簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林芳伃
Lin Fang Yu
論文名稱: 蕭頌聯篇歌曲《愛與海》作品十九
The Analysis and the Interpretation of Poème de l'amour et de la mer, op. 19 by Ernest Chausson
指導教授: 李燕宜
Lee, Yen-I
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 蕭頌愛與海法文藝術歌曲
英文關鍵詞: Ernest Chausson, Poème de l'amour et de la mer, mélodie
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:249下載:24
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  • 本報告係探討十九世紀中後法國作曲家蕭頌所作之聯篇歌曲《愛與海》。此曲作於1882年至1892年,詩詞由其好友布紹爾所作,內容敘述一段愛情的萌芽以及凋零。《愛與海》乃蕭頌法文藝術歌曲當中最為龐大而複雜的作品,並同時作有鋼琴版以及管弦樂版。此曲不但具備法文藝術歌曲極為精緻且重視詩詞意境氛圍的特色,加上蕭頌本身對於各種音樂風格的兼容並蓄與細膩的創作手法,堪稱法文藝術歌曲史上不可多得之佳作。

    This report discusses Poème de l'amour et de la mer, a song cycle composed in the late 19th century by Chausson, a French composer. He composed it between 1882 and 1892, and his friend, Maurice Bouchor, wrote its poems which describe the beginning and the end of a love. It is one of the most complex and grandest mélodie by Chausson, and has orchestral and piano versions. It is not only characterized by the delicacy and poem-meaning-focused aura of the mélodies, but also enriched by various musical styles and delicate composition techniques of Chausson. For mélodies, therefore, it is a rare good piece.
    This report consists of five chapters. First chapter introduces the research motive, method and infrastructure of this report. Second chapter discusses the romance, the original type of the mélodies, and shows their development history. Chapter three explores his life and style and explains several features of his work basing on mélodies’ meaning. Chapter four introduces the composition background of this song, analyzes poems and music itself individually, and gives an angle of interpretation by combining references and the author’s thoughts of her performances. Fifth chapter is a conclusion, concluding the main points of this report and emphasizing the historic value of this song, and provides a way to know this song for those who are interested.

    第一章 緒論 1 第二章 法文藝術歌曲 6 第一節 浪漫曲之興衰 6 第二節 法文藝術歌曲之發展 9 第三章 厄內斯特‧蕭頌(ERNEST CHAUSSON, 1855-1899) 16 第一節 生平 16 第二節 作品風格與特色 19 第三節 法文藝術歌曲特色 24 第四章 《愛與海》分析與詮釋 31 第一節 水之花 32 第二節 間奏曲 72 第三節 愛之死 76 第五章 結語 109 參考資料 112 附錄 編號作品列表 115



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    Barricelli, Jean-Pierre and Weinstein, Leo. Ernest Chausson: The Composer’s Life and Works. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1973.

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    Grover, Ralph Scott. Ernest Chausson: The Man and His Music. London: Athlone Press, 1980.

    Johnson, Graham and Stokes, Richard. A French Song Companion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

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    Noske, Frits. French Song from Berlioz to Duparc; The Origin and Development of the Mélodie. Translated by Rita Benton. New York: Dover Publications, 1970.

    Stevens, Denis, ed. A History of Song. New York: W. W. Norton& Company, 1970.


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    MacDonald, Hugh. Franck and Friends. The Musical Times, Vol. 128, No. 1730 (Apr., 1987), p. 212

    Jean-Aubry, G.. A French Composer: Ernest Chausson. The Musical Times, Vol. 59, No. 909 (Nov. 1, 1918), p. 500-501.

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    李美慧。〈蕭頌 “永恆之歌” Op.37 作品之研究〉。東吳大學碩士論文,2001。





    Chausson, Ernest. Poème de l'amour et de la mer. Paris: Éditions Salabert.

    Chausson, Ernest. Mélodies pour chant et piano, op. 2. Paris: Éditions Hamelle




    Mélodies françaises. Piano: Catherine Collard, Contralto: Nathalie Stutzmann. Recorded March 15, 2004. Made by RCA Red Seal. B00009963B

    Faure, Chausson. Airs Français. Piano: Jacqueline Bonneau, Baritone: Gérard Souzay. Recorded 1990. Made by DECCA. 425975-2

    Chausson –Duparc:Poeme de l'amour et de la mer. Piano: Louise-Andree Baril, Baritone: Jean-Francois Lapointe. Recorded 2007. Made by Analekta. AN29924
