研究生: |
劉宛穎 Lau, Yuen-Wing-Carol |
論文名稱: |
發展注意力不足過動症國中生足球訓練課程並檢視對改善動作協調能力之成效 Development of the Football Training Programme through Investigating Effects of Motor Coordination for The Junior High School Student with ADHD |
指導教授: |
Sher, Yung-Ji |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 165 |
中文關鍵詞: | 注意力不足過動症 、足球訓練課程 、動作協調能力 、平衡 |
英文關鍵詞: | ADHD, football training programme, motor coordination, balance |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900591 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:320 下載:21 |
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注意力不足過動症學童會表現好動,但動作表現較差,導致隨著年齡增長,他們體能表現與活動參與情況,極有機會比動作協調能力正常發展的同儕落後。足球運動在國內越來越受歡迎,在足球訓練中,有不同的技能練習,要求全身性協調能力。本研究以經醫院鑑定的注意力不足過動症國中生為研究對象,探討足球訓練課程介入後,改善動作協調能力之成效。研究設計採用單一個案研究法中的跨受試多基線設計,研究對象為3位注意力不足過動症國中生,自變項為足球訓練課程,依變項為平衡能力與動作協調能力。介入每週4節,共8堂課,每節40分鐘的足球訓練課程。研究工具:自編足球訓練課程、動作協調能力評量工具—Balance and Movement Coordination Test (BMC)及社會效度評量問卷。資料分析分為量化及質性二種,量化資料採視覺分析法,並以C統計為輔助分析,質性資料則對師長進行社會效度問卷調查。足球訓練課程介入後,未能改善平衡能力,開眼單腳平衡、閉眼單腳平衡、動態平衡的進步未達顯著;足球訓練課程介入後,能改善部分動作協調能力, Z型跑、象限跳躍的進步達顯著,而折返跑、障礙物折返跑、定點跳躍、速度跳躍的進步則未達顯著。未來研究可加入不同學習階段或不同障別的特殊生為研究參與者,增加課程教學的長度,採用或發展適合測量ADHD學生的測驗工具。課程活動內容要多元,能引起學生興趣為主,教學中可給予適當的增強,提高學習動機。
While students with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are characterized by being excessively active and energetic, they have relatively poor motor performance. As they age, their physical performance and activity participation are highly likely to be lower than that of their peers with normal motor coordination.
Football has been gaining widespread popularity throughout Taiwan in recent years. As a sport that involves different skills and techniques, it demands whole-body coordination. This study investigated the effects of football training on motor coordination of ADHD students, with data collected from a sample of three junior high school students diagnosed with ADHD. They were invited to participate in an eight-session football training programme, which required them to attend four sessions of training a week, each session lasting 40 minutes. The single subject research across subjects with multiple-baseline design was used. The independent variable was football training programme and the dependent variables balance and motor coordination abilities. Research tools included a tailored football training programme, Balance and Movement Coordination Test (BMC) and social validity assessment questionnaire. Visual Analysis Method and C Statistics were applied in data analysis. Teachers and parents were asked to complete questionnaires to evaluate the social validity of the intervention. Results showed that the football training programme intervention failed to improve balance abilities: there was no statistically significant difference in one foot balance (with eyes open), one foot balance (with eyes closed) and dynamic balance. Certain motor coordination abilities had improved as reflected by the statistically significant difference in zig-zag run and quadrant jump, but the difference in shuttle run without object, shuttle run with object, hopping (in square) and hopping (speed) was not statistically significant. The way forward: participants with different disabilities in various learning stages may be included and the length of the programme can be extended, at the same time applying or developing other measurement tools for assessing ADHD students. The activities in the tailored programme should not only be diversified but also aim at arousing the interest of the students. Teachers can use positive reinforcement to encourage students to learn as well.
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