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研究生: 楊育欣
Yu-Hsin Yang
論文名稱: 績效改善模型的發展: 以消費性電子公司為例
The Development of a Model for Performance Improvement: A Case Study of a Consumer Electronics Company
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 招募與甄選績效管理績效評估績效改善
英文關鍵詞: Recruitment & selection, performance management, performance appraisal, performance improvement
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:238下載:1
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  • In today’s turbulent economic environment, the management of organization must have a vision of efficient use of human resources. More and more companies or organizations by these days put more emphasis on the performance management, since it is highly related to the competitiveness of the companies or organizations. Furthermore, recruitment and selection process is fundamental to performance management. In accordance with the background of this study, the researcher aimed to explore the linkage between recruitment & selection and performance management, and then develop a model for performance management by following the performance improvement process and identify the factors affecting the performance, then provide the countermeasures for improving the performance. Semi-structured interview were conducted in this study to collect the in-depth data. The result of this study can provide a comprehensive model that can be applied to the in-house human resource management, especially in the recruitment & selection function and performance management.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF FIGURES V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Purpose of the Study 4 Questions of the Study 4 Significance of the Study 5 Delimitation and Limitations 5 Definition of Terms 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Performance Appraisal 9 Performance Appraisal Criteria 12 Performance Improvement 14 Recruitment & Selection & Performance Management 19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 21 Research Approach 21 Research Framework 22 Research Procedure 24 Research Participants 25 Data Collections 28 Data Analysis 29 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 31 Educational Levels, IQ Test Results, and English Proficiency Test Results 31 Performance in Schools 35 Orientation Training 37 On-the-Job Training 39 Performance in assigned projects 43 Organizational Communication 46 Critical Incidents 51 Contributions to Better Performance 57 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 61 Conclusions 61 A Model for Performance Improvement 63 Implications 64 Suggestions 66 REFERENCES 69 APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 72 APPENDIX B: EXAMPLE OF CODING PROCESS 75 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Performance Improvement: The Means to Process Improvement 15 Table 3.1. Background Information of the 12 Selected Interviewees 26 Table 3.2. Background Information of the 33 Engineers Selected for this Research 27 Table 3.3. Levels for Performance Evaluation Results 28 Table 4.1. Comparison Analysis on the Basis of Educational Level 32 Table 4.2. The Percentage of Having Level 1 or 2 as Performance Result 32 Table 4.3. Comparison Analysis on the Basis of the IQ Test Scores 34 Table 4.4. Comparison Analysis on the Basis of the English Proficiency Test Scores 35 Table 4.5. Coding List with the Performance in Schools 36 Table 4.6. Coding List with the Orientation Training 39 Table 4.7. Coding List with On-the-Job Training 40 Table 4.8. Coding List with Performance in Assigned Projects 45 Table 4.9. Coding List with Interaction with Managers 48 Table 4.10. Coding List with Interaction with Colleagues 50 Table 4.11. Coding List with Events that Made Them Proud 54 Table 4.12. Coding List with Events that Made Them Frustrated 57 Table 4.13. Coding List with Contributions to Better Performance 59 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. The Performance Appraisal Process 11 Figure 2.2. ASTD Human Performance Improvement Process Model 15 Figure 2.3. Strategies for Improving Employees’ Performance 17 Figure 2.4. Continuous Improvement & Learning 18 Figure 3.1. Research Framework 23 Figure 3.2. Research Procedure 24 Figure 3.3. The Categorizing Analysis Process 30 Figure 4.1. The Percentage of Having Level 1 or 2 as Performance Result 33 Figure 5.1. The Categorizing Analysis Process 67

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