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研究生: 彭以萱
Peng, Yi-Xuan
論文名稱: 師培生在環境教學試教的思考與決定歷程
Teachers' thoughts and decisions in environmental teaching of pre-service teachers
指導教授: 王順美
Wang, Shun-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 教師思考師資培育生環境教學
英文關鍵詞: teacher thinking, pre-service teacher, environmental teaching
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000287
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:365下載:0
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  • 環境教育在國內正規教育中,藉由議題教育融入課程之中。以議題為導向的教育有別於現行學科教育,重在議題的面對與處理,以問題解決的能力培養為主輔以系統知識的學習(張子超,2017)。但對於在職教師而言是一項嘗試也是挑戰。因此,自103學年度起師資培育生的教育專業課程新增教育議題專題為必修,環境教育議題也成為修課的選擇。再者,教育實習課程是學生角色轉變為教師角色重要因素之一(Hounshell & Griffin, 1989)。因此為了環境教育能在正規教育中實踐,關切師培生如何建構環境教學以及如何藉由實習課程進行教學是重要且有意義的。
    本研究的研究目的為:透過「教師思考歷程理論」,描繪師培生在環境教學時其教學計劃決定、教學互動決定以及教學反思決定,並解釋背後原因與觀點。本研究為個案研究,使用訪談、觀察、刺激回憶法以及非干擾性測量四種方法蒐集研究資料。研究參與者為就讀臺灣國立師範大學107學年度修習「環境教育與永續行為建立」的六位師培生。師培生在學期間經由環境教育基礎認識與環境素養建立的課程後,開始規劃和實施環境教學方案。依據Sauvé, L.(1996)將環境分為六類為主題分別進行六堂環境教育教案規劃。經由認識學習對象、校園與社區場域的勘查、環境教育者分享、實際規劃一個三十分鐘的教學活動,並進入OO國中進行教學。

    Environmental education is an incorporation teaching method in domestic formal education. The issue-oriented education is different from the subject education. It focuses on confronting and dealing with issues. It focuses on problem-solving and supplemented by systematic knowledge. But it is an attempt and a challenge for teachers. Therefore, since 2014, issue-oriented education has been added as compulsory courses in teacher training courses, and environmental education issue has also become the choice of courses. Furthermore, be a practice teacher is one of the important factors in transforming student roles into teacher roles (Hounshell & Griffin, 1989). Therefore, in order that environmental education can be practiced in formal education, it is important and meaningful to pay attention to how pre-service teachers construct the environmental teaching and how to teach through practice courses.
    The purpose of this research is through the " Theory of Teachers’ Thought Processes " to (1) describe the teaching plan decision, teaching interaction decision, and teaching reflection decision of pre-service teachers during the environmental teaching, and (2) explain the reasons and perspectives behind it. The study is a case study, using interviews, observations, stimulus recall methods and non-interfering measurements to collect research data. The study participants were six pre-service teachers enrolled in "Environmental Education and Sustainable Behavior Building" course at National Taiwan Normal University in 2018. After training the pre-service teachers through the courses established by basic knowledge and environmental literacy of environmental education, they began to plan and implement environmental teaching programs. The pre-service teachers were divided into six groups. Each group selected one of concepts which was developed by Sauve (1996) as well as designed and implemented a thirty-minute activity for junior high students.
    The research finds that: (1) the pre-service teachers could use the course as a scaffold and combine their own professional training, teaching experience and club experience to develop their activity; (2) Thinking characteristics of teaching plans: Teachers produced teaching purposes at first. The teaching purpose led other categories of thinking and decision-making. Teachers used the "outdoor environment" as "classrooms" and "textbooks" in the environmental teaching, and interdisciplinary teachers worked to incorporate disciplines into teaching; (3) The process of teaching interactive thinking was from teaching progress, the emergence of thinking clues, thinking about all aspects of teaching to making interactive decisions. After thinking, 58% of the teachers made interactive decisions, and 42% maintained the original teaching plan or continue the course; (4) Thinking characteristics of teaching interaction: 43% of thinking clues related to learners in thinking clues were the largest category, followed by teaching resources with 16%, and teaching environment with 13% each. In this teaching, the influence of "teaching resources" and "teaching environment" were particularly prominent; (5) Teaching reflection helped teachers improve their teaching. During the teaching reflection stage, 65% of teaching events were reflected; (6) The characteristics of teaching reflection: learners, teaching goals, teaching content and teaching environment ranked the top three in the proportion of teaching reflection categories. In addition, teaching goals played an important role at this stage as the basis for teaching evaluation; (7) The teaching knowledge of the environmental teaching needed to be continuously accumulated and constructed.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究的問題意識與研究目的 4 第三節 名詞定義 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 教師教學效能的概念與研究理論的發展 6 第二節 教師思考歷程之理論與相關研究 10 第三節 教學計劃思考與決定 18 第四節 教學互動的思考與決定 24 第五節 環境教育在正規教育的師資培育情況 33 第三章 研究設計與實施 36 第一節 研究架構 36 第二節 研究方法 38 第三節 研究對象 44 第四節 研究工具 46 第五節 資料分析方法 52 第六節 研究品質 64 第七節 研究過程 65 第四章 研究結果與討論 66 第一節 研究的情境脈絡 66 第二節 教學計劃思考與決定歷程 72 第三節 教學互動思考與決定歷程 90 第四節 教學反思與決定歷程 104 第五章 研究結論與建議 114 第一節 研究結論 114 第二節 研究建議 116 參考文獻 118 附錄 123

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