研究生: |
陳美如 Chen Mei-Ju |
論文名稱: |
多元文化課程理念與實踐之研究 The Study on Theory and Practice of Multicultural Curriculum |
指導教授: |
Huang, Kuang-Hsing 張建成 Chang, Chien-Chen |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 1999 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 301 |
中文關鍵詞: | 多元文化課程 、多元文化教育 、課程與教學 、學校知識 |
英文關鍵詞: | multicultural curriculum, multicultural education, curriculum and pedagogy, school knowledge |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:494 下載:93 |
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一、 在理念層面的建議:教育人員應將相互包容、理解與尊重視為多元文化課程的必要條件,此外也應將學生的文化、生活經驗與社區的資源特色,視為學校知識一環。
二、 對學校層級的建議:應結合教師、多元文化學者、課程專家及社會資源人士進行課程的規畫與設計,多元文化課程應從過去的添加模式進入融合、統整、轉化社會行動及整體改革模式,進行校際(含城鄉、異文化)之間的交流,將學校視為社會系統進行整體的多元文化課程改革。
三、 對教師的建議:應培養教師多元文化的素養及批判反省的能力,建立教師的合作關係並鼓勵同領域及跨領域教師的合作與相互學習,教師應傾聽學生的聲音,並以合作探究進行教學。
四、 對多元文化資源系統的建議:將相關的教育資源整合,作人力與資源的最大運用,各師範校院與各教師中心應進行理論與實際間的研究,並提供相關的諮詢,行政單位應多加配合,社會資源也應充分整合,此外亦可透過網路進行資訊的互通與分享。
五、 對社會整體的建議:透過整體的社會實踐建立多元文化社會。
The main purpose of this study was to inquire the theory and practice of multicultural curriculum.
This thesis attempted to explore the meaning of multicultural education and multicultural curriculum. In order to understand the research approach, the trends of multicultural curriculum, and the propose of the critic idea, this study also analyzed the research of multicultural curriculum from 1986 to 1998.
Based on the above inquiry, five major conceptions are drawn from the theory of multicultural curriculum: the practicing of social justice, the opening of difference, the learning of social cultural, the representation of history and voice, as well as the building of communication and dialogue.
The study of the practice of multicultural curriculum, which includes the revealing of school knowledge, the implications, the pedagogy of cooperation and inquiry, and the teacher preparation, illustrates the whole picture of multicultural curriculum.
The suggestions are as follows:
1. Educators should view the inclusion, dual respect and understanding as the essentiality of multicultural curriculum.
2. School knowledge should include students' culture, life experience, and social resource.
3. Curriculum planning and design should be the combination of schoolteachers, multicultural scholars, the curriculum experts, and others.
4. Multicultural curriculum should change from attached model to immerse, integrative, transformative, and social action model.
5. Communications are encouraged and increased among schools.
6. The schools are considered as a social system for multicultural curriculum reform.
7. Teachers should promote their images and reflective thinking of multicultural curriculum.
8. Teachers should cooperate and learn from one another.
9. All the educational resources should be integrated for efficient implications.
10. Social participation is promoted to establish a multicultural society.
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