簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林育州
LIN, Yu-Chou
論文名稱: 生命弦音‧穿越畫筆心-林育州繪畫創作論述
Chord of Life-The Research of Lin, Yu-Chou's Creation Painting
指導教授: 郭博州
Kuo, Bor-Jou
口試委員: 林偉民
LIN, Wei-Min
Huang, Chin-Lung
Kuo, Bor-Jou
口試日期: 2023/11/01
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 靈感抽象記憶潛意識
英文關鍵詞: inspiration, abstraction, memory, subconscious
研究方法: 文獻分析法圖像分析法創作實踐法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301821
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:180下載:4
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  • 筆者出生在雲林北港朝天宮旁,對廟宇的文化與活動留有深刻印象。每年的白沙屯媽祖遶境勾起了筆者的記憶,而高爾基童年的回憶亦影響筆者的創作方式,同時,作畫的靈感來源延續到吳文瑤的媽祖遶境的繪畫本。種種因素,使筆者在年近七十歲之際,試圖將過往的回憶呈現在畫作上。



    The author was born next to Chaotian Temple in Beigang, Yunlin, and was deeply impressed by the culture and activities of the temple. The annual Mazu pilgrimage in Baishatun evokes the memory of the author, and Arshile Gorky’s childhood memories also influence the author’s creative methods. At the same time, the source of inspiration for painting extends to Wu Wenyao’s painting book of Mazu’s pilgrimage. Various factors led the author, when he was nearly seventy years old, to try to present his past memories in paintings

    This thesis is titled "Chord of Life" explores the impact of Bergson’s concept of “duration” on time and Freud’s application of subconsciousness in artistic expression, and analyzes the characteristics of the works of Chinese and foreign art masters through literature review and painting creation. Practice to accumulate creative energy, re-examine the life process, and construct spiritual images beyond selfvisual experience.
    The research of this thesis is divided into five chapters. The initial chapter serves as an introductory section elucidating the driving force and objectives behind the study. It also delineates the extent and methodologies employed in the research. The second chapter is a literature review, exploring the image of ruins, the time consciousness of duration and nostalgia, Cubism, and Surreality. ism, abstract expressionism, collective subconscious and other concepts and theories; the third chapter is the creative discussion of "Life Strings", expounding the creative concept, inspiration collection album and media techniques; the fourth chapter is the analysis of the work, analyzing the creative content and The arrangement of the pictures, as well as the connected memories and images; the conclusion of Chapter 5 summarizes the author's creative content and consciousness, shows the creative results of this research, and based on this research, looks forward to future innovative development.

    目 次 摘要 i Abstract ii 目 次 iv 表 次 v 圖 次 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究範圍與方法 6 第四節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 綿延與懷舊的時間意識 11 第二節 潛意識精神與藝術應用美學 16 第三節 脫離客觀描寫 呈現繪畫主觀情感 21 第三章「生命弦音」──穿越畫筆心之創作論述 39 第一節 創作思維:以繪畫註解生命價值 39 第二節 靈感收集與繪畫創作關聯 41 第三節 應用技法與創作步驟 45 第四章 作品解析 57 第一節 〈生命的樂章〉系列 58 第二節 〈夢之絮〉系列 74 第三節 〈日常系列〉 86 第五章 結論 95 參考文獻 97 附 錄 林育州創作展覽 101


    一、 中文書目
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    1. 陳顯棟-詩像繪畫官方網站,< https://www.cht.idv.tw/index.php>
    2. 國家教育研究院/樂詞網,〈https://terms.naer.edu.tw/detail/5b0ee4071a42ead9473129eb6905ee93/〉。
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