研究生: |
謝維哲 Hsieh, Wei-Che |
論文名稱: |
短暫戒菸時進行單次運動對吸菸渴望、戒斷症狀與皮質醇濃度之影響 Effects of a single exercise session on smoking craving, withdrawal symptoms, and cortisol concentrations during brief smoking abstinence |
指導教授: |
Ho, Jen-Yu |
口試委員: |
Lin, Hsin-Fu 陳勇志 Chen, Yung-Chih 何仁育 Ho, Jen-Yu |
口試日期: | 2022/11/30 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 51 |
中文關鍵詞: | 尼古丁成癮 、尼古丁戒斷症狀 、運動與戒菸 |
英文關鍵詞: | nicotine addiction, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, exercise, smoking cessation |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205654 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:257 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
目的: 探討短暫戒菸期間進行單次中等強度腳踏車運動對吸菸渴望與戒斷症狀的影響,並釐清戒菸期間運動後皮質醇濃度的變化,以及與兩指標間的相關性。方法: 本研究招募12名吸菸男性 (菸齡3年以上、無規律運動習慣且尼古丁成癮分數達4分以上),在進行24小時短暫戒菸後,依照尼古丁成癮分數進行配對分組,分配至運動組 (30分鐘強度為RPE11-13之腳踏車運動) 與控制組 (30分鐘休息),並在短暫戒菸前、戒菸後/介入前、介入後5分鐘進行血液採集 (分析皮質醇濃度),並填寫吸菸渴望與戒斷症狀量表,以混和設計二因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關進行統計分析。結果: 戒菸24小時後,所有受試者的戒斷症狀會顯著增加,而吸菸渴望雖也有增加,但未達顯著差異。本研究發現僅運動組的吸菸渴望在介入後5分鐘 (1.33±1.21分) 顯著降低於戒菸後/介入前(2.83±1.60分),戒斷症狀也同樣僅在運動介入後5分鐘 (9.67±1.86分) 顯著低於戒菸後/介入前 (15.17±6.65分)。皮質醇濃度在不同介入與評估時間上,皆無顯著差異 (p=.995)。此外,皮質醇濃度的變化與吸菸渴望的變化、以及戒斷症狀的變化上並無顯著相關。結論: 短暫戒菸24小時後,戒斷症狀會顯著增加,但單次運動能幫助降低吸菸渴望與戒斷症狀;此外,皮質醇可能不是戒菸時運動能幫助戒菸的生理因素。
Purpose: To investigate acute effects of moderate-intensity cycling exercise on smoking craving and withdrawal symptoms following brief smoking cessation, and to clarify the response of cortisol to exercise and its correlation with carving and withdrawal symptoms. Methods: Twelve smoking males (smoking for more than three years, not trained, and nicotine dependence test score is 4 or more points) were recruited, matched in pair, and then assigned to Exercise group (30 minutes of cycling exercise at moderate intensity, RPE11-13) or Control group (30 minutes of rest) in this study. The smoking assessment (craving and withdrawal intensity) and blood sampling (for cortisol analysis) were obtained at baseline (before smoking cessation), after 24-hour smoking cessation/before the intervention, and 5 minutes after the intervention. A mixed two-way ANOVA (intervention x time) and the Bonferroni post hoc were used to analyze the data. A significant level is set at α = .05. Results: After 24 hours of quitting, while the withdrawal symptoms of all subjects increased significantly, the craving for smoking also increased, but not significantly. After intervention, the smoking craving significantly decreased (2.83±1.60 to 1.33±1.21 point) only in Exercise group. Similarly, the withdrawal symptoms also significantly decreased (15.17±6.65 to 9.67±1.86 points) after intervention only in Exercise group. However, there were no significant differences in cortisol concentrations at any time points or between groups. Furthermore, the changes in cortisol concentrations were not significantly correlated with changes in smoking cravings or withdrawal symptoms. Conclusions: A single bout of exercise can reduce smoking cravings and withdrawal symptoms following a 24-hour smoking cessation. However, cortisol may not play a role in regulation of exercise on smoking craving and withdrawal symptoms during brief smoking abstinence.
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