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研究生: 林祖強
Tzu-Chiang Lin
論文名稱: 職前生物教師資訊科技融入學科教學知識(TPCK)發展之研究
The research on development of pre-service biology teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK)
指導教授: 鄭湧涇
Cheng, Yeong-Jing
Lin, Chen-Yung
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 254
中文關鍵詞: 生物師資教育資訊融入教學教師資訊素養教師知識學科教學知識資訊科技融入學科教學知識情境學習理論
英文關鍵詞: Biology teacher education, Technology-embedded teaching, Information literacy of teachers, Teacher knowledge, Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK), Situated learning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:536下載:33
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  • 本研究旨在探究職前生物教師從事資訊科技融入教學所需之「資訊科技融入學科教學知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPCK)」。為瞭解TPCK之主要內涵及生物教師所應具備之TPCK相關素養,本研究首先利用半結構式晤談,探究在職與職前生物教師所具有之TPCK,並進一步分析晤談內容以比較兩群具備不同教學經驗的生物教師之TPCK異同,同時利用此晤談結果作為發展可供評估職前教師TPCK之研究工具的依據。此外,本研究為探討是否能藉由師資教育課程改善而增進職前生物教師TPCK的成長,乃採用情境學習理論的理念,設計並架設一輔助職前生物教師修習生物師資教育課程的數位學習平台–¬Technology Enhanced & Assisted Curriculum Headquarter (TEACH),以促進職前生物教師在師資教育課程中TPCK之發展。最後,再應用準實驗研究設計,以國立臺灣師範大學修習「生物教材教法」與「生物教學實習」的兩班職前生物教師為對象,擇一於課程中使用TEACH網站,並在課程進行之前後利用各類相關研究工具,以評估使用TEACH網站對職前生物教師在網路資訊評判標準、對資訊科技的態度、學科內容知識、學科教學知識以及資訊科技融入學科教學知識等方面的影響。




    The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service biology teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). In order to explore the essential contents of TPCK and to get acquainted with such literacy of contemporary biology teachers, the author first interviewed two groups of biology teachers who possessed different levels of teaching experience. The results obtained from the interviews were analyzed and used to reveal the similarities and differences of the TPCK from the two groups of biology teachers. The responses from interviewees were then utilized as the basis of developing instruments for assessing pre-service biology teachers’ TPCK. In addition, this research designed and constructed an e-learning platform, the “Technology Enhanced & Assisted Curriculum Headquarter (TEACH)”, which was based upon the rationale of situated cognition. The TEACH was employed in biology teacher education program to support pre-service biology teachers’ learning and to afford their competence toward teaching with information technologies. Finally, a quasi-experimental approach was applied to investigate how TEACH affected pre-service biology teachers’ professional knowledge that associated with instruction.

    The results indicated that pre-service teachers tended to focus more on the technologies to ‘perfect’ their teaching when they faced e-teaching issues. They preferred to use technologies to complement their teaching, and to acquire teaching methods and to alternate the conventional representation of knowledge in their teaching. As so, they concerned more with how to conduct teaching rather than how their students learn, except students’ motivation. In most cases, the pre-service teachers thought that the main way to design e-teaching was to use technological tools or multimedia to attract students’ attention. Though the in-service teachers were also concerned with students’ motivation, they cared more about whether their instructional design could offer more learning opportunities and thus accommodate different students’ needs via multiple representation based upon technological tools.

    Further, the challenges that might occur in applying situated cognition in teacher education programs, including insufficient opportunities for cognition apprenticeship, limited social interactions, and constraints in microteaching, are then presented. Correspondingly, this research suggests three principles to establish a Web-based environment to highlight and support the rationales of situated cognition in conventional teacher education programs: enhancing peripheral participation, strengthening cognitive apprenticeship, and forming special interest groups online.

