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研究生: 蔡柏宏
Tsai, Bo-Hong
論文名稱: 「反政治正確」的「地獄哏」風格言論論述分析──以PTT八卦板為例
A Discourse Analysis on “Hellish Gags” Speech in the Style of “Anti-Political Correctness”: A Case Study of Gossiping Forum in PTT
指導教授: 王維菁
Wang, Wei-Ching
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 反政治正確地獄哏網路模因論述虛擬社群鄉民
英文關鍵詞: anti-political correctness, hellish gags, Internet memes, discourse, virtual communities, Xiang-Min
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000147
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:1183下載:182
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  • 本論文由網路模因(Internet Memes)的觀點出發,觀察臺灣最大的電子布告欄系統(Bulletin Board System, BBS)──批踢踢實業坊(PTT)中,鄉民談及「反政治正確」的「地獄哏」時,如何透過文字上的論述,合理化現實社會中,多半會被視為具道德疑慮,甚至強化針對特定群體之仇恨的言論。

      「反政治正確」(Anti-Political Correctness)意指近年國內外社會存在著的一股對於「正確的指稱」,乃至保障社會中相對少數、弱勢群體的「政治正確」感到質疑,甚至反感的氛圍。而「地獄哏」(Hellish Gags)則是網路模因中特殊的一支,常於鄉民發揮創意產製的用戶生成內容(user-generated content, UGC)中,幽默、戲謔地看待他人不幸的經歷,或先天、非自願造成的外在特徵,隱含道德疑慮。不過,卻也時常因文本呈現的手法太過獨特,使閱聽者「忍不住覺得好笑」,游移於「道德」與「不道德」間的模糊地帶。本文發現,「地獄哏」因其敘事手法的「搞笑」與「有趣」而相當吸引人,道德疑慮在此情境下,經常是被「擱置」不談的,著重於「好玩」的一面。但另一方面,「地獄哏」等反政治正確的敘事風格,卻也時常作為鄉民針對過往被視為理所當然、位居「主流」的說法及觀點表達質疑,以及提出獨到見解的途徑。許多時候,字裡行間時常透露鄉民對於「政治正確」的重新解讀,甚至反感。

      實際案例上,本文透過論述分析(Discourse Analysis, DA)探究2018年8月至2019年4月之間,八卦板極具爭議的事件──「馮魏石事件」中,鄉民集體起鬨、鬧板,以及大眾媒體之網路綜合報導等因素交互影響的同時,鄉民在貼文、留言裡再現出的性別、社會秩序。研究發現,鄉民對於「道德有瑕疵」,進而在關係中「背叛」既有伴侶的女性,以及與社會多數之既有印象差異過大,卻享有政策優惠的原住民等少數群體相當敵視,展現明顯的網路厭女(online misogyny)氛圍,以及劃分我群、他群的現象中,逐漸累積、激化的敵意。更因參與者眾,使得個別鄉民所感受到的罪惡感因責任分散心理(diffusion of responsibility)等因素而減緩,從而使諸多涉及敵視、仇恨的網路言論更形極端。



    Based on the concept of “Internet Memes,” this study aims to observe the biggest Bulletin Board System (BBS) in Taiwan, PTT, trying to figure out how PTT users (the so-called “Xiang-Min”) rationalize and make some malicious online speech reasonable through their discourse strategies. In the online forum, “Xiang Min” usually describe their malicious speech as “hellish gag,” which is a special form of “joke.” However, these “jokes” sometimes violate the main social value and even foster hatred against certain social groups.

    This study focuses on two main issues, “anti-political correctness” and “hellish gags.” “Anti-political correctness” means a special social atmosphere in which people suspect “politically correct titles,” or dislike some protecting policies for minorities. “Hellish gag” is a special version of Internet memes. “Xiang-Min” usually make their own “hellish gags” to tease, ridicule, or take others’ misfortune as “jokes.” Sometimes, these “jokes” are malicious. However, because of special ways of storytelling behind these “hellish gags,” these memes usually make readers laugh. This feature shows the special position of “hellish gags,” which lies in the ambiguous position between “morality” and “immorality.”

    Due to the “interesting” feature, “hellish gags” are very attractive in online forums such as PTT. Although these “jokes” are malicious, “Xiang-Min” sometimes pay more attention to “fun,” instead of potential moral controversies among these memes. On the other hand, “Xiang-Min” sometimes apply “hellish gags” and “anti-political correctness” to doubt those “mainstream” statements, and express their own opinions. Also, these memes show an alternative description of “political correctness” through “Xiang-Min”’s creative expression.

