研究生: |
蔡芳姿 TSAI , FANG - TZU |
論文名稱: |
完形心理學群化原則應用於數位影像設計的創作研究 The Study and Creation on Digital images - Applying the grouping principle of Gestalt psychology |
指導教授: | 蘇茂生 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 118 |
中文關鍵詞: | 完形心理學 、群化原則 、數位影像設計 、數位創作 、數位媒材 |
英文關鍵詞: | Gestalt Psychology, grouping principle, digital image design, digital creation, digital media |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:569 下載:40 |
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It is essential for a graphic designer to understand the people's manner and ability in "seeing" a work, in order to design some comprehensive, prolific, diverse, and interesting graphics. It can help the viewers see and absorb the messages easier. Likewise, the study of Gestalt psychology and visual theory can provide the designers with the basic nutrients and facilitate them with powerful tools in design because the study of these theories enables the designers to better understand the operation of people's visual capacities and their aesthetic preference. As a result, it allows the designers to grasp and represent the messages they want to transmit more accurately.
First, the study aims to explore the people's feelings and the corresponding sensual organs to understand the formation of the senses and related visual theory. Then, it further explores the "grouping principle", which is formed by applying Gestalt psychology in the studies of people's senses, as the core theoretical framework. In addition, the researcher would like to investigate its impacts on graphic design. Eventually, targeting at various feelings and sensual interactions, the project intends to fathom the visual theories and factors that should be considered when designing a work, to grasp the people's senses and responses effectively, so as to apply them in digital image creation and design.
In recent years, it is the trend for designers to create something out of nothing with computer software. When creating digital images by using a digital camera, the designers process the images with the computer to preserve and create their works. Likewise, in this project the researcher employs a digital camera and computer graphic software as major tools. In the experimental process, the manner of applying digital media and the process of digital design and creation will be recorded to provide the designers with more effective methods and broader perspectives toward the creations. In the research, the project discovered:
1 Applying the "grouping principles" makes the creative works more powerful and sparkle with vitality.
2 In visual arrangement and the applications of graphics, the "grouping principle" is proved to be positive in inspiring designers.
3 The flexible application of the "grouping principle", a branch of Gestalt psychology, can help accomplish the goal of seeking "standardization within diversification, and diversification within standardization."
4 The designers' manners and ideas are bound by the media they employed when designing with various kinds of media and methods. However, humanistic concern can move people more.
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2 基本設計研討會論文集(民86)。中華民國設計學會。
1 方傑(民90):藝術風格的構成模式:以巴色利茲繪畫發展為例的分析。國立成功大學藝術研究所碩士論文。
2 葉政鑫(民90):運用完形心理學探討介面形態組織關係對注意力之影響。國立雲林科技大學工業設計系碩士論文。
3 林庭如(民88):國小弱視學童完形圖像認知歷程之研究—以「圖與地」、「群化原則」為例。國立交通大學應用藝術所碩士論文。
4 林峻民(民89):視覺認知與實際視覺間差異之探討。元智大學資訊傳播研究所碩士論文。
5 李佳珍(民87):複合意象圖形在平面廣告中運用與表現之研究—以海報設計為例。國立臺灣師範大學美術研究所碩士論文。
7 張國欽(民89):數位設計媒體對初學者形式創作訓練的影響。東海大學建築系碩士班論文。
8 柯萱玉(民91):數位藝術在設計繪畫應用上之研究-以3D造型數位影像童書繪製為例。國立臺灣師範大學設計研究所碩士論文。
10曾敏雲 (民89):數位攝影與傳統攝影之比較研究 。國立臺灣師範大學工業科技教育研究所。
1 完形心理學的視覺法則。上網日期:92.5.12 , 網址:http://gc.shu.edu.tw/~tjchiang/indite/GestaltPsychology/gestalt-02-02.htm。
2 愛普生數位攝影聯盟。上網日期:93.2.19 ,
3數位影像坊。上網日期:93.2.19 ,
4攝影家手札。上網日期:93.2.19 ,
5圖解設計。上網日期:93.2.19 ,
6 WWW 網頁上的視覺傳達與藝術表現。上網日期:93.2.20 ,
7知覺心理學簡介。上網日期:93.2.20 ,
8 Trick Art。上網日期:93.2.26 ,
9數位媒材的創作。上網日期:93.2.26 ,
10楊裕富設計教學網。上網日期:93.3.18 ,
11後結構主義與後現代主義。上網日期:93.3.18 ,
12臺灣歷史發展的特色 張炎憲教授。上網日期:93.3.18 ,