研究生: |
黎懿瑩 |
論文名稱: |
一個發展小二學童乘法概念的行動研究 |
指導教授: | 金鈐 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
數學系 Department of Mathematics |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 269 |
中文關鍵詞: | 分組計數 、行動研究 、故事繪本 、倍的數學語言 、乘法概念 、遊戲 |
英文關鍵詞: | action research, counting in grouping, games, language of multiplier, multiplicative conceptions, picture storybook |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:357 下載:63 |
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本研究乃作者於在職進修期間,對授課班級的小二學童進行乘法概念行動研究與教學實驗的成果。教學活動的設計採用Anghileri (2006)鷹架學習的3層次教師策略,搭配分組計數概念、倍的數學語言、故事繪本的似真情境以及遊戲與把玩四個核心教學構念,透過在行動中反思和對行動的反思引動每一階段的教學活動。實驗中使用的乘法概念問卷和數學態度量表皆經過預試並修正,在兩階段三循環的研究中進行共四次前後測,並輔以晤談記錄以及研究日誌,蒐集學童乘法概念發展的量化與質化實徵資料。
This research is an action research with teaching experiment design on the improvement of 2nd graders’ multiplicative conceptions during author’s teaching. I adopted Anghileri’s (2006) framework of scaffolding practices for learning, cooperating with the four core constructs including counting in grouping, language of multiplier, picture storybook drawing on the real-world settings, and game and playing, to intrigue the teaching activities through the reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action processes. In the experiment, the survey of multiplication conceptions and the measurement of attitudes toward mathematics were pre-tested and revised. There are four pre and post tests in the 2-phase and 3-cycle study. I supplement the study with the record of interviews and study diary, and collect the qualitative and quantitative data of students’ development of multiplication conceptions.
Through the 2-phase and 3-cycle process, I found that before teaching, only two of eighteen students have multiplication conceptions in the four types of questions related to equal groups, multiplicative comparison, rectangular array and Cartesian product. The students were almost readies to understand the multiplication concept of rectangular array and equal groups. After the experiment, there were 98.8% students having multiple conceptions on equal groups, 97.1% on multiplicative comparison, 100% on rectangular array, and 26.5% on Cartesian product. The hypothetical learning path for most students in the class seemed to be starting at counting in one, then go to counting in grouping, making the conception of multiplicative, using the mathematic language of multiplier, then to link up the addition and multiplication formula. At the same time, the mathematics attitude scales showed that in the process of learning multiplicative concepts most of the students obtain positive emotional support. This seems to indicate that the real-world settings of picture storybooks and mathematical games had its educational values and implications.
According to the results of the present study, I believe that primary school teachers could follow the following five principle when they teach 2nd graders’ multiplication: for students’ learning difficulties, teachers could make corresponding teaching strategies beforehand; in planning classroom teaching, teachers might adopt activities about counting in grouping and communicate with mathematical language of multiplier; “multiplication is the question of unit conversion” should be recognized as the core to develop students’ multiplicative conceptions; they may try to analyze students’ behaviors before teaching and using relevant teaching strategies to solve most of the students’ problems; through the reflection, observation, and discussion with colleagues, primary school teachers could intrigue the changes of their own pedagogical knowledge and beliefs.
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