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研究生: 廖立同
論文名稱: 不同跑步模式之手腕與腳踝加速度值分析
指導教授: 相子元
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 加速度心跳跑步機跑步平地跑
英文關鍵詞: acceleration, heart rate, treadmill running, ground running
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:307下載:9
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  • 跑步的運動人口逐漸增加,但現有之身體活動量檢測儀器僅適用於低強度之身體活動,無法準確測量跑步之身體活動量,因此提供簡易且準確之身體活動量方式為本研究之方向。
    方法: 使用加速規取得15位實驗參與者(年齡:27.6±7.4歲,身高172.8±6.3公分,體重:67.3±7.5公斤)跑步時手腕及腳踝之加速度,以心率錶收取實驗參與者在各速度下穩定的心跳。
    結果: (一)手腕及腳踝之矢狀面加速度積分值皆與心跳達到顯著相關(p<.01);(二)實驗參與者之個別差異,造成手腕及腳踝加速度曲線隨著跑步速度提高而有不同的斜率;(三)跑步機跑步時,手腕矢狀面加速度積分值在較高速跑時(14及16 km∕hr)顯著高於腳踝矢狀面加速度積分值;平地跑時,腳踝矢狀面加速度積分值在較高速跑時(14及16 km∕hr)顯著高於手腕矢狀面加速度積分值;(四)手腕矢狀面加速度積分值在兩種跑步模式並無顯著差異,腳踝矢狀面加速度積分值在速度12、14及16 km∕hr時,平地跑顯著高於跑步機跑。
    結論: (一)跑步過程中,手腕及腳踝之加速度可用來推估身體活動量,且針對不同跑步模式選用不同部位之心跳迴歸公式;(二)跑步過程中,手腕及腳踝之加速度可用來推估跑步速度,未來可用身體之加速度做為推估跑步速度之新方式。

    關鍵詞: 加速度、心跳、跑步機跑步、平地跑

    The running population is increasing; however, the equipments of estimating energy expenditure in the current market are limited to low-intensity physical activity, and can’t measure energy expenditure at high-intensity physical activity such as running. This study tried to determine a convenient and accurate way to measure energy expenditure during running.
    Purpose: (1) This study tried to find out the difference between two running types by using acceleration of wrist and ankle during running. (2) This study tried to establish the regression equation of running speed and heart rate by using acceleration of wrist and ankle during running.
    Method: Fifteen males (age 27.6±7.4 , height 172.8±6.3 cm, weight 67.3±7.5 kg) wore two accelerometers, one on their left wrists and the other on their left ankles. Each participant ran 30 sec at 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 km•hr-1 respectively and the measurements were performed when the participant reached a stable heart rate.
    Result: (1) Both acceleration integration of sagittal plane of wrist and ankle are significantly correlated with heart rate. (p<.01) (2) The acceleration of wrist and ankle are in different slopes resulting in the individual differences of each participant. (3) The acceleration integration of sagittal plane of wrist is significantly higher than that of ankle at 14 and 16 km•hr-1 during treadmill running. The acceleration integration of sagittal plane of ankle is significantly higher than that of wrist at 14 and 16 km•hr-1 during ground running. (4) The acceleration integration of sagittal plane of wrist has no significant difference between two running tpyes. The acceleration integration of sagittal plane of ankle during ground running is significantly higher than that of treadmill at the speeds of 12, 14 and 16 km•hr-1.
    Conclusion: (1) We can measure energy expenditure by using the acceleration of wrist and ankle during running, but different regression equations should be adopted in different running types. (2) It could become a new way to measure running speed by using the acceleration of wrist and ankle.
    Key Words: acceleration, heart rate, treadmill running, ground running

    目次 第壹章 緒論……………………………………………………………1 第貳章 相關文獻探討…………………………………………………17 第參章 材料與方法……………………………………………………26 第肆章 結果……………………………………………………………43 第伍章 討論…………………………………………………………63 第陸章 結論……………………………………………………………69 引用文獻…………………………………………………………………71 附錄一 實驗參與者需知……………………………………………79 附錄二 實驗參與者同意書……………………………………………80 附錄三 實驗參與者基本資料表………………………………………81 附錄四 所有實驗參與者在兩種跑步模式、各種速度下之心跳、不同部位加速度積分值的原始資料………………………75 附錄五 所有實驗參與者在兩種跑步模式、各種速度下之心跳、不同部位加速度積分值的平均值……………………………………97 附錄六 所有實驗參與者在兩種跑步模式,手腕、腳踝之前後軸、縱向軸、矢狀面加速度積分值與心跳之相關係數………………98 個人小傳…………………………………………………………………99



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