簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林憶珊
Lin, I-Shan
論文名稱: 不只是兒童文學:伊索寓言功能流變
Beyond Children’s Literature: On Aesop’s Fables and Their Functional Shifts
指導教授: 賴慈芸
Lai, Tzu-Yun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 260
中文關鍵詞: 伊索寓言功能修辭證道故事兒童文學語言翻譯
英文關鍵詞: Aesop’s Fables, exemplum, children’s literature, language, translation, function, rhetoric
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:427下載:33
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  • 伊索寓言為家喻戶曉的兒童啟蒙讀物,故事多以動物為主角,敘述淺顯易懂、篇幅精簡、清晰,再利用故事的內容闡明一則則人生道理。但是伊索寓言在上古世紀卻非只是兒童讀物,而是辯論家在論說時用以隱射、舉例的修辭材料,有些故事甚至兒童不宜。伊索寓言在中古世紀被作為神職人員講道時的證道故事,文藝復興時期成了文法學校的語言學習材料,啟蒙時代的伊索寓言更扮演著啟發孩童想像的讀物。如此多變的功能,變的不是伊索寓言的本質,而是不同時代、不同翻譯的作法。本論文以時間作為主軸,闡釋各階段伊索寓言的形貌,分析出版品的形式與內容,描述伊索寓言的功能轉變。第一章探討伊索問題以及寓言體,第二章為修辭材料以及證道故事,第三章分析六本十七世紀出版之伊索寓言,探究語言學習材料的內涵,第四章分析六本十八世紀中葉至十九世紀中葉的伊索寓言,進一步描述、分析伊索寓言在啟蒙時期的轉變,第五章綜覽二十一世紀的伊索寓言,包含其功能、形式以及應用。最後一章結論針對先前的論述加以重整。不同時期的翻譯,針對其預期的使用者需求,都會加以調整內容、形式。本研究認為伊索寓言的功能轉變也呼應了歷史的時間線,其內涵也從最早的修辭功能,不斷擴大、增加、改變。未來研究可朝文本之廣度、深度以及語言、地區著手。本研究透過描述、解析不同時期的伊索寓言,進一步剖析被挪用、刪減、變形的文本,看見翻譯如何被創造、被定義。

    Aesop’s Fables characterized by talking animals are usually simple, terse, and carry morals that teach children virtues and foster their young mind. However, when Aesop’s Fables were first invented, they were not written for children. The fables were rhetorical materials for orators, philosophers and sophists who used them to illustrate their teachings or oration. Some fables in ancient times were coarse and brutal. In England during the Middle Ages, fables became one of the most used materials for anecdotes. Monks compiled manuscripts, studied, appropriated, and preached the fables to illustrate their religious doctrines. During the Renaissance when the classics were rediscovered, scholars found Aesop’s Fables perfect for young children to learn and to practice Latin and Greek. Editions of Aesop’s Fables designed for language learning were specifically used in grammar schools and functioned as language learning materials for a few centuries. Well into the English Enlightenment, there was no longer a need for learning Latin or Greek. People advocated for new ideas, and during this time, the area of children’s development and education was crucial. Aesop’s Fables, owing to their nature, were edited, illustrated and turned into teaching materials for the youth. Though some publications were still stringent and too difficult for children to read, the English Enlightenment laid the foundation for Aesop’s Fables to become the most enduring and used source of children’s literature. Throughout history, Aesop’s Fables have undergone a series of shifts in functional use. Numerous editions and translations were created to meet different ends. Aesop’s Fables are an organic form of literature that continue to change, grow and thrive. Its nature remains the same, its implication however has been significantly enriched and broadened because of translations.

    Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 Who’s Aesop? 2 1.2 Aesop’s Fables and ancient versions 4 1.3 Literature review 5 Chapter Two: Rhetorical Materials and Exempla 9 2.1 Fables used as rhetorical materials 10 2.1.1 Fable number and form 11 2.1.2 “Some” special fables 13 2.1.3 Ever-changing 18 2.2 Fables used as exempla 20 2.3 Conclusion 22 Chapter Three: Language Learning Materials 24 3.1 The selection 26 3.2 Textual analysis 30 3.2.1 Covers 30 3.2.2 Authors 38 3.2.3 Front matter 40 3.2.4 Fable number and form 50 3.3 Conclusion 69 Chapter Four: Enlightened Readings for Children 73 4.1 The selection 75 4.2 Textual analysis 77 4.2.1 Cover art 77 4.2.2 Author, translator and illustrator 86 4.2.3 Front matter 90 4.2.4 Fable number, form and others 102 4.3 Story choice & contents 119 4.3.1. Two fables 121 4.3.2. Proved or disapproved 130 4.4 Conclusion 132 Chapter Five: Aesop’s Fables in the 21st Century 134 5.1 Heritage of the past 137 5.2 New looks 151 Chapter Six: Conclusion 156 References 161 Appendices 169 Appendix I 169 Appendix II 231 Appendix III 256

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