研究生: |
鄧宏如 Deng, Horng-Ju |
論文名稱: |
自閉症兒童家庭休閒模式之研究 A Study of Family Leisure Model in Family with Autism Children |
指導教授: |
Chang, Shao-Hsi |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 132 |
中文關鍵詞: | 壓力因應 、休閒調適 、家庭功能 、家庭休閒 |
英文關鍵詞: | stress coping, leisure coping, family function, family leisure |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:804 下載:37 |
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本研究根據壓力因應理論、休閒調適策略、家庭功能理論和家庭休閒理論,提出自閉症兒童家庭休閒模型,藉以探討自閉症家庭的家庭休閒模式及相關因素之影響。本研究採立意抽樣,以12歲以下自閉症兒童家長為研究對象,共發出300份問卷,有效回收204份,回收率為68%。實證結果發現:1. 女性在認知積極的壓力因應方式和休閒緩和策略顯著高於男性;2. 大學教育程度在認知積極的壓力因應方式、休閒調適策略,顯著高於高中教育程度;研究所教育程度在家庭凝聚力顯著高於高中和專科教育程度;研究所教育程度在核心式家庭休閒顯著高於高中和專科教育程度,大學顯著高於高中;3.家庭月總收入10萬以上者在家庭凝聚力及家庭休閒均顯著高於月總收入5萬以下者;4.高社經地位在理性邏輯的壓力因應方式顯著高於中社經地位;5.本研究支持修正後的自閉症兒童家長休閒模式:壓力因應方式對家庭功能具直接影響效果;家庭功能對家庭休閒方式具直接影響效果;休閒調適策略對家庭休閒方式具直接影響效果。根據研究結果,本研究提出建議作為未來研究之參考。
Based on stress coping theories, leisure coping strategy, family function theory and family leisure theory, this study aims to propose a family leisure model in family with autism children, and to explore the correlated factors that influence on the family leisure behavior of the parents with autism children under 12 years. 300 questionnaires were distributed through purposive sampling, and among them, a total of 204 copies were valid with a return rate of 68%. The findings showed: 1. women were significantly higher than men in active perception and leisure palliative coping. 2. the educational level of university were significantly higher than educational level of high school in active perception and leisure coping strategy; the educational level of graduate school were significantly higher than educational level of college and high school in family cohension; the educational level of graduate school were significantly higher than educational level of college and high school in core family leisure, and also the educational level of university were significantly higher than educational level of high school in core family leisure. 3. the family monthly income above 100,000 were significantly higher than family monthly income below 50,000 in family cohesion and family leisure. 4. high social status were significantly higher than middle social status in rational logic. 5. the empirical data supported the modified theory model has been confirmed: stress coping has direct effect on family function; the family function also has direct effect on family leisure; the leisure coping has direct effect on family function. Therefore, some suggestions are proposed for the future research.
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