩倫理類」、「法律認知類」、「實務經驗類」、「資料處理能力類」,以及休閒與遊憩專業領域的四大類「休閒與遊憩行政管理類」、「休閒與遊憩環境管理類」、「休閒與遊憩活動執行類」、「休閒治療類」。
With the recent rise of recreation and tourism industry in Taiwan, there are more and more new departments for this area of studies established in local colleges and universities, but the definition of the study and the courses offered among these institutes are quite diverse and miscellaneous. For this reason, it is critical to have a more general view on the purpose of these programs for the industry, the administrator, and the academic. Then a more acceptable curriculum for the study and professional license system may be achieved.
The study will start with a survey of related literature, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews. Courses on leisure and recreation from various schools will be collected and studied. The result of the study will be transformed into questionnaires for the leisure and recreation professionals and administrators in the government. Their opinions are as follows:
1. The ideal for leisure and recreation professional courses should focus on the professionals themselves. There should be a balance between theory and practice. The courses have to bring local colors into students’ application and experiences so that the society as a whole can be improved at the same time.
2. Since there are various reasons for the courses in different colleges, graduate schools and training programs for professional licenses, the scope and placement of the study are subject to assorted views: Foundation understanding courses on psychology, behavior, and language skills are regarded to be important among the interviewees for all stages of the study, but professional competency courses focus on administration and management. Most independent programs for leisure and recreation in the universities, on the other hand, focus on students’ competency in obtaining professional licenses.
3. There are five areas of studies that should be included in the professional foundation understanding courses: Basic Concepts of Leisure and Recreation Professional, Ethics for Leisure and Recreation Industry, Legal Training for Leisure and Recreation, and Data Processing. The professional competencies courses focus of the study are on administration, management, environments, activities and recreational therapy.
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