研究生: |
樓安杰 Louw, Andre Jacques |
論文名稱: |
《Finnegans Wake》前兩章的中譯跨譯本分析 A Transtextual Analysis of Two Chinese Versions of the First Two Chapters of Finnegans Wake |
指導教授: |
Hu, Daniel |
口試委員: |
Hu, Daniel 曾麗玲 Tseng, Li-Ling 莊坤良 Chuang, Kun-Liang 辜炳達 Ku, Ping-Ta 謝志賢 Hsieh, George |
口試日期: | 2024/06/04 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
翻譯研究所 Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 333 |
中文關鍵詞: | 文學翻譯(英翻中) 、跨譯本比較 、宏觀文本 、深度翻譯 、翻譯雙關語和幽默 |
英文關鍵詞: | literary translation (English to Chinese), transtextual comparison, macrotext, thick translation, wordplay and humor in translation |
研究方法: | 比較研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400535 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:251 下載:13 |
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詹姆斯•喬伊斯的曠世巨作 Finnegans Wake 從1939問世以來,共出現了兩本中文譯本:戴從容的 《芬尼根的守灵夜˙第1卷》(2012年出版),以及梁孫傑的《芬尼根守靈:墜生夢始記 (卷一:1-2章)》(2017年出版)。本篇論文旨在討論這兩本譯著,希望從內容、風格、精神、可讀性等各方面比較兩本譯著後,能讓讀者對於Finnegans Wake 的中文譯本有所了解。
在研究方法上,本篇論文主要採用的是 Patrick O’Neill 所提倡的深入跨譯文本分析 (transtextual analysis)。該分析方法以爲,將多數譯本與原著比較的同時,不但能讓讀者更了解各譯本的本質,同時也能增進我們對於原著的認識。
What follows is an in-depth transtextual study of two independently published Chinese versions of the first two chapters of Finnegans Wake, the latter being modernist Irish author James Joyce’s fourth and final work and first published in its entirety in 1939. The respective translations are:
Dai Congrong’s 2012 simplified Chinese version (as contained in Finnegans Wake Vol. 1, and
Liang Sun-chieh’s 2017 traditional character rendering of the first two chapters of Book I, titled A Selected Translation of Finnegans Wake
The above-mentioned target-language texts are compared with regard to the extent to which they have remained true to the content, style, and spirit of the original text, their overall readability, their respective stylistic approaches to Wakean wordplay and humour, their domesticating and annotative efforts to ensure greater accessibility for Chinese readers and, finally, their creative endeavors to enhance the overall reading experience in translation.
Several overall findings are offered with which readers and scholars might draw conclusions as to the respective merits and shortcomings of each translation, and gauge the extent of each individual contribution to the Wakean macrotext. Apart from aiming to break new ground, this analysis, being the first and only of its kind (at the time of writing), seeks to introduce readers not only to the multi-associating genius of Joyce and his works, but also to how the fantastic riches of the Chinese language and its inimitable writing system(s) might be adapted and best utilized in order to do justice to this modernist masterpiece.
Finally, it’s hoped this dissertation might be of value and assistance w.r.t. translating the rest of Joyce’s cryptic masterpiece into Chinese, not only in order to contribute to the completion of this task, but also to ensure an effective, accurate, and vibrant rendering of Finnegans Wake into arguably its most unlikely target text.
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