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研究生: 闕麗鶯
Chueh, Li-Ying
論文名稱: 籃球裁判職能自我效能與工作表現關係之研究
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy And Job Performance Among Basketball Referees
指導教授: 季力康
Chi, Li-Kang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 比賽知識能力信念角色內行為
英文關鍵詞: knowledges on games, ability and belief, in-role behavior
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900649
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:212下載:26
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  • 本文旨在探討籃球裁判職能中自我效能與工作表現之關聯性,以及不同背景籃球裁判在自我效能與工作表現認知之差異。本研究使用Myers, Feltz, Guillén與Dithurbide (2012)所編之「裁判自我效能量表」,作為籃球裁判自我效能評量工具。另外「籃球裁判工作表現問卷」,作為瞭解籃球裁判工作表現之評量工具。本研究採隨機抽樣,對象為參加國、高中、大專籃球聯賽之裁判,以網路SurveyCake 提供填寫問卷平台,分別抽取250名受試者,共回收246有效問卷。所得資料運用SPSS for windows 20.0軟體進行資料分析,經交叉統計分析、t-test、共變數分析、相關分析及迴歸等統計分析。研究結果發現:一、臺灣籃球裁判男多於女、有6位博士學歷、最多是B級裁判,裁判有年輕化趨勢及具高教育程度。二、性別、服務地區、球員身份及教練身份在自我效能上無顯著差異。三、性別、教育程度、服務地區、球員身份及教練身份在工作表現上無顯著差異。四、教育程度、職業別、最高賽事在自我效能有部份顯著差異。五、年齡、職業別、裁判等級、最高賽事、年資及聯賽場次在工作表現有部份有顯著差異。六、年齡、裁判等級、聯賽場次、年資在自我效能有顯著差異。七、自我效能與工作表現有正向相關。八、自我效能具有良好預測工作表現的能力。結論:一、多培養女裁判、增加年輕精英裁判的培訓及高學歷國際化趨勢。二、年紀越大、經驗越好,其自我效能高於年輕裁判。三、具有教師背景及高裁判級別之裁判比賽知識自我效能較高。四、高教育程度、教師及高裁判級別在決策有高自我效能。五、教師或是高裁判級別在壓力效能具有高自我效能。六、工作表現具有經驗的裁判在角色內行為有較大的差異存在。七、高自我效能的籃球裁判具有高工作表現。八、自我效能可預測裁判工作表現。建議:一、增強籃球裁判自我效能:建立比賽知識、累積比賽經驗、提升決策能力及球場溝通技巧。二、提升籃球裁判工作表現:舉辦研討會、建立考評制度、女生參與男生比賽及培養年輕精英裁判。三、研究的建議:女生參與籃球裁判動機及意願、參與全國裁判之選評、裁判決策及溝通技巧的教導方式及對高自我效能裁判進行訪談。

    The purpose of the study was to discuss the relationship between self-efficacy and job performance, on which the differences in cognition are made from referees with different backgrounds. The research adopts “ referee self-efficacy scale”, stated in Myers, Feltz, Guillén and Dithurbide (2012), as the tool for basketball referees to evaluate self-efficacy; furthermore, “ basketball referee job performance survey” is used to understand basketball referee job performance. Random sampling is adopted in the research, and senior high school students, high school students, and referees of UBA ( University Basketball Association) are involved. As online survey provides a platform for filling out the questionnaires, 250 samples were selected. 246 effective samples were returned, from which the information was analyzed by SPSS for window 20.0, through cross analysis, t-test, analysis of covariance, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results included: (a) There are more male basketball referees in Taiwan, six of which are PhD, B-level- license at most; it’s demonstrated a tendency that current referees are at younger age and higher educational degree. (b) Gender, geographical area of service, players or coaches don’t show obvious discrepancy in self-efficacy. (c) Gender, education, geographical area of service, players or coaches don’t show distinct difference in job performance. (d) Education, occupation, and the highest contest partially reveal significant difference in self-efficacy. (e) Age, occupation, license level of referees, highest contest, seniority, and number of sessions in tournament also partially reveal significant difference in job performance. (f) Age, license level of referees, number of sessions in tournament, seniority show evident discrepancy in self-efficacy. (g) Self-efficacy and job performance are in positive correlation. (h) Self-efficacy is a great evaluation to predict job performance. Conclusion: (a) To train more female referees, increase the training of young elite referees and the international trend of high education. (b) The older the age, the better the experience, its self-efficacy is higher than the young referee. (c) With a teacher background and high referee level of referee ingestion of the game knowledge self-efficacy is high. (d) High education, teachers and high refereeing level in decision-making has a high self-efficacy. (e) Teachers or high referee levels have high self-efficacy in stress effectiveness. (f) There are great differences in the behavior of referees with experience in performance in the role. (g) High self-efficacy of basketball referees had a high performance. (h) Self-efficacy can predict the performance of the referee. Suggestions: (a) To enhance the self-efficacy of basketball referees: to build game knowledge, accumulate game experience, improve decision-making skills and pitch communication skills. (b) Improve the performance of basketball referees: holding seminars, establishing an evaluation system, girls' participation in boys' competitions and training young elite referees. (c) The research recommendations: female students to participate in basketball referee motivation and willingness, participate in the national referee selection evaluation, referee decision-making and communication skills teaching methods and high self-efficacy of referees interviews.

    第壹章 緒論...............................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機........................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的....................................................................................................4 第三節 研究問題....................................................................................................4 第四節 研究限制....................................................................................................5 第五節 名詞解釋....................................................................................................5 第貳章 文獻探討.......................................................................................6 第一節 籃球裁判的職能........................................................................................6 第二節 自我效能與工作表現之關係....................................................................9 第三節 籃球裁判執法工作相關研究.............................…...................................14 第参章 研究方法......................................................................................17 第一節 研究架構...................................................................................................17 第二節 研究流程...................................................................................................18 第三節 研究對象...................................................................................................19 第四節 研究工具...................................................................................................19 第五節 資料整理與分析.......................................................................................22 第肆章 研究結果與討論..........................................................................23 第一節 性別與背景變項之交叉分析結果............................................................23 第二節 背景變項與自我效能、工作表現之統計結果分析.................................29 第三節 自我效能與工作表現之關係結果.............................................................44 第四節 自我效能與工作表現之討論.....................................................................46 第伍章 結論與建議..................................................................................56 第一節 結論..............................................................................................................56 第二節 建議..............................................................................................................58

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