研究生: |
羅瑜玲 Lo, Yu-Ling |
論文名稱: |
不同分組類型在實境遊戲學習之學習成效探討 Exploring the Effects of Heterogeneous and Homogenous Grouping on Context-Aware Game-Based Learning |
指導教授: |
Wang, Chien-Hwa |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 99 |
中文關鍵詞: | 實境遊戲學習 、分組類型 、學習成效 |
英文關鍵詞: | context-aware game-based learning, grouping method, learning efficiency |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:264 下載:0 |
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Context-aware learning is an innovative strategy that enables learners to interact with people in a real learning context and receive purposive learning materials that are embedded in the context. The schemes are usually game-based and are performed with group cooperations and competitions, because active interactions between group members are required throughout the game-based learning process. However, recent studies put very limited amount of efforts on the investigation of the grouping effects. Studies have proven that in traditional classrooms, learners with different prior content-specific abilities are in favor of different types of grouping methods (heterogeneous and homogeneous). This paper addresses the grouping effects on context-aware game-based learning. 58 subjects were assigned to one of the two groups, in which either a heterogeneous or a homogeneous method was employed. Parallel form of achievement tests were given as the pretest and posttest to evaluate learner’s achievement, and a group learning interest questionnaire was given to explore learner’s group-learning interest on different grouping methods. Interviews were performed to gather qualitative information. The results of the study show that the learners have great improvement after receiving context-aware game-based learning and there is no significance between learners with different prior abilities in different grouping method. The assumption is made that context-aware game-based learning increase the learning efficiency of all learners. The results also make suggestions to instructional designers for better grouping learners into a context-aware game-based learning scenario.
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