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研究生: 奚梓成
Chee, Tsz-Shing
論文名稱: 使用GPT-3語言模型輔助探討WhatsApp隱私條款事件對用戶使用行爲與態度之影響
Using GPT-3 LLM Examining The Impact of WhatsApp's 2021 Privacy Policy Update on User Behavior and Attitudes Intentions
指導教授: 蔣旭政
Chiang, Hsu-Cheng
口試委員: 楊凱翔
Yang, Kai-Hsiang
Chen, Sheng-Chih
Chiang, Hsu-Cheng
口試日期: 2023/11/28
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 資訊隱私權通訊軟體推拉繫泊理論GPT語言模型遷移學習使用者行爲分析
英文關鍵詞: Information Privacy, WhatsApp, Push-Pull-Mooring Theory, GPT NLP, Transfer Learning, Behavior Analysis
研究方法: 個案研究法現象分析社會網路分析內容分析法大數據研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301810
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:494下載:48
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  • 在現在資訊社會中,科技已經成爲主體,知識變成客體,人們依賴行動裝置中企業的通訊軟體進行訊息交換主要管道。而當一家企業的通訊軟體主導市場,假如沒有受到有效的監管,企業與使用者間權力平衡很容易就會被打破,讓權力傾向於企業,用戶便失去自身資訊控制權,當中一些有價值的資訊可能存在被企業利用或外泄的風險,侵犯著用戶的資訊隱私權。因此,本研究藉由WhatsApp隱私條款修訂事件作爲研究議題,從過去甚少被研究的亞洲裏,當中的香港地區進行切入,使用大數據分析取徑,以推拉繫泊理論作爲研究框架使用分析社會對於企業侵犯著其資訊隱私的態度與行爲。
    本研究欲探討在全球兩大行動軟體商店Google Play和AppStore中WhatsApp、Signal、Telegram、Line、WeChat共五款軟體的香港地區用戶,對於WhatsApp隱私條款修訂事件,以半年為區間前後爲期18個月,共19,090筆評論内容,透過對應使用者行爲分析、GPT-3文本分析和詞頻分析進行研究。

    In the current information society, technology has become the core, and knowledge has turned into an object. People rely on communication software from businesses on their mobile devices as the primary channel for exChanging messages. However, when a company's communication software dominates the market without effective regulation, the balance of power between the company and users can easily be disrupted, leading to a power shift in favor of the company. This poses a risk of companies exploiting valuable user information, infringing upon their information privacy rights. Therefore, this study, using the WhatsApp privacy policy revision as its research topic, delves into a relatively underexplored area, particularly the Hong Kong region within Asia, employing the Push-Pull Mooring Theory as a research framework to analyze the society's attitudes and behaviors regarding corporate infringements on information privacy by big data analysis.
    This research aims to investigate users in the Hong Kong region of five mobile applications: WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Line, and WeChat, available on the two major global mobile software stores, Google Play and App Store. The study focuses on their responses to the WhatsApp privacy policy revision over a period of 18 months, divided into six-month intervals, analyzing a total of 19,090 comments through behavior sequence analysis, GPT-3 NLP, and word frequency analysis.
    The results show that, (1) through behavior sequence analysis, WhatsApp users exhibited a conversion behavior primarily with Signal among the four possible alternative applications outside of WhatsApp; (2) GPT-3 text analysis confirmed that the WhatsApp privacy policy revision was the primary push-pull factor behind these conversions; (3) The results of word frequency analysis indicate that peer relationships were the main restraining factors for WhatsApp users' transitions. Based on these findings, it can be inferred that the general attitude in Hong Kong, as a part of the Asian region, leans toward disapproval of corporate infringements on their information privacy. However, users did not transition primarily due to this dissatisfaction but rather due to other constraining factors, which led them to continue using WhatsApp.

    第壹章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機與目的 6 1.3研究問題與架構 10 第貳章 文獻探討 12 2.1通訊軟體 12 2.1.1通訊的發展 12 2.1.2通訊軟體的轉變 15 2.1.3資訊的力量 21 2.2資訊權力不對稱,資訊隱私權與商品化 21 2.2.1資訊權力不對稱 21 2.2.2資訊隱私權 23 2.2.3商品化 24 2.2.4政治工具 25 2.3社交移民 26 2.4推拉理論 27 2.4.1理論定義 28 2.4.2理論應用 28 2.5機器學習 29 第參章 研究方法 34 3.1數據來源 34 3.2研究架構與方法 42 3.3實驗方法 47 3.3.1使用者行爲分析 47 3.3.2 GPT-3文本AI模型 48 3.3.3詞頻分析 59 第肆章 研究結果 62 4.1使用者行爲分析結果 62 4.2語言模型分類後評分結果 67 4.3詞頻分析結果 71 第伍章 結論與限制 74 5.1研究發現與討論 74 5.2研究貢獻 76 5.3研究限制 77 5.4研究建議 78 參考文獻 80 附錄一 整理Hofstede (2010) 76 個國家和地區IDV指數排名 92 附錄二 Z-Score與P值對照表 97 附錄三 WhatsApp評價詞頻統計 98

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