研究生: |
高松景 |
論文名稱: |
「生活技能」為主的高中生性教育介入研究 The Effect of A Life Skills-Based Sexuality Education on |
指導教授: | 晏涵文 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 278 |
中文關鍵詞: | 生活技能 、行為改變理論 、「全人發展」的性教育理念 |
英文關鍵詞: | life skills, behavior change theory, sexuality education idea of holistic development |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:393 下載:165 |
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學生:高松景 指導教授:晏涵文
摘 要
The Effect of A Life Skills-Based Sexuality Education on
Senior High School Students
A Doctor Thesis
Son-ji Gau
This study aims at an intervention plan to explore senior high school students’ sexuality education. Based on developing “life skills”, exercising “the theory of behavior change”, adopting “the multi-strategy”, in accordance with “the holistic development”, and placing emphasis on developing “the correct sexual values”, this plan will be carried out with experiments, of which the effects will be evaluated in this study.
Currently health courses and teaching, with “life skills” being a prior consideration, form the basis of advancing health promoting schools. Besides, the teaching of “life skills” should be associated with the related “values” in order to serve as a source for decision-making ; therefore, this study, according to the ideal and belief of “holistic development”, also lays stress on developing students’ correct sex values.
This study adopts nonequivalent experiment control group design, First of all, the researcher chooses schools with the suitable conditions: one is experiment group, and the other is control group. The participants screened after three steps of tests :pre-test ,post-test and follow-up test, include 111 effective samples in the experiment group and 99 ones in the control group. Totally, there are 210 senior high school freshmen involving in this study.
This study contains sexuality education in the classroom teaching for consecutive seven weeks, two hours per week. In the teaching, “life skills” and “sex values” are emphasized, and “school-wide campaign” and “Parenting sexuality education newsletter” are implemented as after-school activities.
The school-wide campaign, “Sexuality and Human Rights” forum, is held by peer leadership; “parenting sexuality education newsletter” is implemented by giving students assignment, including two bulletins for the students’ parents to read, The content of the assignment is about what this study is exploring and how the parents communicate with students about the topics of “heterosexual relationship”. The control group doesn’t receive the same plan and just have regular classes and activities as usual.
One week before the experiment, the experiment group and the control
group are taking the pre-test, and one week after the experiment, these two groups are taking the post-test in order to know the immediate effects; and two months after the experiment, both groups are taking the follow-up test to know the procrastinating effects.
This study includes educational effective assessment and processing assessment. The former includes both qualitative inquiry and quantitative approach. The qualitative information is collected from such ways as portfolio assessment and student focus group; For example , sexuality、human nature、life values、love. The latter is obtained by constructive questionnaires. For example, sexual awareness、sexual knowledge、sexual attitude、sexual subjective norms、intention of delayed sexual behavior and condom use in intercourse、self-efficacy of negotiation about no sex、life skills about heterosexual relationship.
The chief findings of this study are that this educational intervention leads to remarkable effects, the experimental group students have more related “sexuality values” concepts, and their knowledge in this field is on the increase. Students involved in this study feel highly satisfied with the educational intervention and think this plan is worth promoting.
Keyword:life skills、behavior change theory、sexuality education idea of holistic development
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