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研究生: 薛文淑
Wen-shu Hsueh
論文名稱: 社群網站行銷與消費者互動關係之研究: 以Facebook粉絲專頁為例
A study on the interaction between enterprise and consumer in social media marketing : using Facebook Page as an example
指導教授: 王維菁
Wang, Wei-Ching
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 188
中文關鍵詞: Facebook粉絲專頁社群行銷策略互動關係消費者動員
英文關鍵詞: Facebook, Facebook pages, Social media marketing strategy, Interactive relationship, Consumer mobilization
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:991下載:99
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  • Facebook已是目前全球第一大社群網站,在台灣地區使用Facebook人數已超過了一千萬名,Facebook已是台灣地區民眾使用程度最高的社群網站。企業看上高人氣的Facebook社群網站分眾特性明顯及互動性高的特質,把Facebook中的粉絲專頁(Pages)推行社群行銷的重要管道;而消費者亦把Facebook當作是動員集結發聲的便利場域。因此本研究主要分為企業與消費者兩個層面探討在Facebook粉絲專頁中企業如何制定行銷策略與消費者互動,了解企業與消費者建立的互動關係,而消費者在粉絲專頁中如何面對企業執行行銷策略,又是否能發揮集結動員的消費者力量。
    一、歸納整理一套較為完整的粉絲專頁社群行銷策略:(一)了解粉絲專頁目標消費者、(二)市場區隔及定位─打造粉絲專頁個性、(三)4C行銷組合─消費者導向、(四)互動行銷策略原則:1. 激發正面口碑、2. 加強訊息力、3. 提供誘因、4. 多層次互動、(五)建立長期關係。

    Facebook is currently the world's largest social network website; Facebook’ users are more than ten million in Taiwan. Facebook is the people in Taiwan use the highest degree of social network website. The enterprise take Facebook social network site features of the segmented characteristic and the interaction of high qualities, the Facebook pages become implementation of social network marketing pipeline; Consumers take Facebook as a field to mobilize and build up voice. Therefore, this study is divided into two levels of enterprise and consumers to explore the Facebook pages: 1. How do enterprise to develop marketing strategies to interact with consumers, and try to understand the interaction relationship between enterprise and consumers. 2. How do Consumers to face implementation of the marketing strategy of the enterprise, and whether they can elaborate a mobilization of consumer power in the Facebook page.
    The thesis structure is divided into three parts:
    The first part(chapter 2) analyzed how do enterprises to run a Facebook page and to develop marketing strategies to interact with consumers. The second part (chapter 3) analyzed the enterprise’s Facebook pages interactive strategies, and how to develop long-term interaction types. The third part (chapter 4) explored the consumers’ interactive experience with enterprise in the Facebook pages, and how do consumers to mobilize consumers on the Facebook platform to exert their influence to voice for the interests of consumers.
    The results of the research have three points:
    1. Summarized a completed Facebook pages social network marketing strategy strategies: (1) to understand the target consumer, (2) market segmentation and positioning - to create Facebook pages personality, (3) 4C marketing mix - the consumer-oriented, (4) the principle of interactive marketing strategies: a. to stimulate positive word of mouth, b. to strengthen message, c. to provide inducement d. to develop multi-level interaction, (5) to establish long-term relationship.
    2. In social network marketing, the interaction relationship type between enterprise and consumers is facilitator and partners. In the operations of the Facebook pages, enterprise should let consumers participate in, and link with consumers.
    3. Facebook is now the most suitable platform for consumers to build up voice in Taiwan, and Consumers’ mobilized conscious have established.

    中文摘要..................................................i 英文摘要.................................................ii 目.......................................................v 表目錄..................................................vii 圖目錄.................................................viii 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 背景動機..........................................1 第二節 問題目的與研究問題..................................5 第三節 研究方法與設計.....................................7 第四節 研究流程.........................................15 第二章 Facebook粉絲專頁社群行銷..............................17 第一節 社群行銷.........................................17 第二節 企業在Facebook粉絲專頁的行銷策略....................19 第三節 台灣地區企業在Facebook粉絲專頁的行銷策略.............23 第四節 小.............................................54 第三章 企業與消費者在Facebook粉絲專頁中互動關係................57 第一節 互動............................................57 第二節 Facebook粉絲專頁中企業與消費者互動關係...............59 第三節 台灣地區企業在Facebook粉絲專頁上與消費者的互動關係.....66 第四節 小結............................................82 第四章 Facebook粉絲專頁消費者動員............................83 第一節 社群消費者動員及賦權...............................83 第二節 社群力量─企業權力下放..............................87 第三節 台灣消費者在Facebook粉絲專頁上展現的消費者動員........89 第四節 小結...........................................102 第五章 結論..............................................103 第一節 研究發現........................................103 第二節 研究限制........................................112 第三節 研究建議........................................113 參考書目.................................................115 附錄....................................................120 附錄一 第二章 社群行銷訪談大綱............................120 附錄二 第三章 企業與消費者在Facebook互動關係訪談大綱(企業)..121 附錄二 第三章 企業與消費者在Facebook互動關係訪談大綱(消費者).122 附錄四 第四章 消費民主訪談大綱............................123 附錄五 企業端 Payeasy 深度訪談逐字稿......................124 附錄六 企業端 全新牛爾NARUKO深度訪談逐字稿.................134 附錄七 企業端 樂天台灣市場 深度訪談逐字稿...................143 附錄八 企業端 蘋果日報 深度訪談逐字稿......................152 附錄九 消費者端 林湘屏 深度訪談逐字稿......................160 附錄十 消費者端 黃鈺棻 深度訪談逐字稿......................167 附錄十一 消費者端 廖郁琳 深度訪談逐字稿.....................172 附錄十二 消費者端 郭濡賢 深度訪談逐字稿.....................182


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