研究生: |
李家嫚 Lee, Chia-Man |
論文名稱: |
戶外冒險教育課程對國中生生活適應能力影響之研究–以新北市某中學為例 The Study of the Effects of Outdoor Adventure Education on the Life Adjustment Ability of Junior High School Students in New Taipei City |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Ju-Tse |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 182 |
中文關鍵詞: | 冒險教育課程 、單車課程 、生活適應能力 |
英文關鍵詞: | Outdoor Adventure Education, Cycling Curriculum, Life Adaption |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100148 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:232 下載:25 |
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1. 課程後學生生活適應能力在每個項目皆高於平均水準50的常模標準,其中以人際關係(74.82)最高,五個月整體平均進步12.55分、一年後各細項下降,比對一年後個人進步分數仍為正值。顯示戶外冒險教育課程對學生生活適應上有顯著正向的影響,一年後的延宕影響不顯著。
2. 生活適應能力各個面向影響以「自我勝任」(ES=0.80)呈高度改變。其他依序為自我定向(ES=0.56)、自我意識(ES=0.54)成中度改變。除家庭適應和社會適應外,其餘皆達輕度改變。分項目在斯皮爾曼相關係數統計顯著,以全量表和學習適應0.934**與工作適應相關係數0.959**最高。
3. 戶外單車課程經驗對生活適應能力正向影響,與學生在學校生活中的具體經驗連結。蒐集整理質性訪談、日記與生活札記,歸納分類為下列五個面向:「更認識自己的過程」、「人際互動的技巧」、「團隊支持與同儕影響」、「反思與分享所帶來的意義」和「面對挫折的心境」。
The purpose of this research is to explore how outdoor adventure courses affect the life adaptability of junior high school students. According to the life adaptability curriculum goals, the researcher designed a five-day overnight cycling course from Hualien to Taitung. The research objects are 11 seventh graders from New Taipei City.
The research tools include the "Life Adaptation Scale for Middle School Students" (Chen&Tsia,2009) published by Psychological Publishing Company as a survey tool, which is supplemented by participatory observations, interviews, questionnaires, diaries, and recording data. The research discussion was divided into four major aspects of the Middle School Students’ Life Adaptation Scale: personal adaptation, family adaptation, interpersonal relationship and social adaptation, learning and work adaptation. The results of the study found that outdoor adventure education courses have the following effects on the adaptability of junior high school students:
1.After the course, students’ adaptability to life in each index was higher than the average standard (PR50), among which interpersonal relationship (PR74.82) is the highest. It showed that outdoor adventure education courses had a significant positive impact on students’ adaptation to life.
2. The main result of different dimension of Life Adaptation was the self-competence (ES=0.80) which was the highest in the group. Others were self-orientation (ES = 0.56), and self-awareness (ES = 0.54), which changed moderately. All indices except for family adaptation and social adaptation, showed at least a mild change. The sub-items were significantly related in Spearman's rank correlation, among them the highest scores were the learning adaptation (0.934 **) and the work adaptation (0.959 **) with the full scale.
3. The experience of the outdoor cycling course had a positive impact on life adaptability and was connected with specific experiences in school life. By collecting qualitative interviews and diaries, the researcher summarized and classified them into the following five aspects: "The process of self-understanding ", "Interpersonal interaction skills", "Team support and Peer influence", "The meaning from reflection and sharing, and" The mental state of facing frustration."
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