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研究生: 王偉聿
Wei-Yu Wang
論文名稱: 臺灣產灰木屬古山礬節植物系統分類之研究
Systematics of Symplocos section Palaeosymplocos in Taiwan
指導教授: 王震哲
Wang, Jenn-Che
Su, Mong-Huai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 269
中文關鍵詞: 灰木科古山礬節植物分類數值分析
英文關鍵詞: Symplocaceae, Sect. Palaeosymplocos, Plant taxonomy, Numerical taxonomy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:432下載:13
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  • 本研究以植物之外部形態、花粉形態、地理分布、物候及生態現象等資料作為分類依據,並結合數值分析的結果,針對臺灣產古山礬節(Sect. Palaeosymplocos)植物進行分類研究。研究結果顯示在外部形態上,葉部形態、花序類型、單一花序上花的數量、雄蕊數及果室大小等為重要的分類特徵。此外,植株生長型的差異亦有助於分類群的區分。就地理分布來看,臺灣產本分類群植物的分布與海拔及緯度略有相關,海拔低且分布較南部種類與大陸或東南亞地區較近緣,北部或中高海拔的物種與日本地區種類較相近;但大多數種類為零星或侷限分布。而物候的觀察結果顯示開花及結果週期在各種類間有所區別。根據上述研究結果將已往古山礬節的成員處理為7個分類群,分別為四川灰木 (S. setchuensis)、擬日本灰木 (S. migoi)、高士佛灰木 (S. kaoshihfoensis)、希蘭灰木 (S. shilanensis)、拉拉山灰木 (S. lalashanensis)、玉山灰木 (S. morrisonicola)及姑子崙山灰木 (S. kutzulunshanensis)。其中,高士佛灰木 (S. kaoshihfoensis)、姑子崙山灰木 (S. kutzulunshanensis)及拉拉山灰木 (S. lalashanensis) 等3個種類為本研究發現的新種。

    The Symplocos section Palaeosymplocos in Taiwan was taxonomically revised based on morphological, palynological, phytogeographical, phenology and ecology. Additionally, the multivariate analyses were used to aid the taxonomical treatment. Morphologically, the result shows that leaf morphology, inflorescence pattern, the number of flowers on a single inflorescence, the number of stamens, and the size of locules are important characters for the classification of species in Taiwan. The growth forms can also provide useful informations. Phytogeographically, the distribution of the section Palaeosymplocos were associated with the altitude and latitude. The species distributed at the lower elevation of southern Taiwan are closely related with China or Southeast Asia species; and the species at the middle and high elevation or northern Taiwan are similar to Japanese species, but most species are scattered and restricted distribution. The phonological observations show the flowering and fruiting cycles also have interspecific differences. As the result, seven species were recognized in this study, i.e. S. setchuensis, S. migoi, S. kaoshihfoensis, S. shilanensis, S. lalashanensis, S. morrisonicola and S. kutzulunshanensis, of which include three new species S. kaoshihfoensis, S. kutzulunshanensis and S. lalashanensis.

    摘要......................................................ix Abstract.................................................x 壹、前言..................................................1 貳、研究材料與方法..........................................15 參、形態特徵...............................................26 肆、花粉特徵...............................................81 伍、數值分析...............................................93 陸、植物的授粉學初探........................................117 柒、地理分布...............................................124 玖、分類處理...............................................134 拾、參考文獻...............................................231 附錄一、臺灣產古山礬節植物葉片形態變異.........................237 附錄二、臺灣產古山礬節植物營養特徵原始資料矩陣..................242 附錄三、臺灣產古山礬節植物花部特徵原始資料矩陣..................257 附錄四、臺灣產古山礬節植物果實特徵原始資料矩陣..................266

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