    In this study, I apply discourse analysis (DA) to figure out social values and ideologies behind some online speech of “Xiang-Min.” Take the most controversial event among 2018 and 2019 in the gossiping forum (one of the main forum in PTT) as an example, “Xiang-Min” usually express their hatred against women with moral defects. Also, if the image of some indigenous people violates the existing ones, but policies still provide some preferential treatment to these minorities, it increases others’ sense of “relative deprivation.” Through online speech of “Xiang-Min,” what they talk about shows the influences based on the atmosphere of online misogyny. At the same time, when people divide “we group” and “the other,” they usually intensify and accumulate their hatred against the “worst” others. What’s more, there are too many “Xiang-Min” involved in these online issues, the sense of guilt will disperse to each “Xiang-Min.” Even if some “jokes” are malicious, people seldom feel their guilt. Therefore, some online speech with hatred seems to be gradually extreme.

    Besides discourse analysis, I also do several semi-structured interviews to analyze the meanings of these memes for “Xiang-Min.” Through these interviewees, the social and cultural meanings are not merely based on whether these memes are “appropriate” or not. Instead, the process of creation and comprehension maters. For some interviewees, doing “hellish gags” is a very creative way of storytelling, and its moral ambiguity is an important factor to catch readers’ eyes. These “jokes” are not merely based on discrimination and hatred. On the other hand, some interviewees take “hellish gags” as a way to disguise hatred among some Internet memes into “jokes.”

    Overall, this study shows the controversies behind “political correctness” and “mainstream” statements. That is, some policies seem to help minorities and people in need, but these strategies overlook a lot of people. Although these people are not “absolutely” vulnerable, they still do not live well. (I call these people as “the vulnerable majorities.”) Some preferential policies usually increase a sense of relative deprivation of the “vulnerable majorities.” For these people, some collective actions help them to vent their emotions or even hatred. Also, these “actions” sometimes make these people visible among the Internet era. However, these phenomena usually deteriorate and increase more speech with moral controversies and hatred because of factors such as the anonymity. This phenomenon shows the significance of some “anti-political correctness” issues hidden in online jokes and speech. It is worthy to do further research.

    表目錄 XI 圖目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究主體之範圍與定義 3 一、模因與網路模因 3 二、網路模因中政治不正確與反政治正確 4 三、不只是「笑」與「不笑」:臺灣網路社群中的「地獄哏」 6 第三節 研究發想與研究目的 11 第二章 文獻對話 14 第一節 模因(Memes)的特性、意義與範圍 14 一、文字型網路模因 14 二、圖片型網路模因 17 三、影音內容中的網路模因 18 四、小結 19 第二節 網路模因中的幽默與諷刺 20 第三節 純屬搞笑,或傳達惡意與仇恨? 24 一、族群、宗教與文化 25 二、歐美社會的移民議題 28 三、惡搞、起鬨隱藏的仇恨 29 四、網路社群與使用者共構的激化言論 32 第四節 對特定群體、非我群者的另眼看待 35 一、檢討當事人/被害人 35 二、放大檢視非我群體者的差異 38 第五節 網路起鬨及檢討、攻擊當事人──潛在的心理學因素 43 一、認知不和諧 43 二、歸因 44 三、捷思法 45 四、同情與同理 46 五、責任分散心理 47 第六節 小結 48 第三章 研究設計與執行 51 第一節 問題意識與研究聚焦 51 一、提出問題 51 二、主題聚焦 52 第二節 研究場域與案例選擇 53 第三節 研究方法選擇與規劃 57 一、批判論述分析 58 二、半結構式訪談 60 三、訪談設計 61 第四節 研究架構與流程 65 第四章 案例分析──鄉民論述 66 第一節 幻想與性化論述 69 第二節 母豬、臺女等性別論述 73 第三節 論述中的性別觀點與秩序 81 第四節 族群論述 86 第五節 不只是起鬨與語言遊戲──鄉民的社會意義與功能 93 第五章 除了好笑與否──「反政治正確」的「地獄哏」言論之社會文化意義 102 第一節 地獄哏的恰當與不恰當 104 第二節 惡意與否,或進一步造成傷害? 108 第三節 地獄哏圖文指涉的對象被如何看待? 113 第四節 政治正確與言論自由間的界線 116 第五節 小結119 第六章 寫在玩笑背後 121 第一節 討論 121 一、鄉民起鬨、地獄哏的趣味、意義與隱憂 121 二、不只是好笑與不好笑──有道德疑慮卻也十分吸引人? 124 三、紓解情緒、壓力,或激化更多仇恨?──「政治不正確」的深層意義 126 四、作為鄉民與研究者──反思與倡議 128 第二節 未竟之處 133 第三節 貢獻與後續建議 134 參考文獻 138 中文部分 138 英文部分 148 附錄 153

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