研究生: |
施芳婷 Shih, Fang-ting |
論文名稱: |
創造思考教學融入高中藝術生活課程對進修學校學生創造力影響之研究-從創意廣告課程出發 The Influence of Creative Thinking Teaching in Arts and Life Class for the Students in Extensive Education Division-From Creative Advertising Curriculum |
指導教授: |
Chen, Li-Chou 夏學理 Hsia, Hsueh-Li |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
創造力發展碩士在職專班 Continuing Education Master's Program of Creativity Development |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 106 |
中文關鍵詞: | 創造思考教學 、創意廣告 、陶倫斯創造力測驗成人適用精簡版(ATTA) 、專家評量(CAT) |
英文關鍵詞: | Creative Thinking Teaching, Creative Advertisement, Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA), Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT) |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:306 下載:41 |
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本研究旨在探討自編的「創造思考教學融入高中藝術生活課程-以創意廣告為主題」對提升進修學校學生創造力之影響;研究對象為新北市某高中進修學校二年級學生,實驗組接受「創造思考教學融入藝術生活課程」,共25 位學生;控制組接受「一般藝術生活教學活動」,共23 位學生,兩班皆由研究者親自擔任教學,自101學年度上學期九月開始至十二月止,為期十週,每週一堂課,每節課50分鐘,共十節課。本實驗方法是實驗組及控制組學生於課程前後,利用「陶倫斯創造力測驗成人適用精簡版」(Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults,簡稱ATTA)進行測驗,將所得資料以獨立樣本T檢定加以統計分析;並將兩組學生經不同教學方法學習後所拍攝之創意廣告影片,以專家評量(Consensual Assessment Technique, CAT)的方法給予評分,最後輔以質性資料,來呈現創造思考教學的學習成效及學生的學習反應。此研究目的,是期望透過「創意思考教學」策略的參與和觀察,探究該課程對高中進修學校學生之創造力表現關係。
經本論文研究後獲得幾項結論:(一) 藝術生活課程之創意廣告教學的介入對於進修學校學生其創造性思考活動能力的提升,有顯著的進步;(二) 實驗組學生接受創意思考課程後,其產出之作品,經專家共識評量,相較於控制組,較具備創造力的特質;(三) 學生在實驗期間,有興趣接受研究者自編的藝術生活創意教學的教材及教學實施;(四) 實驗組在接受創意思考教學的過程後,學生對創造思考的興趣有所提升,並且願意運用於日常生活中。
This study aimed to explore the impact of Integrating Creative Thinking Teaching Activities into the High School Art & Life Curriculum - Creative Advertising, which was edited by the researcher, on the enhancement of the creativity of the students in continuing education schools. The study subjects are students in continuing education of second grade at a senior high school. The experiment group accepted Integrating Creative Thinking Instruction into the course of Art & Life, and there were 25 students; the control group accepted Teaching Activities of General Art Life, and there were 23 students. Both groups were taught by the researcher. The study period was from September to December in the first semester of school year 2012, totally 10 weeks. There was one class per week and each class time was 50 minutes, totally 10 times. Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) was adopted to testify the experiment group and control group before and after the curriculum. The data collected was statistically analyzed with T-test. Also the creative advertising videos shot by two groups after the curriculums with different teaching methods were evaluated and scored with Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT). Finally, with the supplement of qualitative data, the effect of creative thinking teaching activities as well as the response from the students was presented. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between this curriculum and the creativity performance of the students in continuing education of senior high school through the strategic involvement and observation of Creative Thinking Teaching Activities. Furthermore, it can be a reference for relevant domestic schools to design their curriculums.
Several conclusions obtained after the thesis:
1. The intervention of the Arts and Life Class teaching of creative advertising for the College of Technology students creative thinking activities enhance the ability significant progress. 2. Experimental group received the creative thinking courses, its output of works by the Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT), compared to the control group, compared with the characteristics of creativity.
3. During the experiment, students interested in the Arts and Life Class researcher creative teaching materials and teaching practice.4. Experimental group in the process of creative thinking teaching students improved interest in creative thinking and willing used in daily life.
According above study results to offer some suggestions, and the study is expected to provide reference for teachers of performing arts curriculum.
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