    At last, the results of quasi-experimental research indicated that the application of TEACH in biology teacher education program did not afford extra benefit than conventional setting as in pre-service teachers’ information commitment, attitudes toward information technologies, and content knowledge. But the assistance of TEACH did bring significant and positive impact on these trainees’ pedagogical content knowledge. As to TPCK, the main merits that TEACH provided was to transform pre-service teachers’ idea about teaching from “thinking about how to complete instructional works” to “thinking about how to support students’ learning”. Also, TEACH offered the opportunities to reflect the possibilities to apply multiple representations in different teaching units and to give consideration to students’ varied needs toward learning. It is strongly recommended that the context of content knowledge shall be included in the development of instruments that aimed at assessing biology teachers’ TPCK. Further, the content knowledge of “ecology”, “genetics” and “evolution” are profitable topics to be applied in the development of such kind of instrument.

    目錄.....................................................I 表序.....................................................IV 圖序.....................................................VII 第壹章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 研究的背景.....................................1 第二節 研究的重要性...................................4 第三節 研究的目的.....................................14 第四節 名詞釋義.......................................16 第貳章 文獻評述.......................................19 第一節 資訊科技融入教學...............................19 資訊科技與資訊科技融入教學...........................20 資訊科技融入教學的模式...............................22 我國的資訊科技融入教學相關教育政策...................24 符合資訊科技融入教學理念的學習理論...................25 小結.................................................29 第二節 資訊素養.......................................30 資訊素養的意涵.......................................30 教師的資訊素養.......................................37 小結.................................................42 第三節 學科教學知識(PCK)與資訊科技融入學科教學知識 (TPCK).........................................43 學科教學知識的意涵與範疇.............................44 學科教學知識的面向...................................47 從學科教學知識到資訊科技融入學科教學知識.............50 資訊科技融入學科教學知識的意涵與範疇.................53 資訊科技融入學科教學知識的面向.......................56 師資教育對職前教師資訊科技融入學科教學知識的影響.....59 小結.................................................62 第四節 情境學習理論與職前教師數位學習環境設計原則.....63 情境學習理論的緣起...................................63 情境學習理論的意涵與範疇.............................65 情境學習理論在師資教育的應用.........................69 以情境學習理論為基礎的師資教育學習環境...............71 小結.................................................75 第參章 研究方法.......................................77 第一節 研究對象.......................................77 第二節 研究過程.......................................79 第三節 研究工具與資料分析.............................83 生物教師TPCK晤談編碼與分析...........................83 TEACH網站設計與開發..................................90 資訊科技融入學科教學知識測驗–BTPCKT之發展與效化 (Validation).........................................101 學科知識測驗與學科教學知識測驗.......................103 網路資訊評判標準問卷與教師對資訊科技態度問...........103 第肆章 研究結果.........................................105 第一節 在職與職前生物教師TPCK之異同...................105 TPCK–教學信念.......................................105 TPCK–學習評鑑.......................................108 TPCK–學科內容.......................................111 TPCK–教學設計.......................................115 TPCK–教學表徵.......................................118 小結.................................................122 第二節 職前科學教師的教師知識現況.....................123 職前科學教師調查結果之描述性統計分析.................123 職前科學教師特質的交叉分析...........................127 職前生物教師修習「生物教材教法」與「生物教學實習」 課程前之教師知識分析.................................137 小結.................................................153 第三節 TEACH網站對職前生物教師教師知識的影響..........154 網路資訊評判標準與對資訊科技的態度...................154 學科內容知識.........................................157 學科教學知識.........................................158 資訊科技融入學科教學知識.............................160 小結.................................................169 第四節 職前生物教師對TEACH網站功能的滿意度............170 對「強調以教學設計為基礎的能力」的滿意度.............170 對「強化社群互動」的滿意度...........................171 對「實施線上微試教」的滿意度.........................173 小結.................................................175 第伍章 討論.............................................176 第一節 在職與職前生物教師TPCK之差異...................176 第二節 職前科學教師與職前生物教師的教學知識...........181 第三節 符合情境學習理論的數位學習環境對職前生物教師 的效益.........................................185 第陸章 結論與建議.......................................189 第一節 結論...........................................189 第二節 建議...........................................192 參考文獻.................................................194 附錄一 國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系教學實習課程架構.......217 附錄二 BTPCKT初稿.......................................218 附錄三 生物教師教學知識測驗.............................234

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