研究生: |
楊之帆 Yang, Chih-Fan |
論文名稱: |
巴旺霍爾語時、體、示證、情態範疇的形態句法 The Morpho-Syntax of Tense, Aspect, Evidentiality and Modality in Bawang Horpa |
指導教授: |
Sun, Jackson T.-S. |
口試委員: | 王錦慧 吳聖雄 郭維茹 蕭素英 孫天心 |
口試日期: | 2021/07/14 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
國文學系 Department of Chinese |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 378 |
中文關鍵詞: | 巴旺話 、中部霍爾語 、嘉戎語組 、時—體 、示證 、情態 |
英文關鍵詞: | Bawang, Central Horpa, Rgyalrongic subgroup, Tense-aspect, Evidentiality, Modality |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101799 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:241 下載:48 |
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Bawang dialect is spoken in Dpa’dbang Township and Nyaga Township of Rongbrag County, Dkarmdzes Prefecture, Sichuan Province; it belongs to Central Horpa, under Horpic cluster, Rgyalrongic subgroup, Qiangic Branch, Sino-Tibetan Family. For the first time, the present thesis describes the grammar of Bawang in depth with firsthand fieldwork data, focusing mainly on tense-aspect, evidentiality, mood and modality. Chapter 1 introduces the motivation and methodology of the study, and reviews previous literature. As a historical background, Chapter 2 recapitulate the term “Hor(pa)” from the diachronic perspective, as well as the term “Rgyalrong,” with which the Bawang people identify themselves. In addition, the modern history of Rongbrag and Dpa’dbang is briefly summarized. The phonology of Bawang is elaborated in Chapter 3, in order to provide prerequisite knowledge for the following linguistic description. The structures of consonant clusters in the onset and the combinations of vowels and codas in the rhyme are discussed exhaustively, and the marginal suprasegmental feature is also mentioned. The main topic of Chapter 4 is the morphology of noun, pronoun and verb in Bawang, but two important types of clitics, i.e. the number marker and the case marker, are included as well. Chapter 5 accounts for tense-aspect. Based on the findings of Tian & Sun (2019), the author expounds thoroughly the functions of relevant affixes and auxiliaries in Bawang. With respect to tense, since past imperfective and non-past imperfective are distinguished formally, Bawang is a tensed language in principle. As for aspect, one of the characteristics of Bawang is the completely preserved suppletive paradigm of aspectual distinctions for the orientationally specified motion verbs. Chapter 6 focuses on evidentiality. There are three evidential suffixes in Bawang, i.e. hindsight, immediate and past direct. Besides the basic function of these markers, the interaction between evidentilaity and tense-aspect is also touched. Chapter 7 deals with modality, and the content is divided into two main parts, that is, moods and modal suffixes. For the former, the declarative, the interrogative and the irrealis are discussed; for the latter, five modal suffixes and the constructions where they appear are introduced. Concluding remarks and future prospect are given in Chapter 8.
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